Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Ministry of Finance Approves a K 200 million UNZA Loan Application to Pay off Retirees


Minister of Higher Education, Hon. Dr. Brian Mushimba at UNZA
Minister of Higher Education, Hon. Dr. Brian Mushimba at UNZA

The Ministry of Finance has approved an application for UNZA through the Ministry of Higher Education to acquire a two hundred million kwacha loan to pay off retirees from 2011 to date, who are still on the payroll.

Higher Education Minister Brian Mushimba said that although some retirees have been paid, the loan will ensure those remaining are cleared, adding that the UNZA Management has been asked to go on the market to source for the funding.

Dr. Mushimba said that the government is committed to ensuring that the plight of all retirees is looked into as they are citizens, who have served the country.

Dr. Mushimba was speaking during a press briefing shortly before he addressed retirees from UNZA in a closed-door meeting at his office in Lusaka.

And Dr. Mushimba revealed that UNZALARU Secretary-General Kelvin Mambwe apologized to him for the disparaging remarks towards Zambians following their delayed December salaries.

He, however, said the private apology will NOT be accepted because the insulting statement was made in public through various media.

Dr. Mushimba said the comments are very disappointing and painful because he has constantly engaged the Union on a regular basis.


  1. A working government which respects education and understands the value that educational staff bring to our blessed country. We need to appreciate you for your services to the nation. Pf is an understanding government which acts rather than just waffling like our lost friends in opposition. Kz

    • You pigheaded pr.ik! Retired in 2011 and still unpaid benefits – so many of the retirees have even died 10 years after retirement and you call it a working Govt! Do you even have shame son of the bi.tch?

    • PF Poo.

      What about the plight of other Zambian retirees sleeping roughly in Lusaka waiting for their monies? What about all those trained Nurses and Teachers who have been waiting for postings due lack of funds? What about those patients lying on hospital floors waiting for treatments? And why not tell the Zambian people where you are hiding the monies you have stolen from the poor Zambians?

      The Don was right and does not need to apologise to thieves.

      God bless Zambia.

    • I can’t engage jokers like this so called chilyati who cannot engage in meaningful discussions. You are an embarrassment to our nation and we can only hope that you don’t identity as zambian wherever you are because it is not a zambian trait to insult and show disrespect to the office of the president. Simply mature and be responsible when you use social media. The retirees or their beneficiaries have gotten what is due to them and that is what is important. Don’t belittle the government because you have decided to be a p.u.s.s.y and run away to America. Kz

    • Kikikiki You see KZ, it won’t take long for your natural traits to come out! Chilyata say a unpalatable words and off you go. I believe you naturally lack communication skills that’s why you beat people.

      Keep trying to be mature mature anyway. three weeks has been good for you to behave linguistically. lol

      kikikiki. Well done anyway

    • Iwe chi kaizer, now that you have time on your hands because of you ill behavior doesn’t mean you can come on this forum with your dull ideas and propaganda from a failed govt that is lead by a drunk, probably the worst president to ever walk the face of the earth, the chap is good for nothing but stealing just like you are good for nothing by fighting and brandishing guns and threating kids in buses, Pfoools all of you in that ka party of baboons have a 0 IQ you morons belong in cleaning toilets and sh!t like that…

    • KZ ala we have 1d10ts on this podium most of them if not all are from the upndead, the losers. Zambian Citizen and I with a few Patriots have had a tough time putting up with these deliquents most of whom are immigrant to LT from ZW. They managed to freak the General (Miyanda) out’a this platform. Remain objective and steady fast as we dispel misinformation and Disinformation they propel on LT.
      Alot of these niggaz are disgruntled insulting adulterated h² die hard empty tins, wazzocks!

  2. This is bad management you are seriously getting a loan to pay off debt, reminds me of the EUROBOND 9 years ago where the reckless PF was obtaining loans for consumption. PF ministers are asking UNZA to go and get the loan on the market yet they are not fully funding it. I am sure Banks will line up knowing UNZA is putting up Eastpark shopping mall as security.

    • Sleepless sishuwa is gnashing his teeth I am sure like this orange leaf ruff.
      Who has failed at Unza, management or Government?
      Tarino you’re an 1d1ot te?
      A loan will have to be paid to its end. Retirees on the payroll will continue getting paid to their death and still their families will be needing money from the University.
      Let Universities learn to manage finances. Let them wean off retiree somehow. Public universities ought run like their private counterparts. If a private University can get a loan and remain viable, what about a public one?
      If you don’t have solutions, shut the hell up.

  3. Good move. This will allow unza to finally only run one payroll versus the status quo where they have been running two payrolls (one for active employees and the other for retirees that stay on payroll until they receive all their benefits as per the law). Kudos to PF government and kudos to the minister and his team for this.

  4. Someone educate me please. Isn’t UNZA a government institution? I thought the K200m loan from the Ministry of Finance is supposed to be a grant. The Ministry of Justice can as well get a loan from Finance Ministry and pay off those retirees who have spending nights in the cold

    • Dr. Mushimba wants these public Universities to be running semi-commercially towards self reliance. To much dependance on Government makes them inept and uncompetitive.
      Not long from now private Universities will be knocking the hell out’a public ones.
      To survive, the public Universities will need measured support from Government.
      This is the change that makes alot of folks like sishuwa uncomfortable. People don’t embrace change in one breath. But this paradigm shift is inevitable.

  5. Often its good to know when you are irrelevant to society, despite being given authority to have access to the president? You expend your energy fighting people and wielding a fire arm you go into night spots drink expensive liquor an refuse to pay. You mobilize thugs to intimidate patrons. But then again when you have more white than grey matter it shows. Unza now rides on a profit making institution it has a mall and gets rentals from there. I just hope there is a proper legal agreement compelling it to pay back. When the US faced a financial crisis it ‘bailed’ out business with repayable loans to save them. It is a loan and not a grant.

  6. Thorn in the flesh tell us where Mushimba and the rest of PF is taking tax payer’s money. You cadres want to milk the country’s coffers dry but don’t want legally entitled institutions to get public funds. You failing to remit funds to retirees, councils, wages, hospitals and many more tell us if this isn’t truly a failing government, you want all these civil servants to be looking for money to pay themselves when citizens pay you to pay them. These PF thieves are killing the economy, by stealing and keeping money to themselves, spur the economy by paying people on time, remitting funds to councils and many others so the money moves around than taking to grow the economy of Dubai, Lesotho and Europe

  7. Hogwash, PF government is abdicating its fundamental role of financial security to a private public institution. It demonstrates PF government has lost credibility/creditworthiness on the world financial market to secure any form of borrowing. We are in trouble, change of Zambia ownership is the solution given these days of small things.

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