Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kabwe mobile police camp renamed after Edgar Chagwa Lungu


HOME Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
HOME Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo


The government has handed over 138 new houses to the Zambia Police Service at Kabwe Mobile Police Camp.

The housing units were constructed by AVIC International.

And ZANIS reports that Kabwe Mobile Police Camp has been renamed Edgar Chagwa Lungu Police Camp.

Speaking during the commissioning and handover of the 138 housing units, Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo, said the government will endeavour to do everything possible to ensure men and women in uniform live decent lives.

Mr. Kampyongo said the commissioning and handing over of the houses was also meant to put on record the steadfast commitment and support by President Edgar Lungu to reform the Zambia Police Service and improve the welfare of its staff officers and general staff.

The Home Affairs Minister said the provision of decent housing to men and women in uniform was one way of improving the welfare of officers and other staff in the police service.

He recalled that President Lungu coined the idea of constructing houses for police officers when he was Minister of Home Affairs in the Michael Sata regime and continued with the programme after assuming the presidency, much to the pleasure of the ministry.

Mr. Kampyongo revealed that more houses were being constructed in other parts of the country, some of which have since been commissioned in Chibombo, Chingola and Lusaka among others.

He further explained that so far 65 per cent of housing units under Phase one of the housing project for police officers have been commissioned and handed over with the rest expected to be completed and commissioned in 2020.

Mr. Kampyongo expressed optimism that there shall be second and third phases of the housing project for service men and women in his ministry which will see all employees live in decent houses.

He has since assured that the government shall leave no stone unturned in its efforts to solve the housing deficit faced by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

And Minister of Home Affairs, Stephen Kampyongo, has renamed the Mobile Police Camp in Kabwe as Edgar Chagwa Lungu Police Camp.

Mr. Kampyongo said the renaming of the Mobile Police Camp follows a suggestion by Inspector General of Police, Kakoma Kanganja, to do so in appreciation of what the President has done to transform the Zambia Police Service.

“In this regard, I am pleased to announce that His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, has graciously accepted your suggestion or renaming this new camp here in Kabwe after him,” Mr. Kampyongo said.

Speaking at the same function, AVIC International representative, Lei Yingqi, assured Mr. Kampyongo that his firm will continue constructing quality housing units and pledged to complete the remaining houses in other districts by February next year.

Mr. Yingqi said since AVIC International was engaged in the housing project for the Ministry of Home Affairs, the construction company has empowered over 95,000 young men and women with jobs and skills.


  1. It is things like this that annoy me. Name it after our freedom fighters. I know even president Lungu did not ask for, or want this.

    • Only Kaunda and Lungu hv named things after themselves while still in office. That may say something about hw they see themselves.

    • “Let another praise you, not your own mouth, a stranger, not your lips”
      So said the wise man Solomon. And as great as he was he never named anything after himself. This is true of all humble, morally upright giants who have accomplished great feats, because their works and charactor speak for them. But moral failures and midgets who have done nothing but harm try to portray themselves as giants to make a name for themselves. But we see through them, and posterity will judge them harshly. How many things did Mubutu and Idi Amini name after themselves? Where are they now?

    • Agony is naming a Police Camp after your great leader yet ba Kopala continue to refer to it as Sunda Station Police Camp

    • @ Spiderly Existence, how old are you?

      – Kenneth Kaunda printing foundation
      – David Kaunda School opposite Arakan Barracks

      Let the other elders add to the list. Ine nakota….

    • Dont politicize the Police.
      Can Police be free from PF control when they are falling over themselves to bootlick the President? Police Camps should be named after policemen not after politicians. There are so many police officers who have died heroically fighting crime. We need to commemorate them. Not Lungu

  2. We have had great police officers that have been honored for exceptional traits and it would only be proper to name such facilities.
    The problem is this short man and his boss think they are creating a legacy by contracting these filithy Chinese loans.

    • Jona Meno Meno police camp, AKA Lawyer wanna be Police camp, AKA thieving lawyer wanna be police camp, AKA Scatter Teeth police camp, AKA corruption Police camp, AKA chakolwa Police Camp, AKA worst president on earth police camp

  3. The sleeping legislative wing has failed to put in place legislation on how naming of iconic places and institutions of national interest and importance is to be effected. In place is a system that useful *****’s will behave as if the country is led by a monarchy whom the rest have to pander to! This sickening behavior gained momentum from the FJT Institute of Democratic Studies to Mwanawasa through Sata now Lungu on naming of infrastructure! No wonder Zambia lacks a relatable history for lacking recognition of how the nation came into being through names of notable pre independence activists! I had kept wondering who Mushindo was to be honored by naming a university after him but appreciated it when an article on who the person was appeared in print media! Zambia is beyond communist…

    • Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Banda never named anything after themselves. Chiluba Institute was intended to be a private initiative and not govt one. Comment on issues from an informed position.

