Saturday, July 27, 2024

We want to begin repairing the economy now, before it deteriorates further – UPND


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has reiterated his call for the PF to consider calling for an economic Indaba to address economic challenges facing the nation.

Mr Hichilema says he has been engaging his economic team and have noted the need for the country to have an economic indaba.

He said the Indaba is cardinal for the country to start resolving the current economic problems before they deteriorate.

Meanwhile, Mr Hichilema has condemned what he has termed as President Edgar Lungu’s veiled threats against the Opposition and other dissenting views regarding the forth coming tripartite elections in 2021.

“In his address, Mr Lungu “advised the police command not to be used by people with intentions to get power through illegitimate or dubious means”, said Mr Hichilema.

He urged President Lungu to look in the mirror and tell the nation how he ascended to power and who has gotten where he is through dubious means.

Mr Hichilema said the UPND is not in power because of President Lungus abuse of powers to intimidate public institutions.

“We wish to make it clear that the policemen and women are Zambians and are subjected to the same harsh conditions. In 2021 they will have to choose to stand with their fellow Zambians and should not accept to be used as tools against their parents, brothers, sisters, uncles and nieces who will chose to defend their victory”, he added.

Mr Hichilema said he believes the Zambia police service is professional enough to be on the right side of history and choose to ignore unlawful orders that are meant to protect the selfish interest of the few who are scared to hand over power for fear of facing the law for their unbridled appetite for corruption and plunder of public resources.

He said 2021 will be a deciding year where the police will have to choose to stand either with the majority suffering or the few selfish individuals.


    • “He said 2021 will be a deciding year where the police will have to choose to stand either with the majority suffering or the few selfish individuals.”
      The police will of course stand with the majority just like 2016 when (HH) lost the elections to President Lungu. The majority voted PF and Lungu. Accept that Zambians hate your stinking guts. Try running for president in the Panama Paradise papers.

    • Lungu and PF need to go NOW to pave way for HH & UPND. I agree we have to act now otherwise our economy will be worse than Zimbabwe

    • A.K.A I want to be president now to start repairing the updead perceived ailing economy.
      2 Questions arise:
      a) who are you speaking to?
      b) you are known to be a sworn liar aka pathological liar, do you think the elite people of Zambia will buy into your false narrative?
      If only wishes were horses.
      Alas you are a political u5. Extremely toddler-ish statement from h².

    • … He said 2021 will be a deciding year where the police will have to choose to stand either with the majority suffering or the few selfish individuals…..

      This kid is devious.
      One man sending 1000s of miners on the Copperbelt in economic desolation by amassing wealth with the infestors then he turns and preach to us about “selfish individuals”.
      H² is a reality ot selfish individuals.
      After PF, it will not have to be h²’s UPndeads to lead the noble people of Zambia.

  1. Even if you gave the PF $5billion of free money to sort out Zambias economic mess,they would still squander the money.
    There is hope in the PF.Just kick them out in 2021

  2. An indaba will be just another acrimonous talking shop like NDF. Parties with concrete economic ideas don’t have to wait for such talking shops but present ideas directly to the public. HH should emulate Sinkamba’s solution oriented politics, not sheer waffling. If an economic indaba is called, you will see how UPND will come up with attedance conditionalities and even boycott. We are sick and tired of such cheap politics

  3. HH is showing what Leadership is by leading from behind by suggesting the Indaba. The problem is that PF Mob is incapable of doing anything with the ideas resulting from the indaba. Perhaps what you can do Mr President in the making is to consolidate all your plans in your manifesto and then prioritise the ones that need attention when you are in office. There is increasing support of HH by the second in the country and is the only hope for Zambia at the moment. UPND is the largest opposition party and the alternative government and going by the voting trend most likely to increase the margin significantly in 2021. Some other presidential candidates are emotional wrecks with loud mouths but no credibility. Ever heard the saying empty vessels make the most sound? Bwezani’s MMD & Lungu’s…

  4. Ever heard the saying empty vessels make the most sound? Bwezani’s MMD & Lungu’s PF have destroyed the country and only HH is the only one with significant support of masses and also ability demonstrated in his business life to MOVE ZAMBIA FORWARD and make UNITED STATES OF ZAMBIA!

    • We have had billionaires before,for example in UNIP, MMD,ZRP. You look at different factors when you are a leader. When you are in business, you can avoid advice from your followers and still be successful as long as you have experience. Idi amin Dada and Adolf had charisma but were not good leaders. If being a president is determined by how successful someone is in business, then HH will not be the only one in Zambia. We are not talking about great Man Theory ( A leader is born). We are talking about Behavioral theory ( anyone can be a leader).So there is no money involved. Money will only give someone advantage to influence. That said,stop worshiping people

  5. See Trend from 2016
    Edgar LUNGU, PF 1,860,877 50.35%
    HICHILEMA, Hakainde UPND 1,760,347 47.63%

    Questions have been asked how PF managed to jump to 50.35%, but the truth will be revealed one day..

  6. Pathetic to say the list that this man actually believes he can win and rule Zambia when he has been rejected 6 times beating his opposition rival Raila Odinga who quite recently…it’s these unclear ties like the African liberal networks and upnd that leaves w bitter test in our mouths, AFN supports LGBT, and if so since it funds upnd, if upnd formed government we would have to succumb to men sleeping with men…let’s give HH another 7th loss.

