Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Newly Built Chinsali General Hospital in Pictures


The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
The Newly Constructed Chinsali General Hospital due to open in February
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya in the company of Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone and Chinsali Lawmaker Kalalwe Mukosa inpecting the works at the newly built Chinsali General Hospital


    • Impressive indeed. These developments can never be mentioned by some people who jealous, the know it whole people. l didn’t mention the name of anyone but an sure he knows who am talking about. Enemies of progress. Your excellency we know that you’re not perfect but credit must be given where it due. Well done ba Lungu am sure the people of Chinsali are proud of Sir.

    • Yes something with a worthy name on it, hope some cadres won’t initiate some campaign on renaming it after a politician. Remember its us the citizens who will repay the nkongole and the political cadres.

    • Chitalu Chilufya should grab a job as director at that hospital, because he will be unemployed in 10 months from now. Even at Mansa Hospital he wasn’t the boss, I remember him. This is a chance!!
      Unfortunately these fooools thinks being a minister and donating 20% to PF is better than running a Hospital.
      Get a job you pumbafu.

    • What they dont tell you is that the 220 bed 1960s outdated prefab design health facility cost a whooping $28 million US and was built by no other than the China National Complete Engineering Cooperation (CNCEC) so this some sort of a loan since a state company is involved. They also carefully not tell you that this contract was initially contracted at $50 million according to Construction Review Online (2019) what has changed in that 12 months? Where has the $22 million disappeared to? Zambians dont snooze and clap for the likes of Dr Chilufya he is a crook. That 22 million could have been used for hospitals in Western Province or improving hospitals in Eastern Province.

    • Oh yes impressive but consider the imbalance in the other districts/provinces that are not PF strongholds. The punishment to leave these non PF districts undeveloped is a curse you will live with forever. You are not punishing the Lozis, Lundas, Luvales, Kaondes and all these marginalised people but all Zambians. Long after you (PF) are gone will you realise that you found Zambian intermarried and living together as one. You came in and tried to break them apart on tribal lines but failed. A Bemba girl and a Tumbuka mother are being treated at a rundown Mazabuka General Hospital. One Zambia One Nation.

  1. The man said he had no vision . Well at least he konws how to follow late president Sata’s vision. The headless chicken may have a head after all

  2. Beautiful structure from pictures,BUT we have yet to know IF THE COST CORRESPONDS TO SIZE ,STRENGTH(material) OF BUILDING!And they,it looks crammed together,no greenery in the middle,no trees nearby,a hospital needs cooling effect from nature! CHECK THE WAY UTH WAS CONSTRUCTED WITJ THE ENVIRONMENT IN MIND- done many years ago but still a master piece!!

    • Just praise where it is due,you want a newly constructed structure to have trees all over,this negative energy you have will kill you one day.Mwabombeni mwe buteko

    • @4.1 kapenga,caring for the environment is also caring for humans!! Some spaces can even be left in middle to allow good air circulation.In such spaces,some trees are left and lawns tendered! Look at some old buildings that were properly planned, there are sufficient open spaces for free air circulation,some laws and trees(from nature).HAVE NOTED HOW “NAKED” THE AVIC CONSTRUCTED POLICE COMPOUNDS LOOK? NO EVEN A SINGLE TREE NEAR HOUSES TO RELAX UNDER,ONLY CONCRETE AROUND WHICH HEATS IN OUR HOT WEATHER!IS THAT BEAUTIFUL??

    • @Zambianisaurs . I fully agree with your feelings about the environmental status of the housing infrastructure being put up by AVIC. Those houses are really an environmental hazards. I implore the Government to address the current situation through tree planting as well as avoid such tree clearing in future projects.
      Otherwise, we thank our government for job well done on Chibsali Hospital.

    • Sour grapes Zambiaisours.
      You have a bit of a point mwaiche but iliche hospitals yamachoncholi.

      How I wish it was done by Zambian personnel through and through.
      But iliche.

