Tuesday, October 22, 2024

MMD Youths call on Zambia Police to arrest Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and trying to get money by false pretense


MMD National Youth Treasurer Geoffrey Mulenga
Mr Geoffrey Mulenga


Youths of the Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD have called upon Zambia Police to Arrest Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and trying to get money by false pretense.

in a statement released to the media by Gregory Mofu, the MMD National Youth Secretary, the youths said that Geoffrey Mulenga is not and has never been the National Youth Chairperson of MMD as evidenced by the records at the Register of Societies. What Mr.

The Youths said that what Mr. Mulenga did, by alleging that he is the Party Youth Chairperson, is impersonation and him being a law student knows that that is a criminal offense.

Early this week Mr. Mulenga called on youths in the country to gear themselves for a convention which he predicted that it will be held in May 2020. According to Mr Mulenga, the MMD structures across the country had refused to accept the Court ruling which installed Nevers Mumba as party president saying the leadership of the party is not won through the Court and that Nevers Mumba mandated ended in 2016.

Mulenga who accompanied faction National Secretary Raphael Nakacinda on a fact-finding and sensitization tour in Eastern Province said the structures want an early convention and that youths should prepare themselves.

He said after a thorough analysis and interaction with structures it’s quite clear that the convention is a matter that is exciting members and that structures want the convention to be held in May as that is the best time to hold a convention that will determine the future of the party in view of 2021.

“Based on the evidence collected we are fully convinced that this convention will be held in May. And owing to the general elections to be held next year 2021, any sane political party worth it’s sort requires atleast a year to reorganize itself in terms of resource and logistics in order to face a national election. So it’s indeed folly for anyone to hold a convention in 2021. Or months later than May due to weather and economic activities coupled with the hightened political mood and tempreture associated with the fourth quarter of the year.

“We are happy to have heard other major political parties declare their intention to hold thier conventions and general conferences this year. As mothers of democracy we will go first and lead the way by May and then we shall wait for our colleagues to hold theirs too. We presume we are all targeting the same venue with our alliance partners PF which is the Rock of Authority at Mulungushi University so we shall go first,” he said.

He encouraged youths in the party not to lose hope as all logistical arrangments where being put in place for the convention.

“This is self explanatory, we want to challenge anyone to ask any senior party member the VJs the Kavindeles, the Akshambatwas, they will tell you that we are not far from the truth in terms of the facts and dates for the mammoth convention ahead of 2021.

“For those in doubt, we want to encourage them that this convention will go ahead with or without the so called big names being discussed. With or without Nevers, Mutati, Nakacinda we shall all sacrifice and go to vote. Except that all are invited. We can’t fail to organise a convention we have done it before as members.

He further announced that the youths will soon open a national account for the said convention.

“And finally I want to inform the nation that, we as card carrying youths in the party shall soon open an account with a reputable and accessible bank for our members and well-wishers to make donations,” he said.

However, MMD released the statement below


For Immediate Press Release

We as the Youths of the Opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) are dismayed by a statement from a Mr. Geoffrey Mulenga who alleged that he was the MMD Youth Chairperson, in it he alleged that the Youths of the party will organize a Convention and called for well wishers to fund them.

In the first place, Geoffrey Mulenga is not and has never been the National Youth Chairperson of our Party. The Register of Societies can attest to this fact. What Mr. Mulenga did by alleging that he is the Party Youth Chairperson is impersonation and him being a law student knows that that is a criminal offense.

Secondly, the party membership around the Country especially the Youths have welcomed the November 5 Landmark Judgement and stand in solidarity with Party President Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba.

The Party Constitution in Article 14 (2) mandates the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Party as the only organ mandated to call for a convention. Deriving powers from this article, the NEC of our Party announced the holding of a Convention in 2020 and mandated the party pa accross the Nation to take stock and start mobilizing the party on the 6th of November, 2019.

The audit of our membership and strictures is going on well and all our members are busy mobilizing the party. The Party President Dr. Nevers Mumba kicked off the Countrywide tour of the MMD Structures two weeks ago with his stop being Southern Province.

There are no factions in the MMD as they died on the 5th of November, 2019. Mr. Raphael Nakachinda is neither a National Secretary or a Faction one, He remains an expelled member of the Party. The MMD only has one National Secretary, who is Hon. Elizabeth Chitika. We urge the public especially the media to ignore Nakachinda as his impersonation is also contempt of Court.

Mr. Mulenga Is a paid stooge of Mr. Nakachinda and has been working with him since 2016 when he emerged as his supporter at the illegal convention that was nullified by the court.

The efforts by Nakachinda and his stooges have no impact on the MMD. They are dancing out of tune, long after the curtains are drawn. In 2016, they decieved themselves and held an illegal Convention. A number of them like Hon. Felix Mutati have awakened to the lies of Nakachinda and have chosen other decent paths after their lies were exposed by the High Court ruling.

The Youth Wing as alleged by Mr. Mulenga can never organize the MMD Convention because it is only the National Executive Committee (NEC), of the party that has authority to do that. At an adequate time, the NEC will announce the date of the Convention and it will not be in May as Mulenga as alleged.

Furthermore the Constitution only mandates the National Treasurer to organize funds for the Convention and no one else not even the Youths of the Party. There 2016 Convention was declared illegal because among others the MMD National Treasurer didn’t organize the resources for it or spend a ngwee on it.

We call upon the police to arrest Mr. Geoffrey Mulenga for impersonation and for trying to receive money by false pretence.

Issued by
Gregory Mofu
National Youth Secretary


  1. This one also needs to be charged with contempt of court but knowing our police they won’t even bring him before court since he belongs to nakachinda faction which supports ECL.

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