    I’m breaker, I’m transcendent and I approve this message

  7. Hiding his money in offshore accounts after enriching himself through the infamous privatization. All these assets HH clams the government has sold like z NBC, Zaffico, airports etc are probably in HHs plans. It’s he who wants to sale, he has privatized before, he can do it (Hagain). Levy Mwanasa was right, HH wants to cheat, to mislead, to pretend to be something he is nsot.

    Im breaker I’m transcendent, I’m above and beyond and I approve this message

  8. There is such a thing as performance attribution and you need to see how that applies and reflects to your commentaries and analysis then people begin to see your thought patterns and buy and recess against reasoned and forecasted fair performance Otherwise you loose consensus and reasonableness as you propose certain policies,arguments and initiatives that will structurally fit Zambian into the economies and navigate those Outlooks ,especially given the weak fiscal,current and balance of accounts with the dollar poised to strengthen against the pack of African commodity driven economies and the rest within the global markets

    Its already known and projected that the Chinese economy,and…

  9. others, is expected to under-perform as compared to its mark.This with low projected growth levels,our not so difficulty debt situation ,we know that we need to restructure and position those risks to mitigate the duration and risks in the interests and meet the repayments , especially given the risks poised by the dollar appreciating against a pack of reserve currencies that will impact the Kwacha

    With the currency risks in the dollar appreciating ,also given the global revisions of growth below those super projection seen in recent years There is need to focus and have revised our projections to ensure revenues are achieved and mobilized to perform Government and its obligations…

  10. There is a medium term Finance Strategy to read to also that guides through to 2020 and how Zambia will navigate So Performance attribution first and read the MTFS and see how you relate Its already revised and restated on Growth ,Revenues,Expenditures and Financing and is being reflected in policy day by day as you can see it on Cairo Road to effect growth and performance of the economy Its a like a fall of 1% in growth or Increase in spends how does it impact the budgets and fiscal plans and how do we model the various sectors and still grow sustain ably and beat the outlooks

    Its all taken care-off and well observed

  11. Edgar became president after beating you hh. How can you be democratic when you have never held any convention. You are not in power not because of Chagwa but because Zambians rejected you. You have been rejected six times shame!!!!!

  12. Its within and well known and not stranger to anyone Its common and public knowledge of what should be done and is being done already
    In working those strategies in the short to medium term in fiscal plans focus has been made on moderating Fixed capital Formations to ensure capital investment are attracted and made to productive sectors of the economy To effect net positive changes on Reserves,address the fluactions in FDIs positively ,to address equity net inflows and register participation and investments in Zambian owned companies and perform the local exchange There should be need for renewed focus on FDIs and Investments in sectors to ensure the risks are cushioned and avoiding…

  13. severe reversals are curtailed especially having had to address poor issues of infrastructure and Power deficits in those capacities now created in Kafue gorge lower and others The investments in infrastructure to spur developments must be followed by the campaign in FDIs Investments and capital formations FDIs Inflows should be expected and projected to increase and outflows managed within tolerable levels to ensure the economics perform The capital account will therefore be important to manage to effect positive developments in this direction Any target of positive net inward FDI flow of USD 1 Billion should be targeted and outflows of less than 200 Million USD for 2020 will register and…

  14. Translate but if you can register more than 1 Billion Dollars in quality FDIs why not in mining, Agro and Financial Services It could be a Game change on the National Accounts Its not impossible it can be book build and translated since we have sectors that are investable

    Okay for now thanks

  15. We invited this joker of a man to so many meetings and indabas and all he did was throw it back in our faces. How do you hold a meeting with us if you do not recognize us as the ruling party. Ec lungu is your president so accept that first then we can progress from there. Pride will never get you in state house. As I write this, I am now predicting lungu with 90 percent of the

  16. Yaba yalikosa Yes bane its should not be passively done but worked at it and politics aside or individualism Economic fundamentals will still matter to ensure the Zambian economy performs and register economic gains especially second quarter of the year 2020 when global growth registers some modest With expected monetary easing and with prudential macro policies you expect to attract investments or FDIs in growth areas of the sectors that are poised t perform like manufacturing alternatives agro,energy and mining Focus is and should be a move towards GOLDILOCKS to accelerate growth levels and stem inflationary pressures on our local economy and effect positive trajectories…

  17. . Leadership is not easy. We have had billionaires before,for example in UNIP, MMD,ZRP. You look at different factors when you are a leader. When you are in business, you can avoid advice from your followers and still be successful as long as you have experience. Idi amin Dada and Adolf had charisma but were not good leaders. If being a president is determined by how successful someone is in business, then HH will not be the only one in Zambia. We are not talking about great Man Theory ( A leader is born). We are talking about Behavioral theory ( anyone can be a leader).So there is no money involved. Money will only give someone advantage to influence. That said,stop worshiping people

  18. Although the forecast for this year points to gloomy there will still be hope and growth in the sectors There is positive indications of growth to pick to 3.7% from almost 3 % in 2019 for Zambia to tap in and address its risks and levels of exposure including reserving to repay its euros ignoring those with very very pessimistic views in repayment of the USD 750 Million The notion that Zambia will default on its debts must be immediately addressed and confidence be shown towards that Doing nothing may not the decisions Address the risks in euro repayments and create that fiscal space either to restructure and manage it

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