Saturday, July 27, 2024

Local Government Minister differs with Lusaka Province Minister over the demolition of illegal structures


Tourism and Arts Minister, Charles Banda
Local Government and Housing Minister Charles Banda

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says the properties built on Munali school land should not be demolished.

This directive comes barely a week after Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo directed Council Officials to demolish the structures failure to which they will be being transferred.

But Mr Banda has directed Lusaka Town Clerk Alex Mwansa to provide information on how the developers acquired the land for residential purposes.

Mr Banda said all those constructing at the land in question should stop as he is acquiring information on how they acquired the land and who gave it to them and for what purposes.

He said the idea was to re-plan the land so that it is shared among the four schools and not for plot allocation.

Mr Banda said it is important to understand where the problem is coming from.

Mr Lusambo said Government will reverse the offer letters given to developers who have encroached on land belonging to Munali High school in Lusaka.

He said his ministry has also recommended that all properties that have been developed should be given to the school saying he will not allow encroachment on land belonging to government institutions.

He reiterated that all those that were involved in the illegality will be brought to book.


  1. A reflection of the indecisiveness and uncertainty that has characterised the reign of pf. Zambians my whlte wlfe says do the right thing for once and vote upnd

    • Lusambo is right.
      So an illegal structure is illegal no matter how big, nice or who owns it. I wonder what is going on in Banda’s mind in this case. Let’s not support an illegality.
      First off, whose land is it?
      Secondly, does it matter whether procedure was followed or not? If it is illegal, it is illegal.
      You banda thing and your friends, usually, do not have second thoughts when you’re demolishing poor people’s structures on other people’s land.
      Kindly provide us with the list of names of encroachers.

    • @Thorn in the Flesh
      The issue here is following proceedures in the law, and not playing to the galary. While we appreciate that the proceedures were not followed and some structures are illigal, the Government should ensure that it follows proceedures as enshrined in The Urban and Regional Planning act, Section 50, which empowers the Minister responsible for Local Government to call in applications. Proceeduers have to be followed. Otherwise, if we contnue to behave as ” men of action”, we will end up with a situation like the ZAMTEL case.

    • Lusambo doesn’t know that those properties belong to Edgar Lungu and his PF bandit friends….this story will die a natural death…Easteners are on a rampage in Lungu’s cabinet….almost all ministries in Lungu’s Govt are headed by an easterner and we complain about tribalism


  2. That MMD thug is a broad day bandit… Lusambo is the most confused minister, who doesn’t know what his job description is. He is into anybody’s bedroom r@apping everyone duties.
    – Kabushi Clinic: He directed that Stardy Mwale be arrested.
    – Lower Zambezi: Directed airline and other services not to charge in dollars to tourists.
    – Court Surmon: Lusambo has refused to go to court, despite judge summoning him over Munali barbaric demolitions.
    list go on and on…

  3. Thorn in the flesh where is your supreme leader. Zambians are ruling themselves and basically doing whatever they want just like your right leaders like Lusambo. You have no housing, education, land, or economic policy which makes the likes of bowman shine, issuing orders and threats like people don’t have rights in their own land. This all points to visionless lungu, if your people are contradicting themselves know you have a confused government and leader because lungu should be directing these people on what to do instead of them being in conflict with each other.

    • Just listen to you. Do you actually know what you talking about? Do you know what a policy is?
      I will spare you on account of your lack of knowledge of Governance.
      When you say no policy, you lie.
      If you said no firm implementation of policy I would have given you an ear.
      Now read my earlier comment. It meant to be as fair as possible.
      Don’t draw me into petty politics mwaice.
      I mean well for Zambia not for ECL or h² or what have you. These goons awe mwe.

  4. Under the PF you need to be well-connected for you to get anything. So the people who have put up those structures must be very close to the corridors of power. If Bowman Lusambo isn’t careful he will land himself into serious problems. Let’s know who owns those properties. Some things we hear about Lusambo and how he boasts where he’s building around Mutumbi area are very embarrassing. I wish to end there

    • Lets demolish them and see who reacts! If we keep on talking, these things will die a natural death. Lets demolish them. The owner will then react.

    • @Bauze.

