Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hitachi Corporation to set up a skills development academy on the Copperbelt


Japanese Ambassador to Zambia HIDENOBU SOBASHIMA with Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu at the Ministry of Finance headquarters in Lusaka
Japanese Ambassador to Zambia HIDENOBU SOBASHIMA with Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu at the Ministry of Finance headquarters in Lusaka

Hitachi Corporation, a Japanese company which also operates a heavy equipment assembly plant in the capital, Lusaka, plans to set up a skills development academy on the Copperbelt Province for Zambians involved in the mining sector.

Japan has also offered to help Zambia with technical assistance in fiscal and monetary policy matters. Japanese Ambassador to Zambia HIDENOBU SOBASHIMA disclosed this during a consultative dialogue with Finance Minister Bwalya Ng’andu at the Ministry of Finance headquarters in Lusaka, yesterday.

Dr. Ng’andu has welcomed the “gesture of good-will from Japan.” He said during the consultative dialogue that Zambia’s approach to policy implementation will determine the quality of results to be achieved from fiscal consolidation actions, from the Economic Stabilization and Growth Program, and from the Seventh National Development Plan.

The Minister took the opportunity to appeal to Japan and other development partners for committed support in areas such as education, health, capacity building and social welfare.


  1. Instead of getting quality Swiss companies you are allowing fake Chinese. Even their women have flat chests. Am glad I settled for my nice white Swiss woman

    • You silly coon what is Chinese about Hitachi? The problem is you want to post your coonery without thinking…this Japanese multinational conglomerate company has been operating in Africa payback.

    • Chinese Japanese do you think that makes any difference to Zambias plight. Whether it’s Japanese the fact is that you are.still being shafted from the back side. Meanwhile ine nili na quality Swiss woman. What about you jay? We never hear you talk about your partner. You spend all day here. It’s ok to be gay in UK. Come out you fag

  2. This is what you dont see with Chink companies as their objective is to milk you whilst corrupting your Lazy politicians

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