Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zanaco purge continues as Mpunga leaves


Another Zanaco stalwart has been shown the door at Sunset Stadium today following confirmation of goalkeeper coach Kalunga Mpunga’s departure.

Mpunga leaves Zanaco barely five days after his former team mate and coaching colleague Mumamba Numba was fired as head coach on Monday.

“Zanaco FC part company with goalkeeping coach Kalumba Mpumba.
General Manager, Marlon Kananda confirmed the development to Zanaco FC Media this morning,” Zanaco stated on Friday.

Mpunga, like Numba, joined the seven-time Zambian champions from Konkola Blades in 1998.

Zanaco have replaced Mpunga with former Nkana goalkeeper Kennedy Kalele.

Kalale is the third technical appointment over the last 48 hours at Sunset following Thursdays announcement of Chris Kaunda as Numba’s replacement.

Ex Red Arrows assistant coach and former Zambia international Joel Bwalya also joined Zanaco as Kaunda’s deputy.

The trio’s first assignment is this Sundays CAF Confederation Cup Group B home clash against ESAE in Lusaka.

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