Saturday, July 27, 2024

Placing Chambeshi Metals on the Copperbelt on care and maintenance is reckless-NDC


The National Democratic Congress says the decision to place Chambeshi Metals on the Copperbelt on care and maintenance is reckless, insensitive and should have been avoided.

Party Chairperson Labour Joseph Chishala has condemned both Government and Unions in the extractive sector for not taking proactive measures in insuring that the firm was is closed.

Mr Chishala believes that Chambeshi Metals in its current form and state is still viable being one for major Cobalt producers in the country.

He said the Unions in the mining sector know the problems at Chambeshi Metals and should have taken remedial measures by engaging management at the troubled firm to explore new business linkages and survival methods that should have saved the company from total collapse.

“As a party we sympathize with the plight of 229 families of employees who have lost their jobs at Chambeshi Metals”, he said.

Mr Chishala who is Roan Member of Parliament has promised to table the matter before the minister of mines in Parliament.

He said it is sad that Zambia is experiencing job redundancies under a Government that was voted into office under the platform of creating more jobs and giving people more money.

Mr Chishala has added that there is need for Government to identify another equity partner to take over the operations of Chambeshi Metals.


  1. Why didn’t you table the matter before the closure? You all knew about what was going on and you were waiting for the worst

  2. Useless losers. This man has no knowledge of how mining works. He thinks it’s like digging for gold in his nose full of mucus. Sometimes it’s best to shut the mouth rather than look silly. Kz

  3. Thinking foreigners will do mining for you in exchange for employees and a positive economic outlook for some time is suicidal and economic sabotage. Self inflicted wounds if you like.
    I can’t imagine Saudi Arabia let alone UAE entrusting their life line of Assets- oil fields then sit back and watch the so called FDIs sanitize the economy for you.
    You need your assets back.
    Loss making ZCCM was not bad after all.
    What has changed.
    I see no change. It’s fear factor, leg pulling and arm twisting.

  4. @ Kaizer, for you there is no reasoning but just carderism. How did the government intervene and saved jobs at KCM?
    For you anyone who suggests an option other than your perceived Government position he is UPND and an enemy. This is not the first time we have dealt with a matter like this one. You attitude of insults don’t make you wise at all.
    Let’s be citizens and not just carders

  5. Chishala is an empty brain bragger. The company has nothing left to process. NDC is a party of dunderheads. Only UPND is a party with brain.

  6. Yeah, you got that one right, Thorn. Bazungu banati washa mu 1991. We should get this mine back like KCM and let ZCCM-IH run them. Now with gold and maybe oil discoveries, expand the portfolio. That way when we sell the copper, oil and gold, the dollars come back to Zambia.

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