    • You are the same people who will be thanking your friend for employing your beautiful daughter at his hotel that is infact a brothel.

  3. Great hospital indeed – China man at it once more!!! But – and there is always a BUT, the cost is three times the normal price. 2/3 in pfools pockets. Who doesnt know!!!!!!
    What a Disaster!!!!

    • back in January 2019 this hospital contract was valued at $50 million now its $28 million where the Bills of Quantity streamlined again like they did at KKIA.

  4. Why do you people forget to plant trees every time you create these monster structures? This land was probably cleared of trees and shrubs before the hospital was built. Please plant trees to mitigate the erratic rain patterns we are experiencing in the country. Have you forgotten your science lessons on the rain cycle? Nice hospital but please let’s get in the habit of planting nice trees and shrubs to complement the building structures and roads.

    • @6 Futurezed,EXCELLENT OBSERVATION!! As you may know Zambia,especially the northern part where this hospital is constructed has many trees! TROUBLE IS PEOPLE with minds who believe new buildings must be seen from a far without obstruction from trees!!THERE IS PLENTY OF LAND TO SPACE THAT HOSPITAL APART TO ALLOW FOR LAWNS,SOME TREES AND PROMOTE ENOUGH FREE AIR CIRCULATION – NOMBA MEDIOCRITY MWEBANTU!! Look at newly constructed Police Housing Compounds,NO TREES NEARBY,SO NOTHING TO SHEILD CONCRETE FROM “BAKING” OCCUPANTS,NO TREES FOR RELAXING UNDER- very backward way of building,with no environment in mind!!

    • @Kapenga, Simple answer is yes, don’t you see that in so-called developed countries? why do you think they plant them? for fun? Concrete is not natural to our environment, environmentally friendly means we build and complement the environment we live in with nature. What’s wrong with planting trees? How long did it take to build this hospital and how long do you think shrubs can take to grow?

    • @FutureZed and Zambiaisours the structure is complete and can assure you tress will be planted, good observation,but let us consider more the enormous benefits the hospital will bring in the area and Zambia at large.

    • @9.1. Kasenga. Trees must NOT be cleared wantonly from the site. You set out the buildings and then just clear within the structure , with an allowance of about 1.5 meters outside the proposed structure. These are the environmental approach to preserving INDIGENOUS trees. For your own information, indigenous tree have more advantages ntin environmental terms than the exotic trees.
      We are however very happy with the completed structure. Ut looks very impressive

    • Yes it may look impressive to the untrained eye planting trees and shrubs but when you have a building of that foot print probably discharging raw sewerage into rivers and water table that accounts for nothing.

    • During construction trees should have been preserved. Any architect would know which plants would be affected by construction. Go see how Kagame is transforming his nation at the same time as he enhances the green revolution

  5. Zambia is developing a taste of modern structures and it’s wonderful to see these developments. I must stress that it’s not too late to add some greenery to this beautiful hospital. Just imagine having a water feature, flowers, shrubs, and trees especially at the entrance and the outpatient area. This is not only good for the environment but good for the patient’s recuperation.

    • Zambians are easy to cheat and the politicans know it just build them a nice garden shade and say $1 million they will start clapping like blind morons. You cant tell where its 1960 or 2020 just looking at that design of that building valued at $28 million which in itself needs investigating as the initial figure may be more and the Chinsali boys have helped themselves to the excess.

    • Ba LT if you are good journalists keep these photos and give us current photos 5 years from now. I’m sure the building will have fallen apart

  6. Good to see where some of our tax money is going. Kudos to the government. Let us not just become government critics without good reason, or critics driven by hate, sometimes let us appreciate and encourage government to continue on the good path. Praise what is good and criticize constructively what is bad and make govt accountable. A healthy nation is a productive nation.

  7. Jesus Christ! This is an ugly building. It looks like a structure from the fifties. The Chinese would not put a structure like this in their own country.

