Thursday, February 13, 2025

PF have turned Government into a crime syndicate


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

The Auditor General’s Report for the period ended December 2018 reported that Undelivered Materials had spiked from K1.5 million in 2017, to K9.3 million in 2018.

The Stardy saga explains only a small part of this rot because it is a widespread, carefully designed and executed scheme with the PF party institution very much at the heart of it.

State House is aware of this because they know who is getting paid what for doing nothing, and the PRESIDENT continues to promote and protect these individuals.

Stardy Mwale receives full K1.6 million payment to construct a Maternity Annex in my home Constituency of Kabushi at Kabushi clinic. Except, he has not delivered on his contractual obligations for several years now.

Defense Permanent Secretary Stard Mwale
Defense Permanent Secretary Stardy Mwale

At the time this contract was awarded to him, he was some high ranking PF party officials on the Copperbelt, and despite his criminal conduct bordering on obtaining money by false pretenses, the PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu, proceeded to rewarding him with an even more sensitive position of Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defense.

I would not be surprised that Stardy Mwale is now involved in companies that have now captured military procurement contracts for their own personal gain.

But Stardy Mwale is an example of how the PF have continued to steal public money using fake companies that have zero ability to deliver on public works but proceed to receiving full contract payment amounts even before these criminals have moved an inch of sand on-site.

We have always said how the PF have, between 2011 and 2018, have siphoned over $10bn out of this country using fraudulent procurement schemes, corruption, theft and just pure fraud.

There are a lot of companies owned by PF officials, CADRES and sympathizers who, like Stardy, have created companies that deliver zero contracts but continue to receive payments on these contracts.

The company that bought Fire Tenders for $42 million is a company owned by friends of the PF and enjoyed the fullest protection of state machinery. We know how Stephen Kampyongo benefitted from this theft of public resources because information is official and in the public domain.

The companies that are at the heart and soul of stealing from the Zambian public through the fraudulent procurement, supply and distribution of fuel are owned by proxies of high ranking PF party officials.

This is why the PF could afford to use public money to buy cheaper oil from Saudi Arabia in a government to government deal, but still proceeded to reselling this resulting fuel at a premium to Zambian consumers, with profits going directly into their pockets.

While this is happening, we have no medicines or equipment in our clinics and hospitals, council workers are not being paid, local contractors who have genuinely delivered on their contracts have not been paid for years!

This is why, in part, Zambians must never make the mistake of electing the PF to power – ever again. The carnage they will leave after ejection from power will take several years to rectify.

We can never deliver sensible, sustainable, inclusive national and community development with criminals at the helm of state power.

In the meantime, Stardy Mwale must either resign or get fired, and be indicted for theft of public money.


    • HaAthony HaBwalya and the pathetic low esteem members of a TRIBAL UNION. Many Africans do not know that by painting their countries as “Corrupt” they feed the animo in them that makes themselves to think they are inferior and “nothing good can come out of their race!” This is what the majority of UPND and their leader do daily! NEVER entrust a person with power who thinks that their race is a “Tragedy!” No wonder your BOY is not presidential material and is a TRAGEDY!

    • It’s big lesson to Zambian voters, it’s not about, who can smile, who can fold they hands humbly and kneel before voters,it’s not about who has the biggest busitele band of musicians or who can dance on the podium and crack a lot of jokes during campaigns. ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT DECIPHING WHO WILL MANAGE YOUR ECONOMY EFFICIENTLY AND EFFECTIVELY,consider election time as you conducting a job interview for someone to manage your enterprise.

  1. Thanks Comrade Anthony for yet another sobering reminder of what is going on behind the PF veil of mass plunder, unprecedented in the history of this country! Unfortunately, most Zambians are yet to wake up. Sadly all this stealing is being done while holding the sacred book. Are we surprised why things are not going right in this nation? Even the rains have been hesitant in blessing our once great capital city! Nevertheless, there is nothing hidden under the sun that will not be revealed! Corruption thrives with impunity when the risk of punishment is slim!

  2. The PF resident rats on LT kudos , citizen, fwanya , ndanji and the UTH toilet cleaner Sharon will tell us this is fake news and lungu will say bring evidence …..yet evidence is there for all to see and feel

  3. PFoools, bakabolala, ba chakolwa, Na ba dander head, to much Bu useless mu PFoools, with a ka useless worst president on earth, the useless chap has really destroyed the country

  4. How painful this must be for the contractors that have delivered on thier contractual obligations but are still fighting to get paid by this heartless government. Who in the right mind pays the full contract price before works are fully and satisfactorily completed?

  5. How painful it must be for those contractor who have delivered in their contractual obligations but still fighting to get paid by the government. Who in their right minds can pay full contract price without works being fully and satisfactorily complete?

  6. When you put a discredited thief -aka Lawyer, & shameless drunken Alcoholic in Plot #1, what do you expect Zambians??
    If you sow Wheat, NEVER expect to harvest Carrots, IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!

  7. Bwalya you are trying your best to remain relevant.We have politics of the belly. You are hoping UPND will form the next government so that you will feed your family.UPND have had members who have been loyal since the formation.Remember this

  8. Knowledge is power, it is important that we accept the fact that as a country we need to understand through research on the root cause to the power shortages and load-shedding. Zambia has been expriencing low rainfall due to climate change which has been a topic of the day, as we are all aware that water is life and fuel to our day to day life, it has really affected the most needed developmental projects, agriculture etc, and let to the increase on electricity tariffs due to the low water levels. Country Men and Women we should put this in our mind that Zambia is a landlocked, meaning that our country is surrounded by other countries and that in an event that we are in need of water we might admire other countries which are near by the oceans for the example Mozambique etc. However…

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