Saturday, July 27, 2024

Water tariffs may go up – Lusaka water and Sewerage company


Water Kiosk
Water Kiosk

The Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company says it will consider revising water tariffs if the adjustment in electricity tariffs will impact on its production.

Company Managing Director Jonathan Kampata says the company uses a lot of electricity to run most of its equipment and might be affected by the intended increase in electricity tariffs by Zesco.

He said should that be the case, the water utility firm will apply to the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council for possible adjustment in water tariffs.

Mr. Kampata said this will be done to enable the company meet the increased cost of production.

Zesco Limited has however postponed the plan to start importing power from South Africa.

Acting Company Managing Director Webster Musonda said some proposals that have been made to the Energy Regulation Board have not yet been finalised for them to commence imports.

Speaking when the Parliamentary committee on Energy, Water Development and Tourism toured the Kariba North Bank Power Station, Mr Musonda said the nation will be informed when the imports will commence.


  1. So ZESCO says there is loadshedding because there is no water. Lusaka Water and Sewerage say there is no water because of loadshedding. Who is telling the truth here?

  2. there’s just so much you can take from those who have very little.
    increasing prices for various goods and services isn’t a solution, it’s simply inflaming people’s emotions
    there’s nothing more dangerous than a pissed off people with little or nothing to lose

  3. That’s all most of these utility firms can think of, increasing and never decreasing by trying to be even just a bit creative with cheaper, alternative sources of energy. With all the water at its disposal lusaka water can surely come up with an own mini hydro generating system to power their pumps

  4. Stuipppppid comnpany you fail to supply water in’re just making PF very unpopular.If i were the president i would have fired the management and the board of Lusaka water. Everywhere there is no water.Areas like Matero,Lilanda estate,chawama,chunga there is nothing.Pipo are suffering.Matero MP and councilors are so dull that they can’t even help their own people.The president can collapse with such leaders surrounding him.He can’t be everywhere.

  5. Stuipppppid comnpany you fail to supply water in’re just making PF very unpopular.If i were the president i would have fired the management and the board of Lusaka water. Everywhere there is no water.Areas like Matero,Lilanda estate,chawama,chunga there is nothing.Pipo are suffering.Matero MP and councilors are so dull that they can’t even help their own people.The president can collapse with such leaders surrounding him.He can’t be everywhere.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  6. For a country with the most water bodies in our region , this is indeed a sad story.

    Solar power does and can be used to pump water………..

    Too many dull ministers who are just out to steal in lungus GRZ.

  7. Of course why not! Everything just has to go up thanks to the power upward adjustments. But why are we suffering so much. What went wrong and who is to blame. Those we voted for or those who voted?
    Poor performance and poor thinking all over the country.

  8. The ministers will point the accusing finger at climate change……
    The caders will cry ” its climate change ”

    The people who know can see that it is poor leadership…..

    A poor leader surrounds himself with useless characters , then when things need to get done, nothing gets done , then that leader looks over whelmed directing useless ultimatums every where …..

    This is the case with lungu……a poor leader, surrounding himself with hopless characters.

    Accsess to clean drinking water is a human right Mr lungu …….

  9. Zambia is in the great lakes and great rivers region of Africa so why would it lack clean water if not for bad leadership?

  10. In the abundance of water a pf00l is thirsty! It’s such a disgrace to see subhumans in such pitiful sorry state! What a rat race!

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