Saturday, July 27, 2024

More Zambian couples seek divorce


Over 20,000 marriages were dissolved countrywide last year with Lusaka, Eastern and Western provinces each recording the highest cases of over 4,000 divorces.

Infidelity, adultery, gender-based violence, and poor communication among spouses are some of the major reasons why the affected couples sought divorce.The average age of those seeking divorce was been 25 and 45 years old.

[Daily Mail]


  1. This is not a bad thing. Our parents, especially the women endured misery in silent pain; in the name of traditions. More marriage teaching in churches, schools and professional organizations is needed. 20 000 though is too large a number. Western province we lead huh! It seems from rising sun in the east to the setting in the west, they know their stance on being free kikikiki.

  2. Here we go again these PF .
    You idyots stop these. The same reporting insighted people about gassing, and ritual killings, things which are NOT happening.
    Now you start telling people to divorce. Go tell noko to leave wiso.

  3. It’s not impressive for a nation that boasts to 90%, Christian, how are we going to be differentiated from non Christian nations? They drink and we drink, they’re corrupt and we’re corrupt, they cheat and we cheat, they divorce and we divorce, we swindle each other, we pretend so what’s the difference? What do they do which we don’t? We’re a nation of hypocrites, full stop

  4. Where’s wht God put together? Why have the courts put them asunder? Rev Godfridah Sumaili, where’s ecclesiastical teaching on marriage?

  5. Marriage is a vital union in our Christian nation. We believe in the union of man and woman unlike our upnd friends who want to introduce homosexuality. I am proud to still be with my wife regina after so many years. I love her and my kids more every year and do what I do for them first. Kz

    • Should everything be about upnd. We are not interested ba boss. Actually we don’t need u to tell us whose right Nd wrong. Thanks

  6. This is only good news for lawyers. Young people nowadays think that getting married is an achievement. Anyone can get married, it is building a long lasting relationship which is an achievement. Forget Rev. Sumaili, where is bana Chimbusa? If they don’t follow traditional counselling, neither will they follow the biblical teachings because the two are congruent.

  7. @Ayatollah, mwalasa! How can we be a real Christian nation when pioneers of the concept have abandoned the cockpit (sorry, I meant the pulpit) and the flock? Ati Zambia shall be saved…only magicians now can save Zambia from her current course.

  8. Shallow article.
    How many got married in the same period?
    What was the average number of years married?
    How do the current figures compare to previous years?
    What factors have changed?
    How do we compare with other countries in the region, in Africa, and globally?
    Provide better analysis please.

  9. It’s not only Zambia. South Africa is registering more divorces. People are giving up on the institution of marriage. In Africa its because we are failing to adjust to Europe imposed marriage customs.
    Do you know that in some countries in Europe parliaments are considering making marriage a 5 year contract so that a couple can decide whether to go on or cancel the marriage?

  10. I laughed on social media this morning when I saw Tayali giving marriage advice on Facebook …I mean this clown has been married 9 months to a young foreign naive girl and he feels he is in a position to give advise after all he is a divorcee.

  11. Nine Chale I has posted sense today…well the problem we have in Africa is that marriage is concerned as success. You can not go any where without your aunties, grandmas mentioning and pestering you. The other day I was speaking to my work colleague a white British 50 something man who stated that he has been engaged to his partner for 21 years and they are happily living together and the British law recognizes a couples living together for more than. Couples who live together are sometimes called common-law partners. I told him that in Africa your in-laws would never tolerate that. In Africa there is no such thing as cohabiting.

  12. N~Ne Chale has posted sense today…well the problem we have in Africa is that marriage is concerned as success. You can not go any where without your aunties, grandmas mentioning and pestering you. The other day I was speaking to my work colleague a white British 50 something man who stated that he has been engaged to his partner for 21 years and they are happily living together and the British law recognizes a couples living together for more than. Couples who live together are sometimes called common-law partners. I told him that in Africa your in-laws would never tolerate that. In Africa there is no such thing as cohabiting.

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