Saturday, July 27, 2024

Local Government Minister raises concern about the delayed upgrade to Chisokone market


Kitwe's Chisokone Market
Kitwe’s Chisokone Market

Local Government Minister Charles Banda is concerned with the delayed implementation of the Chisokone market upgrade.

Dr Banda says Chisokone market is one of the biggest trading facilities in the country and accommodates over 20 000 traders hence the need to make it more conducive.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu, Dr Banda said apart from Chisokone market, government also plans on expanding most markets in the country.

He further said his ministry will also ensure that the market management board is installed before the end of January so that markets have proper management.

And, Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu said the infrastructure at Chisokone market is a sorry sight and that there is need to improve it.

Mr Mpundu, however, said that can only be done if the traders also change their mind set to allow the expansion of the market.


  1. Ba Kawalala, just confess you’ve taken cash meant for the market & diverted it to paying bra!nless vuvuzela’s – goons like Ka [email protected] to sing praises of the Drunken Corrupt J0n@, whilst J0n@ is busy sinking Zambia.
    Twits like Ka [email protected] can even sell his W!fe to the highest bidding P.F “polotic!an” swapping pass!onate services for stolen U$ Dollars, just to feed his miserable belly!

  2. Street vendors in Lusaka are back! We are still in the rainy season mind you. Minister do something. Street vending is illegal. Police where are you?

  3. We as pf agree with those sentiments. The cheque book is open to fund this development and we ask that you step up the project. We can’t just throw money without justification and properly laid down budgets. We hope to meet with you soon as the welfare of the traders is our prime concern. Kz

  4. Lungu stole the money for this development just like he stole from the widow, the ka worst president on earth… as dull as they come

  5. Chisokone traders cant move, they have burried a lot of business charms on their stalls and the charms are not easy to relocate. Remember how a dead body was found in a big deep freezer many years ago at Chisokone, it is the norm there. They wont move to allow for expansion of the market. That place must be the location for national day of prayer and fasting though I doubt reconciliation because our politicians trade serious punches immediately after this day.

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