Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Government will not interfere with the KCM court process-Inonge Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina
Vice President Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina says government will not interfere with the court process involving Konkola Copper Mine in which vendetta has been taken to court.

Mrs Wina says government will abide by the laws and will allow the court process to take its course.

Mrs Wina was responding to a question asked by Nchanga Member of Parliament Chilombo Chali who wanted to find out whether government and Vendetta are negotiating to bring back the investor under a new name.

Mrs Wina said once the court process is completed, the new investor will take over operations at KCM.

And Mrs Wina said investigations into the 48 houses is still ongoing and a report is been compiled on the same matter.

She however said the Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo will give a comprehensive report once the investigations are completed.

The Vice president was responding to a question asked by the Kabompo Member of Parliament Ambrose Lufuma who wanted to find out what government is doing to ensure that justice prevails over the 48 houses.

Mrs Wina further stated that there is a financial management Act in place which is an indication of government’s determination to fight corruption for financial resources.

She said the notion that politicians are involved corruption is not true.

And Mrs. Wina said most projects undertaken by the World Bank and other cooperating partners follow through a process to enable its implementation leading to the loss of time.

She however said some projects have delayed while other projects are on course.

The Vice President was responding to a question asked by the Moomba Member of Parliament Fred Chaatila who wanted to find out about some projects that were about to be recalled because of delay in the implementation.

Responding to the question, Mrs Wina explained that countries did not abandon the meeting when African Presidents addressed the meeting but were attending to other side meeting.


  1. ECLtold the nation a new investor would be in place by 31July 2019 at Maputo airport (where else?) We would be lucky to get one by 31 July 2020.

    • Look at this old hen magogo….cant she just resign and retire…greedy Politicians….please give chance to the young generation….Inonge looks finished but she still want to munch on tax payers money

    • To me Inonge Wina’s age and how she looks aren’t issues. Society , thst is a normal society, has both young and old. The right to vote normally goes with the right to be voted for. I’m too busy thinking and reflecting on wht Inonge Wina has said to care about sht she looks like.

  2. They are all being lined up to go to india and get bribed by vendetta……

    Lungu was first, then agogo, expect a cabinet grouping to also go to india….

  3. The miners and Zambian people at large need to know the outcome of the appeal case,at least with judge BOBO everything was in public domain until we had that appeal.We the miners are greatly affected by this delay and so much uncertainty.WE WANT OUR MONEY

  4. Just from the calibre of questions, you can tell they are all fuelled by social media fake news. What a nation of 1d!ots.

  5. So the living fossil has returned from India and likely bribed my Anil Aggarwal. ECL bribed and soon PF Bribed also, and we, the zambians suffer more.

  6. I keep getting this feeling Sunday Chanda is the speech writer for both the President and his Vice. The things they say do not align with reality. That said, ba LT It is Vedanta, not Vendetta, unless you are steeped in sarcasm on this one. I remember living in a country where my name was misspelt every single time it appeared; it shows a grand carelessness and incompetence. Ask Maureen Nkandu for the meaning of due diligence. That is one professional who makes sure everything she writes, and presents is right, pronunciation and all.

  7. Read comments from Akainde’s minions, unproductive and completely useless. The Judiciary should take this case very serious and treat it as such. This is a matter of national interest and adjourning for more than two months after every sitting is not right. Posterity will judge you harshly for delaying justice to the economy and the masses.

  8. In the last two months alone, people at KCM have resigned massively due to poor conditions of service and a non supporting government in this issue. Come December, only a few kcm1 to 4 will remain in this currently government ran company. Its a company that only benefits a few workers that get in dollars. What a joke of a company, people didn’t want Vedanta because of this same issues and you take over without changing anything and call yourselves a government of the people? I can assure you, my vote has been deducted from PF.

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