Saturday, July 27, 2024

58-year-old Lusaka man appears in the Magistrate Court for Treason Charges



A 58-year-old man of Lusaka has appeared in the Lusaka Magistrate Court for Treason.

In this matter it is alleged that Mwangala Ngalande engaged in acts that were aimed at overthrowing the Government of President EDGAR LUNGU.

Ngalande of plot number 7 Ben Bella Road in Roma Township is charged with one count of treason accompanied by three Overt Acts.

And according to Overt Act number one, it is alleged that Ngalande conspired with Simon Njobvu to procure military equipment namely AK47 assault rifle, pistols and rocket propelled grenades.

It is alleged that the purpose of this equipment was for the assassination of President Edgar Lungu and other senior Government officials namely, Service Chiefs , Defence Minister Davies Chama, Chief Justice, Irene Mambilima, Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Matibini.

In Overt Act number two, Ngalande is accused of having conspired with Mr. Njovu to source for international funding and actually obtained 1 point 6 million United States Dollars to utilize in the over throwing of the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

It is also alleged that the suspect jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown did recruit 10 people for military training.

It is alleged that a militia was to be made for the purpose of overthrowing the Government of the Republic of Zambia.

When the matter came up for explanation of the charge before Chief Resident Magistrate, Lameck Mwale, Ngalande told the court that he understood the charge.

The suspect could not take plea because the offence he is facing is tried by the High Court.

But before Magistrate Mwale adjourned the case, Ngalande’ S defence lawyer, Martha Mushipe applied for a preliminary inquiry.

In his ruling Magistrate Mwale granted the application before ordering the State to allow lawyers have access to the suspect.


  1. styupidy made case to implicate HH before elections.
    who on earth can go after people without value like Matibini or even that Davies Chama.

    • It doesn’t make sense. This sounds like a made up case to silence people’s resistance to the failing PF government. There is power in numbers Zambians let’s unite and get rid of this evil PF government sooner rather than later

    • It won’t be long before they reveal how Akainde sponsored them since 2016 to cause turmoil and force regime change. Kainde should be rotting in Mukobeko. This is treason.
      (HH) Zambians hate your stinking guts

    • Nostradamus you’re an old fella but very dull.
      That $1.6 million came from Paradise papers in Panama. We know who externalized money to Panama after privatization.
      Akainde Ichilema was disgruntled after being rejected by Zambians only to be beaten at the 2015 – 2016 polls by a dirty drunkard from the pit latrines of Chawama.

    • Kikikikiki, news that should be treated with the contempt it deserves. Do you know how many Zambians would have jumped onto the bandwagon if this man had the funds they claim he has? Clearly, no clue on how this ship is sinking.

  2. In their desperate quest for legitimacy, chipantepante PF will destroy people’s lives. They have successfully decampaigned themselves and are trying to extract public sympathy by hallucinating false charges. Come 2021 is to pack and go.

  3. This is hallucinating, bisure charged indeed, with this poverty who would want to waste resources on these misfits? 2021is only months away now, no amount of propaganda will earn you sympathy kuyabebe.

  4. two people to assisnate the entire boma and security men. given 1.6 million dollars by usa straight fake , fake story. it will go to hell like all other ones.

  5. Bantustan savages filled with hate. These people really meant business. Where did that money come from?? This will be an interesting trial. They should be caged together with their sponsors. Zambia is one nation and everyone should respect that, there will be no barotseland which the colonialists created.

    • what the hell are you talking about, i didnt see any mention of barotseland from the case above, some people eishhh.

  6. Bantustan savages filled with hate. These people really meant business. Where did that money come from?? This will be an interesting trial. They should be caged together with their sponsors. Zambia is one nation and everyone should respect that.

  7. The safety of the office of president and sovereignty of the government is supreme. You cannot afford to threaten overthrow of any government in the world and expect tea and cakes.this is the worst crime in the land. We will leave the courts to determine this case just like any case before the courts. We know some opposition elements are funding this. However come 2021 I have put my life on it, they are losing again. This time I will make sure it is a White wash with lungu taking about 60 percent of the vote. Kz

  8. The safety of the office of president and sovereignty of the government is supreme. You cannot afford to threaten overthrow of any government in the world and expect tea and cakes.this is the worst crime in the land. We will leave the courts to determine this case just like any case before the courts. We know some opposition elements are funding this. However come 2021 I have put my life on it, they are losing again. This time I will make sure it is a Whlte wash with lungu taking about 60 percent of the vote. Kz

    • Kaizer, we don’t need your life. Keep it and come and witness what will happen in 2021. Where 10 people have gathered, 9 want PF out and the other one is not sure. This is the reality man. Power has gotten to your head and you think it’s forever, aikona man. Your time to answer for the crimes you have committed will surely come, wait brother man wait. And Edger deserves to live so that what belongs to the Zambian people is successfully retained. And there will be no sympathy, wether it’s HH or CK or whoever.

    • You should be arrested for assuming that some opposition elements are funding this. How do you know? You must have some information

  9. Story doesn’t add up, so who was investigating him and where are the other suspects l saw the pictures of the man he doesn’t look like someone with 1.6 million. Where are the people he was training and how was he training since he didn’t have the guns

  10. How did this huge some of money come into Zambia?
    This is not a Zambian culture!
    The case is frivolous and vexatious.
    PF is gone. Just when you are free, go to different compounds and listen to what people say..
    You will think that they are all coming from one retreat.
    No doubt, when people knock off from church they discuss how bad the economy is. Buses, bars, taverns, markets and even grave site…The message is the same.
    PF WAWA!!!

  11. I can predict lungu and PF cancelling elections or holding them under a state of emergency

    The writing is on the wall..

  12. The rule of law applies here- the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Allegations form part of grounds for prosecution and they remain what they are – mere allegations. It is said he who alleges must prove. The case is just commencing and speculators are already insinuating the “hand of HH” in this. It’s funny how HH is demeaned as not being a factor in Zambian politics, but when everything wrong happens, it’s attributed to HH who is not a factor. For someone who has never been in government at any one time to be so influential that everything is centred or attributed to him is a milestone in Zambian politics. I look forward to a day HH will be brought to court to answers decades-old allegations. Fortunately, nobody has had the balls to do so all these years. Reason? Fishing and…

  13. continued…Reason? Fishing and plain waffling in futility against HH’s character, even though he doesn’t even have some sort of immunity from prosecution. It comes to down to he who alleges must prove. Let’s see how this treason trial pans out.

  14. @Zambian citizen … already says they ‘should be caged’. The trial hasn’t even begun and you are baying for blood – with an insinuation about ‘the sponsor’.

    Just wondering, first there is the ‘investigation on a named political party that has allegedly received funding from donors to propagate homosexuality in the country’, and now a treason case with a ‘sponsor’ to the tune of $1.6 million. hmmm……

  15. This is an arranged thing. who in his normal senses will accept such charges especially when represented by such competent lawyers.

  16. But why are upnd supporters guilty about this news that they (PF GOVT) want to implicate kainde in this treason case. Why are worried if he is not part of it. He is a free man if he is not.

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