Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government appoints new RTSA board


Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya
Lunte Member of Parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya

Government has appointed and inaugurated a new Board of Directors for the Road Transport and Safety Agency.

Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya presided over the inauguration ceremony in Lusaka today.

The Thirteen-member Board, chaired by Dr. Cornelius Chipoma, has Mr. Patrick Malindi, Dr. Henry Nkhoma, Mr. Martin Libinga, Ms. Womba Kasambu, Ms. Mumeka Walumweya, Mr. Daniel Kampilimba, Mr. Mwenya Bwalya, Ms. Lombe Kamukoshi Engineers Misheck Lungu, Engineer Wallace Mumba, Engineer Elias Mwape and Director of the RTSA as members.

Mr. Kafwaya in his remarks said the Agency is one of the key government’s strategic institution whose services are critical to the public and gas since directed the RTSA Board to quickly find solutions to enhancing service delivers.

The Minister encouraged the members to be vigilant, work hard and serve the public in an efficient and effective manner, and urged the Board and management to uphold the highest integrity and execute their roles well, adding that “country must come first”.

Mr. Kafwaya hailed RTSA for doing a great job, highlighting how the Agency is implementing Government policies on road transport, road safety and traffic management.

The minister encouraged RTSA to harness the implementation of the Transport Policy and the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) in order provide a sustainable road transport system and reduce road traffic accidents in the country.

And the RTSA Board Chairperson Dr. Chipoma appreciated the Minister for putting trust in them, promising to do the very best in order to boost the operation of RTSA and contribute to the social and economic development of the country.


  1. Engineer Misheke lungu hehehe.

    These are just liabilities draining the treasury.

    Work with Americans. They just call him Misheke.

    Engineers solve technical problems. They come with solutions not just on paper.

    Design, produce and lable it Made in Zambia

    • Rubbish, just close the RTSA thing.
      Zambians need a new CEO, not that Zindaba something who behaves like Kaizer.

    • Have I got it right? 13-member board? That’s sn overkill. It’s expensive for RTSA (strictly-speaking motorists) to hv so large a board. But this is Zambia. Who cares about minimising costs?

  2. Government should be detached in appointment of institutional boards. It is in conflict with Corporate Governance. We need to formulate an independent board that will be responsible for appointing board of directors in companies. This system of appointing board of directors by government results in patronage as well as creation of conflict of interest. The members to the board will be pleasing and appeasing the hand that appointed them. No wonder, we have boards that are not professional in their execution of duties. There is too much mediocrity owing to the fact that the members do not perform according to the skills they are supposed to espouse. Politicians control and manipulate all the decisions these boards formulate. It is high time we dispense with the hand of politicians in these…

  3. You can say that again.
    And we never learn, or rather we do not want to learn because if we do, what will be in it for me?

  4. Even Daniel Kampilimba is an Engineer and a Roan Antelope Secondary School Product. He was an intelligent guy especially pure science and Math. Awe Pali ulupoka umuguys. 91product

  5. An affective Board of Directors should be five to six members at the most. What will those thirteen members be discussing? Trim the Board and have Board Committees which will do the work and report to the Board of Directors. This will be a huge drain on the Treasury again considering how government Boards are remunerated with too many allowances. An independent Board would be more effective than one appointed by government. Congrats to the new Board. Go there and discuss issues not to just go and drink tea, coffee, Fanta and get huge fat allowances…tax payers money.

  6. We have a serious Governance problem, Minister this country has qualified experienced and exposed citizens surprisingly even more relevant than this Board you have appointed, In economics its called Choices we make. You had a clear opportunity to advertise these positions and calling upon all those with relevant experience and exposure abroad in the transport sector with specifics in RATSA operations. I can assure you Minister, you would have arrived at an excellent Board and avoided this finger pointing on PF cadres and transparency etc. The Board is bloated 7 members would suffice and then have two working committees of the board the first looking at technical matters 5 members and the other looking at Finance Audits and HR issues 5 members

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