  8. The structure is nice but the only issue l have with pf infrastructures is that they’re no proper planning like kaunda and wilensky did so that these structures have a greater impact and not just for sontaring purposes. For instance if you have a serious illness these pf hospitals will send you to UTH. Old hen inonge and fellow politicians won’t even waste their time going to these hospitals. They may look nice on pictures but the quality of structures and service is bad. The private sector does a good job when it comes to hospitals and they don’t show off and overate their stuff like politicians.

  9. This what we mean when we say PF is a working party. All I can say to our friends in opposition is SONTAPO. as usual we wont hear from the saddists in upnd because they get vexed whenever our country does well. They are not patriotic like the PF. Let us make Zambia great .Kz

    • I hope you’ll choose to be treated in this type of hospital when you become ill and please don’t be surprised if the only drug in supply is paracetamol. Tell your boss that you do not want to be flown over to South Africa or any Western country for treatment. Tell your boss that he has enough “very good” hospitals in Zambia and that there is no need anymore to be evacuating his family and friends.

  10. Thumbs up President Lungu and PF!
    “Kwitontwe ukushuma lubanga”
    I’m feeling all good chills about Chinsali City.

  11. While it is allowed to complement good hospital building from seeing photos posted, I think for a hospital the major issues to now comment or make suggestions on are (a) what provisions have now been made for proper human resources who will be regularly paid such as doctors and nurses ( b) what measures will be in place to ensure that all required medicines will be available at the hospital to avoid having another hospital which is just a medicine prescription centre.

    Seems some people are easy to buy with photos of a hospital and not what the hospital is meant to do and provide to people!!

  12. This is very good for the region. I pray that those sent to work here are properly trained, from custodian to Chief of Surgeon, and hope that there is an administrative plan to help the hospital raise money independently in addition of the government coffers because that’s how things work in today’s world if not it will not be long before this beautiful investment turns to fail and this money goes to waste because salaries are not paid and people/employees go to the extreme of feeding their families by turning the place into a cash cow.

  13. Give it 5 years and u will see the state of disrepair…because you blacks can never maintain anything in good order!

    • Is that what the whites in America tell you? It is easy to see how it could make one lose confidence in his own race. We will always receive you back home with warm hands. The door is wide open for now. Take advantage. Kz

    • Is that what the whltes in America tell you? It is easy to see how it could make one lose confidence in his own race. We will always receive you back home with warm hands. The door is wide open for now. Take advantage. K

  14. Is that what the whltes in America tell you? It is easy to see how it could make one lose confidence in his own race. We will always receive you back home with warm hands. The door is wide open for now. Take advantage. Kz

    • One childish blogger who posts rubbish about his white wife everyday has gone missing then this guy pops up. Connect the dots, the blogger has found a new hobby for 2020.

    • One child.ish blogger who posts rubbish about his white wife everyday has gone missing then this guy pops up. Connect the dots, the blogger has found a new hobby for 2020.

  15. PF still needs to GO. Skewed development at the expense of other provinces. Sata no-nsense vision. Wait and see when leaders from other province take the helm. You will taste your own bitter pill.

  16. Good work PF government!! please also work on other projects pending in other provinces if funds permits you.

  17. This hospital appear to be poorly designed and built on sub standards. It does not look impressive to be a hospital other than a poorly built block of boys school dormitories.
    In Zambian hospitals provision for disabled people is not factored in designing hospital blocks. The structure appear susceptible to weather and vulnerable. It may collapse.
    I note a replica of that provision in this Chinsali rural hospital and yet patients require a lift or elevators for ease of transters. The machinery being inspected is out of date technology pausing a risk to patients. What is required is to engage independent quality inspectors consultants to verify what went on into bricks and concrete and the entire structure to ascertain quality standards compliance. This process is without compromise…

  18. I can tell it was built by Chinese builders! Crooked structure! It looks like a freaking prison! And it’s painted pink! What an eyesore!

    And now Zambians will let it run to the ground! No maintenance, no care, and obvious theft of fixtures and fittings!

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