Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lands Minister Jean Kapata must be investigated for allocating herself land in Forest Reserve


Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Jean Kapata
Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Jean Kapata

GEARS Initiative Zambia has demanded that Chief Justice Irene Mambilima must appoint a tribunal to investigate whether or not Lands Minister Jean Kapata has breached the law by allocating herself a plot in the controversial Lusaka East Local Forest Reserve number 27.

GEARS Initiative Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi said the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct Act of the Laws of Zambia provides that any citizen can apply to the Chief Justice to appoint a tribunal to investigate if a Minister or Member of Parliament has used his or her position to gain pecuniary advantage in such matters as land allocation.

Mr. Chipenzi has also challenged Former Tourism Minister William Harrington to consider applying to the Chief Justice to appoint a tribunal since he has been on this matter and has relevant experience in land issues.

He said Mr. Harrington should take up the challenge in the public and national interest to seriously request the Chief Justice to immediately appoint a tribunal to investigate the matter of Forest Reserve Number 27 as he has vast experience in tribunals in particular the Dora Siliya and Sylvia Masebo tribunals.

Mr. Chipenzi said if indeed Mr Harrington has any evidence on this matter which he has consistently questioned that Jean Kapata and other senior government officials did allocate themselves agricultural and other plots in the forest reserve, then he has prima facia evidence to warrant appointment of a tribunal to investigate the Minister of Lands.”

He said the issue is of interest to GEARS Initiative as it borders on good governance, transparency and accountability in the management of public affairs by those entrusted to do so.

Mr. Chipenzi is hopeful that the Chief Justice will be magnanimous enough to receive, if Mr Harrington agrees to petition her, to set up the tribunal so that the truth is known to all Zambians on how Minister Jean Kapata allocated herself land in the controversial Forest Reserve as sitting minister of lands.


  1. Everyday I get to a Zambian news source, P.F daily scandals galore unfold in front of us.
    Don’t hear ka propaganda Monday Chanda or Religious & propaganda minister (God)fridah condemning this P.F daylight robbery.
    However strangely H.H’s name seems to drop off their tongues, despite the thieving being P.F induced.

  2. From seeing Mulenga Kampamba’s June Payslip that has an animal called ‘Political Allowance’ at K4,800 and non statutory allowance of K9,808 and vehicle replacement allowance of K32,000 and Motor vehicle allowance of K30,000 and Constituency allowance of I don’t know how much and other allowances on top of a basic pay of K18,000 bringing the total to about K111,000, now we also have to deal with a Minister allocating herself land in a national reserve. It is safe to say that PF and their supporters are massive a$$holes who care not one bit for the populace apart from wanting their votes and taxes. Mulif!puba.

  3. Dont even waste time appointing tribunals. Just ask Elias Chipimo and he will tell you this is prima facie illegal. This attitude of Ukulilapo makes for a corrupt country. You ministers especially cant you just work for your monthly salary instead of everytime looking for ways of getting gains from your job? Uubombela mwibala doctrine has made us a nation of thieves

  4. This isn’t the time to investigate any serving PF minister as nothing will come out of it. They have learned all MMD tricks. Once the probe is rigged it’ll be technically impossible to investigate her again based on the same facts. Just be patient, the right time will soon come, and if it’s the Freemason who will win in 2021 I can see Armageddon

  5. Mr Chipenzi is a UPND sympathiser and cadre… Most UPND MPs have including Garry Nkombo have plots in the same forest reserve but Chipenzi has conveniently not mentioned them…

  6. Chimpanzee is a coward, he says that the Ministerial code of conduct entitles any aggrieved citizen to petition the Chief Justice to investigate an erring minister. Isn’t Chimpanzee a Zambian citizen? So why involve Harrington tonight fake battles for him? Hon Harrington just ignore fyuuls like Chimpanzee, you are a respected man of integrity, dont waste time on desperate UPND cadres and “leaders”.

  7. In other works Chimpanzee has no case, just the usual UP.ND fake news. I feel pity for H’Sqd and his cadres like Chimpanzee, no one seems to take them seriously even on serious issues because of their record of fake news and desperation for power. Leave our hardworking Hon Jean Kapata you foolish Chimpanzee.

  8. In other works Chimpanzee has no case, just the usual UP.ND fake news. I feel pity for H’Sqd and his cadres like Chimpanzee, no one seems to take them seriously even on serious issues because of their record of fake news and desperation for power. Leave our hardworking Hon Jean Kapata you fuuulish Chimpanzee.

  9. Everyone in PF is a thief. Period! And Zambians are bewitched because they just let go of these thieves without punishing these thieves.

    • Everyone in upnd is a total twit because they are the only ones who see this corruption. Gary Nkombo presenting a forged document to national Legislature is OK with you?? Shows how low you have sunk and why majority Zambians prefer the same PF…

    • That’s why I don’t trust these politicians anymore. I even stopped voting. I’m like a Jehovah’s witness now.

  10. Tribunal?? Chief Justice?? I thought there’s a Public Protector to handle these issues?? Or is Chimpanzee trying to attract unnecessary social media buzz and impressing his donors??

  11. @Dudelove
    This makes sad reading. This is the reason why this new finance Minister will not succeed. I hope he could cut these fraudulent allowances and stop this day robbery.

    • In the US, park land as they call it is literally sacred land. Never transfers to individual or commercial use. It’s near impossible to build a highway in park land

  12. The law in Zambia is fleeting target.
    So easy for the powers at be to adjust the law to suit them.
    If we want the law to be respected, we should fight to separate the justice system from the circus.
    As long as the president holds the power to fire the chief justice the president is the ultimate law.

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