Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamba reacts angrily to media reports questioning his source of funding for his Mansion in New Kasama.


PF Lusaka Province Secretary Kennedy Kamba has reacted angrily to media reports questioning his source of funding for the mansion he has built in New Kasama.

Mr Kamba says he takes great exception to malicious and unfounded allegations meant to tarnish his name, for whatever reason by The Mast Newspaper in their editorial comment of today, headlined; ‘The Time has come for the PF to Leave Government’.

In this Editorial Comment dubbed Our View, The Mast Newspaper has reacted to Mr Kamba’s media statement which he issued a few days ago, where he was expressing his dismay by some doomsayers in the opposition, especially the UPND, who are so much preoccupied with malicious attacks on the PF government and want to sway the minds of the people by claiming that the government has failed and the only way out is the change of government.

Mr Kamba says he has no problems with The mast challenging his point of view or political beliefs, political philosophies or indeed his political association but he has every problem with The Mast getting personal and going to extremes of accusing him of being a scared man who has amassed wealth, that being in power has changed his lifestyle from being a nobody and having nothing to being a rich man, living in a big house with a swimming pool.

He said the Mast has gone further to accuse him of siphoning taxpayers’ money and that he has amassed wealth suddenly now through what they have termed ‘all sorts of supply contracts with government.

“They have further said ‘Without power, Kamba may be prosecuted for corruption and made to account for his wealth. These malicious and unfounded allegations are hurtful, extremely unacceptable and only meant to divert attention from real issues and try to ridicule me in the eyes of the right-thinking Zambians out there”, Mr Kamba lamented.

Mr Kamba says he is not interested in dragging anybody to court and should not be forced to do so if this kind of slander continues but emphasised that everything he owns, all the businesses he has engaged in since 1994 when he left Kitwe Boys Secondary School.

He said he can account for it because it is out of his own sweat and labour.

“I have been involved in politics to serve and not to eat taxpayer’s money. I am not in government myself, and I have never been in government but I have been a businessman who works for himself to fend my family and many other Zambians who look up to be for survival and empowerment”, he added.

“My record in business is traceable. Who doesn’t know that I have been selling assorted liquor with shops dotted around Lusaka before even the PF formed government? People know where to find me even in Kamwala, COMESA, Intercity and all those places. With the help of God, my businesses started booming in the MMD days, way before the PF formed government. On the Copperbelt, my company was doing various maintenance services at Mopani Copper Mines and records are there to show that I was doing all these businesses in the MMD days”, he said.

Mr Kamba said the little that he has in his life is all about hard work adding that his family has seen him through.

He has appealed to The Mast Newspaper to stop such malicious attacks on him and discuss politics and issues that affect Zambians.

“I believe in the PF and its manifesto And I believe the fact that through unity and hard work, inspired by good and sound economic policies of the government of President Edgar Lungu, Zambia is getting better and Zambians will vote for the PF in 2021 because it is a trusted leadership”, he has said.


  1. Elo ninshi iwe you are just a cadre wapa street utaya ma knuckles. These politicians will make you a kaponya for life while they upgrade, see you life now ba kudos, ba thorn in the leg and ba zambian citizen busy scream pabwato for nothing. This why i have a strong feeling that this kaponya phenomenon is perpetuated by politicians because it is the cheapest source of slave labour during campaigns.

  2. It’s not that when you support PF which means you eat with them no or you support upnd, NDC,mmd, name it which means there’s something you are eating from no, Zambia now it has become like who ever has money it is connected to corruption evil source of which is not the case, wake up and see some people spends a lot of money to support the party and their community of which doesn’t even work in Government and not even a single seat in any political party, only if you work hard you will amass that wealth you desire to have.The Zambian reporters are now furnishing the image of the Media.

