Friday, January 17, 2025

Some government clinics using exercise book pages to wrap medicines


Some clinics on the Copperbelt are using cuttings from exercise books to package medicine for patients.

Chambishi Government Clinic and Kitwe’s Mindolo One Clinic are some of the facilities lacking the traditional plastics used in packing medicine.

Whilst applauding the initiative taken by the clinics trying to function with minimal government support , a medical official appealed to the clinics to rather make envelopes from those papers.He firmly stated that all medicines should be labelled, with instructions written on the package.

Some members of the public bluntly stated that the PF Government is to blame and wondered how they are managing to fund by elections with huge sums of money but failing to buy simple packaging for medicines.

“These are signs of a broke economy..we are headed for disaster if nothing is done”,they reiterated.

Others wondered where the money being contributed to the National Health Scheme is going.

“I go to the clinic and I’m given medicine on a a piece of paper and yet every month I pay for national health insurance. Where is our money going? Those saying learn to appreciate. Appreciate what? Appreciate that we are contributing money for better health services and yet we keep on receiving very poor services and you say learn to appreciate!”

Medicines from Mindolo clinic
medicines from Mindolo clinic

Source: Radio Chengelo


    • On this case I will support the useless PF, imbbwa sha bantu.
      I don’t any problem in wrapping medicine in exercise book or newspapers, it is recycling and saving the environment.
      There is no Zambian company manufacturing plastic packaging materials. GBM can’t manufacture anything.

  1. The problem with dependency syndrome is that you end up relying on government for everything. A government is not there to give you everything. A government gives you the foundation and tools to get what you want. I say let the clinic use their initiative. We have provided the medicine. Surely you have the brain capacity to be innovative and come up with a way to package pills. By the way plastic packaging is bad for the environment and most places are doing away with them. Kz

  2. No amount of propaganda shall bring us down. the pf will still win in 2021. In fact I am so confident that I pledge to give upnd 3000 of our votes and also to run naked from arcades to mandahill. If upnd are confident of a win can hh pledge to do the same? Kz

  3. This is only under PF and Chitalu Chilufya. I challenged him to get info from Radio Icengelo last time he was in Kitwe but he sneaked out as usual.

    • What info. When I visited Sweden there they are using reusable containers for packaging. Zambians should see this as an opening in the market for some one to devise a product that will cater to this. Where are the entrepreneurs? If you think government will spoon feed you then you won’t live long

    • You’re driving an SUV and drinking a beer using GRZ money. Govt isn’t a private Enterprise, we give it money to provide that. You didn’t pay for your trip to Sweden and this isn’t Sweden. So don’t be childish. Those papers aren’t even sterile, we’re not happy

    • You are a crazy infant. Money that I get paid for doing a job,just like any other zambian, is not government money but my own income. Now the tax I pay is what is government revenue. If I choose to buy and SUV with money I have earned that is my choice. If I make a trip to Sweden on official duty why should I pay for it? Grow up. That hate wont help you. Kz

  4. In as much as we can be innovative packing medicine in wrapped papers is not a good idea coz there are some drugs which easily get spoiled when exposed to air as they are stored in containers with airtight lids

  5. Obviously and deliberately one a UPND cadre at stores failed to order stationery from medical stores in time cos all clinics in Ndola urban and rural are fully stoked with packaging?

  6. You are lucky, here in mufulira it’s a different story n it’s not about UPND, problem with us Zambians is that we politicise every issue instead of joining hands to find a lasting solution to problems we are facing as a nation

  7. Just pointless Lungu’s trip Mozambique last week with Finance Minister would have paid for medicine packaging envelopes even just the Jet fuel used for that trip or even sending Grandma Inonge

  8. Ayatollah – you should be clued up to realise that it is not Kz you are communicating with there; there is only one wicked blogger who has the energy and time to impersonate then tarnish people on LT, the only person he would never impersonate is HH. Its only a matter of time he will get bored and find another hobby like posting about his fictitious white wife.

  9. Ayatollah – you should be clued up to realise that it is not Kz. you are communicating with there; there is only one wicked blogger who has the energy and time to impersonate then tarnish people on LT, the only person he would never impersonate is HH. Its only a matter of time he will get bored and find another hobby like posting about his fictitious white wife.

  10. Kaiza zulu are you normal? What do you mean you provide the foundation for clinics and they have to do the rest themselves? Is a clinic a profit generating entity to buy for themselves medicine package materials? Get you head off lugus as$ and think properly

  11. The country is spiraling into more poverty as those in power are quick to dismiss such because they think we should be applauding them everytime. If kz was in India and was given medication like this he would probably have beaten someone. This is a sign of more bad things to come next you will be given medication in your hands

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