Saturday, July 27, 2024

We Have To End By Elections, They Are A Drain To Resources – Mutati


Mutati Joins The MMD Livingstone Choir In A Song During The Monze Meeting
Mutati Joins The MMD Livingstone Choir In A Song During The Monze Meeting

MMD President Felix Mutati says bye elections should be stopped forthwith as they are a drain to national resources.

The MMD Leader notes that as his party ponders on making submissions towards the current Constitutional Amendments, they will submit that a mechanism be put in place to stop bye elections.

Mr. Mutati who said this in a directive to his National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda, says bye elections are a drain and worst of national resources and hence should be stopped forthwith.

He says the country needs money that goes to bye elections channeled to other spheres that would develop.

Speaking in Monze during a meeting with MMD party officials from Five Districts of Southern Province yesterday, Mr. Mutati also encouraged members to keep hope as the former governing party had chances of getting back to power.

He asked the members to help build the party from inside and stay focused on growing the membership for a possible comeback.

“We have made mistakes in the past but never should we fall again. This is our time to unite, stay focused and be truthful to ourselves as a party,” he said.

“Further, there is need to refresh ourselves by conducting elections from the very bottom level to Presidential. I will also be available to contest that election,” he notes.

He says as the “mother of democracy” in Zambian politics, anyone will be given an opportunity to contest any position at the 2020 Party convention to be held in Kabwe, without intimidation or being stopped.

“We are a democratic party that allows anyone to enjoy their democratic right and we don’t want to go to court again over an election, twapenga! ,” he notes.

Meanwhile, the MMD National Secretary Rapheal Nakacinda condemned the action of suspected UPND cadres that came to the lodge where they were having a meeting from with a view to disrupt it.

“So baya bantu mbatuma, to come and disrupt our meeting should be condemned in the strongest terms,” he says.

The suspected UPND cadres demanded that the MMD get permission from the UPND to hold a meeting in Monze.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Mutati and his National Secretary, Rapheal Nakacinda, attended Monze Diocese Bishop, His Lordship Moses Hamungole’s Silver Jubilee celebration of Priesthood and fundraising for a Cathedral construction on a five Hectares land offered to the Church by Government

Suspected UPND Cadre Being Sent Out By Police
Suspected UPND Cadre Being Sent Out By Police
Police Block Suspect UPND Cardes From Disrupting The MMD Meeting In Monze
Police Block Suspect UPND Cardes From Disrupting The MMD Meeting In Monze
Mutati With Bishop At Silver Jubilee Celebrations
Mutati With Bishop At Silver Jubilee Celebrations


  1. These UPND cadres and their leadership, shameful, look at their ugly faces, how do you win national elections with such evil faces? People naturally run away from such satanists. No vote from me to HH, ifi so awe mukwai.

  2. Soldier on Hon Mutati, you can return to power. You see even Hon Chiteme is pointing out the 7% GDP growth in 2011 under MMD, compared to his PF with 2% growth in 2019. Instead of the so called “massive infrastructure developments” leading to 15% growth in 2019, clearly the expenditure was not well targetted, not so well thought out or executed….and full of suspected proceeds of crime.
    They criticised RB left right and centre mostly with lies and fake news, but for them they dont like the same criticism and fake news forgetting that they introduced all these vices into Zambia in order for Sata and his group to take the power which they were and are still totally ill suited for. The only people who can be worse than PF in terms of poor leadership is UPND.

  3. End all elections next?
    We, the leading elite, with our religious backing, are far more able to govern than people electing representatives. Nobody will be able to interfere with our corruption.

  4. The only reason Felix Chipota Mutati is being allowed to mobilize is because he’s a surrogate of the PF, that’s why Kampyongo has allowed 2 Presidents in MMD. Anyone else who tries to mobilize his Party will be arrested at the instigation of Kampyongo. The PF and the UPND are the same when it comes to violence, both like seeing blood

  5. Bitter Hakiende h and his inherited under 5 party sent these his cronies to attack Zambians who prefer mmd or indeed to listen to a different message that spews no hate. This chap with his calculator and board room antics cannot phantom that he is not as popular as hé mascarades. Allow for democracy in 2021 you will mourn another loss as you go into political oblivion stop this your violence uncouth child

  6. Mutati , you should have proposed that to the Constitutional Making Committee..who did such a terrible job thing just typing. There is still hope though..propose to the Constitutional forum.. amendment What ever nalaba

  7. The best alternative to by elections is ‘optional preferential voting’.
    We can also give the power to MPs to choose from a list of candidates presented by participating political parties, or
    Give the power to councilors of a particular constituency then parliament approves.
    In the case of councilors, give the power to a political party that held the ward.

  8. Kikiki!!! Now that he is not in government thats when he has seen that what he was funding as a Minister of Finance was dead wrong. He is agreeing with us that he used rotten brains to run the Ministry and now he is using borrowed brains to see good from evil.

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