      That is a good point, and we can all see that Charles Banda has reacted, meaning he knows that some corrupt elements in government “own” some of this land.

      Just demolish them, but do not stop there. These PF thieves have built illegal structures in so many places, let us find them, and demolish them.

      If Lusambo keeps quiet on this matter, we will know that he has been instructed to keep in his lane.

  5. The thieves biting each other’s tails in a free for all Zambia where anything goes while lungu is there daydreaming that he is a democrat while drunk…….

    We have said ……

    If lungu could legalise corruption, he would in a blink of an eye, he has corrupted every system of governance in Zambia

  6. Yes I agree with ayatollah@ 4 we urgently need to know who owns those properties and how they acquired the land. Hahahaha… will be another 48 houses saga

  7. The problem is big in this country.Poor people properties are destroyed the same day.Anyway,this banda is not supposed to be even a minister.He sold animals in parks and lacks vision of this country.I can’t understand why should we have such a minister.Munali teachers buildings were demolished what about these people

  8. If at all there is illegality as alleged, let the properties in question be forfeited to the state. Demolition and then what?

  9. Once upon a time the bylaws of a municipality used to reign supreme. Now Provincial Ministers behave like Mayors and designated functional line ministers behave like Operational Directors of Departments. Iyi yeve ndiye cipante-pante ya zoona!

  10. When PF goes, whole systems of governance in Zambia will have to be retrained in ethics and following procedure….

    Under PF Zambia will be like DRC where money , thuggery and corruption is boss

  11. I think Lusambo was trying to impress the media. you cannot reach on the ground find a filling station and say demolish. How did ZEMA approval, what documentation did the use .. etc… power without responsibility or mercy…

  12. I am surprised some usual bloggers are even supporting this mediocrity, that big lump of cow-dung Bowman did not categorically state that demolish because its illegal he did say there was room for renegotiation something that is illegal. He then threatened a poor civil servant with transfer, this is the same tactic the same corrupt PF ministers use on Ministry of Lands government officials to give them land; refuse and I the minister will transfer you to Kalabo or Mansa its your choice. This is PF mess started by them and you are applauding them every piece of land is being sold by them the top officals.

  13. PF just legalize it (corruption) you are used day in day out what we hear is just how you guys are stealing you steal animals you steal trees( mukula) you steal even money for charity (social warfare) now you want to pollute the Zambezi river shame on you guys.

  14. Anonymousy? Stop dividing the country!.. it is bad to mention who comes from which province or tribe among others, your comments are un Zambian and very wrong, as Alangizi Ba Chitukuko we can not support your thoughts and you should reverse your bad thought on this one.

  15. So who is higher between the two since now even provincial ministers are in the same pay grade as their cabinet colleagues.

  16. Lusambo said that being Lusaka provincial minister is like being President of Lusaka province. I dont know if that includes the residents of State House, but certainly this loose cannon does not have a job description. Surprisingly other provincial ministers are working well without conflict.

  17. Comment:bowman alisamwafye…his becoming pompous. is to ask the people to hold on with the construction and find out who permitted them….with this pf climate economy destroying people’s things ..mxm

  18. I think Lusambo was targeting the wrong people her . The people that gave these people plot should have done some good home work and allocated the right plot which is not on school land .These people did not build on this land out of their own accord . The title of ownership must been issued by some money grabbing PF government worker who should be singled out by Lusambo , humiliated in public or even sacked .Lusambo’s is acting like the I know everything Amos The toad Chanda .He needs to know which side of the lane he should be and not become the lawyer or Judge over matters he has no authority over . Very soon it will be his housing stock which will a subject of court.

  19. I think Lusambo was targeting the wrong people here . The people that gave these people plot should have done some good home work and allocated the right plot which is not on school land .These people did not build on this land out of their own accord . The title of ownership must been issued by some money grabbing PF government worker who should be singled out by Lusambo , humiliated in public or even sacked .Lusambo’s is acting like the I know everything Amos The toad Chanda .He needs to know which side of the lane he should be and not become the lawyer or Judge over matters he has no authority over . Very soon it will be his housing stock which will a subject of court. Zambia has gone to the dogs .

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