  4. cont…. mentality of worshiping Lungu or any latter post Independence politicians like they are the ones that have given Zambia a soul that they have to be honored for on taxpayers projects! Doesn’t the police service have names of past officer’s who left a mark on the force? For example who was the first indegenous police officer to have a rank under colonialist or even the first to rise to officer-charge of the police station in Kabwe! Should everything be stupid politicking and groveling?

  5. Has Edgar Chagwa Lungu ever served as a police officer? It would have made sense to honor outstanding Police Officers in Kabwe to encourage exemplary execution of police duties in the camp! Anyway, KK the dictator also wanted to shamelessly name everything after himself! People who feel inadequate always act like that. It’s called inferiority complex! Very selfish and outdated way of doing things! And this is how small dictators are made through such hero worshipping! Us we’ll call it by the local name we are used to because there is nothing exemplary to remember ba somebody except for a dead economy, corruption, arrogance, tribalism and homophobia! What a legacy!

  6. This Police camp was built with our hard earned tax money, why should it be named after one person. And what has that person done or achieved? no jobs, more taxes, reckless borrowing, high debt, inflation back to double digit, mealie meal prices still rising, health facilities struggling, crime rate very high, reserves depleted, exchange rate hopeless. In coming government, please come and reverse this thing very fast, please

  7. This should have been named after kaizer zulu. After all he is the one in charge and controlling scatter teeth ape lungu

  8. Its like King Lewanika, he founded the ANC of South Africa in 1912 to liberate all black people and schools there are named after him, Mandela named his own son after him, but KK erased him from history books so that all liberation accolades accrue to the damn stinking “Malawan”.

  9. Again i say, these are traits of a dictator… wake up people. I f I were such a humble man i would refuse all these things being named after me. Just saying

  10. This is like rewarding failure. How does anything in Zambia surely deserve to be named after this man. And I am a neutral person, non partisan and non malicious.

  11. “In this regard, I am pleased to announce that His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, has graciously accepted your suggestion or renaming this new camp here in Kabwe after him,” Mr. Kampyongo said.
    He did??!!? The humble one you mean has accepted that???!? You mean “humble” has a different meaning from the english dictionary perhaps?

  12. The people who were stoning opposition helicopters in Shiwangandu in subsequent elections. What has happened to them? Still scot free? any way time will come

  13. Don’t worry guys. Anything called Chagwa now will be erased immediately he is out! Local communities will come up with more appropriate names for everything selfishly named!

  14. In countries where economies are doing well, civil liberties are respected, democracy is flourishing, you don’t get this unstructured way of naming things. The thinking for our politicians is that if we give it Edgar names people will vote in 2021,it does not work like that. The lawlessness where any jim and jack can wake up and start naming things as they please is shocking. Don’t we have naming convention laws in this country?

  15. When things like infrastructure, places and the like are named after someone, it means that his/her hard work has been noticed and appreciated. His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu has done so much for our country and His recognition is only right and it is only right that we support our Government under His Leadership if we are to develop as a nation.

  16. If there other infrastructures that other Presidents have left and been named after them,Why cant our President do the same?

  17. He should maybe have the toilets at the Lusaka Bus Terminus named after him, that will be a well deserved honor on him, what a stinker.

  18. In this case Kabwe town should be renamed Edgar Chagwa Lungu District. This is pathetic. To make matters worse the Dictator himself is silent about the issue. Anyway it should be those that voted this donkey into office that is paying the price.
    1. Rename all rivers, Lakes, Streams, Waterfalls, Dams in Zambia after the guy
    2. Rename all Provinces, Cities, Towns, Districts, and Villages after the guy
    3. Rename all Hospitals, Rural Health Centers, Schools, Roads, Public Toilets, Ministries after him
    4. Rename the expensive Private Jet from Zambia Air Force to Edgar Chagwa Lungu
    5. Rename all Graveyards in Zambia after Edgar Chagwa Lungu
    6. Rename all diseases in Zambia after Edgar Chagwa Lungu
    And finally rename Zambia as a country from Zambia to The Dictatorship Republic…

  19. Cont…..
    And finally rename Zambia as a country from Zambia to The Dictatorship Republic of Edgar Chagwa Lungu

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