  3. It is only PF cadres who are hard working and it is happening. The hedge is ECL once mentioned the passport to success is open. No wonder they support anything be it stup1d

  4. There is another moron in the pot, just like all of these baboons in govt who are just looting recklessly, wasted years indeed with these monkeys in PFoools

  5. Mukose,businesses are closing down due to high taxes,high fuel prices, loadshedding and high electricity tariffs meanwhile PF *****s claim that their business is doing good because they work hard,mukose sana.So how much taxes are these f00ls even paying?Bola nayikosa,this is the time to shut up and chew…questions are surely coming…

  6. It is very sad when owning property becomes questionable for some one who works hard and earns an honest living. Let us not point fingers at anything just because we don’t have it. Investment is a sign of economic growth. We are not a socialist country. We may have socialist party but those ideals are long gone. Interesting this is coming from a newspaper run by that joker champagne socialist mmembe. Kz

  7. All the reason you get ba P.F ng’wangwazi’s -(call boys) like K@mba -aka Kud0s defending P.F (Plunderers Federation) tooth & nail on L.T, despite all the evidence of thieving & visionless failure that has led Zambia to joining Z!MBABWE as a failed sh!th0le Republic that’s gone to the Kaabwa’z, under the “unhumble leadership” of President J0n@ Mukula 1

  8. @Kaizer Zulu who was a former Laboratory Assistant, is now driving a Range Rover. Meanwhile his former boss Evans Muduli must catch a minibus from Chelston Clinic. Well politics pays very well!

  9. These are crooks like Tasila Mukula Lungu, if your wealth is traceable what are you losing by not suing as you will easily prove your case. Your day of reckoning will come for all you crooks, you will lose all your cash to lawyers!

  10. Some of you complain and criticize the government from Monday to Friday without fail like it is a full time job. Its Friday, for a change let us discuss something positive. I will start. My self my weekend has already started. I am currently sipping on Hennessy. For Tomorrow I have a bottle of a 20 year old whiskey specially bought from Japan. What is everyone doing? Happy weekend. With love. Kz

    By the way @13 apostle that is part of life. We all start from somewhere. Also just like the relationship between a teacher and student , the expectation is that the student will one day do better than his teacher. I learned from my superior and now doing better than them.i am sure they are proud they made me. Kz

  11. This is a true picture that reflect what PF leadership is.
    I urge also Prime TV to continue get money from PF who have now agreed that Zambians have stopped viewing the PF ZNBC tv station. Even though, Zambians can not listen to people like PF speach on the issue of Bill 10. Honorable bwana Kopulande you have now agreed that zambians stopped watching your ZNBC long time ago.

  12. Kamba is the main beneficiary of PF cader thugs controlling bus stops and markets.

    He is their commander and gets benifits from extorting the public in markets and bus stops.

  13. Leave Kamba alone.
    Won’t Zambians in political parties build?
    Obviously he has worked for it. What do you know?

  14. Mmembe is a complete joke. I am reminded of the time around 2006 when He called Luapula people Katangese Thieves. Him and his am0s malupenga called us thieves every day! Can you imagine being called a thief when you have not stolen. Kamba be strong little twit mmembe hates anyone successful! Kamba is fine example of people who have worked hard inspiring the youth. PF is winning.

  15. Where are the billions of dollars Chiluba is alleged to have stolen by Membe. Surely they did not bury the billion of dollars with him otherwise he should have left the money with his family. Tuma suits and tuma shoes does not amount to billion of dollars. Zambians have accused their leaders of having stolen billion of dollars starting from KK but I have yet to come across a family living a luxurious lifestyle like that of Mobutu.

  16. Senior Engineer RTD

    Apart from chiluba donating millions to UK churches , so he claimed , blocks of flats in Belgium and Lusaka which his estate failed to account for were denied ownership to his children when they tried to claim them.

  17. Senior Engineer RTD – Chiluba like many African crooks stole money let their fund managers hid it for them in offshore accounts and Swiss accounts when they pass away no one claims it so it just stays there for the bank to play with.

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