Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chitotela calls on the Church to continue praying and offering guidance to political leadership


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu cracking a joke with Deputy Minister of Sport Ronald Chitotela
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu cracking a joke with Ronald Chitotela

Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela has called on the Church to continue praying and offering guidance to political leadership.

Speaking when members of the Bishops Council of Zambia visited him at his office, Mr. Chitotela said there is need for the Church to remain resolute in praying for leaders including the Presidency.

The Pambashe lawmaker said he has always found strength in the counsel of the Church hence the need for the Bishops to continue their good work.

And Bishops Council of Zambia representative Fred Chongole said the Church is there to strengthen leadership.

Reverend Chongole said the priestly is there to work with the Government of the day.

He said the Bishops are not there to influence the political setups in anyway but to ensure God’s will is seen in the country.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News by Ministry of Tourism and Arts public relations officer Sakabilo Kalembwe.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has called on the Church to counsel to politicians so that they unite the people beyond partisan interests.

President Lungu says the church should not go astray from the guidelines of Christian values and lose their light due to politics.

Speaking at the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Chinsali main congregation today, the Head of State challenged the church to enshrine Christian values in politics.

He said this can be done through an increased number of Christians choosing to become politicians.

President Lungu said more Christians should join politics as this would help instill Godly values among politicians.

And President Lungu reaffirmed the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation and urged everyone to take part in the National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation on October 18.

He also assured the congregation that he will render support to the construction of a modern church building.

And speaking during the sermon, Muchinga UCZ presbytery Bishop Reverend Festus Chulu urged President LUNGU not to be distracted by those that want to tarnish his name.

Bishop Chulu also encouraged the head of state to remain focused to his God given mission which is to serve the people of Zambia diligently.


  1. When religious people are occupied “talking to themselves”, their ability to do any harm to our Earth or to humanity is greatly diminished. They should “pray” much more often.
    Encouraging religious creeps to get involved in politics will do great damage to society. Nobody is more immoral or amoral than those followers with imaginary friends.

    • This man has no shame.

      How many times do people have to pray so that our leaders stop stealing ? You are in the forefront of thieves and now you are asking the church to guide you ?

      Just keep quiet and confess your sins.

    • Well, they know this all church thing is the best way to f00l Zambian people. You mention God they freeze, stop thinking and start speaking in tongues.

  2. Utumilandu ati shani.
    This man must be relieved of his duties he is corrupt to the bone together with his boss who will be sent parking in 2021 beba bonse.
    A criminal heading a tourism ministry ?
    Ichalo echi

  3. Hypocritical Christians who do a lot of evil things behind closed doors. The same bishops touch little boys. The Roman Catholic church has lost many followers here in Europe because of paedophilia. I would rather support gay rights than paedophiles. At least gay sex is two consenting adults.

    • @Jay Jay All religion is hypocritical but ,above all else,it is superstitious, not just Christianity and Roman Catholicism in particular. It is the same with African spiritual beliefs and sorcery except the foreign religions have written testaments. But please understand that although religion is a massive deception, it is a huge world industry that cannot be disbanded as it might leave millions without livelihoods and even more millions without hope.Fear of death is exploited by all religions.

  4. God is real and all powerful, all who mock him do so at their own peril. He cannot be equated to $300,000 or any other amount of money.

  5. @Kenny Kasonde Kolala Christianity and the other death-cults are the corruption.
    @juniorJJ In nearly fifteen billion years, nothing of a supernatural nature has ever occurred, nothing. Is your god lazy? unimaginative? inert? or just imaginary?

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