Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Cadres storm Intercontinental Hotel, disrupt LAZ Bill 10 debate


Suspected political party cadres Monday evening stormed Intercontinental Hotel to disrupt a Law Association of Zambia sponsored Public Debate on Bill Ten.

And LAZ President Eddie Mwitwa says it’s disappointing that cadres could be ferried to disrupt proceedings.

Mr Mwitwa said he was disappointed with the conduct of the cadres who have not been identified.

He has since called on the Zambia Police Service to quickly bring to book whoever disrupted the debate.

But one of the discussant Tutwa Ngulube, has distanced the PF from the disturbances.

Mr Ngulube who is also Kabwe Central Member of Parliament says he knows the people who came into the auditorium saying they are from Southern Province.

But another discussant Cornelius Mweetwa, of the UPND claimed that those who disrupted the debate are PF members from Inter-City Bus terminus.

Mr Mweetwa said this is the reason that Mr. Ngulube, did not scamper for safety like other Discussants but remained seated in the auditorium when the cadres were walking about disturbing the debate.


  1. Useless politics. You are just wasting tax payers money. People are suffering out there and you are busy chewing the money at hotels ba kembo.

  2. Hon Tutwa,u are a leader and u should learn to speak the truth. Zambia was watching. If u review the video from prime TV or movie u Wil c that once Hon Tutwa say those caders he bend down and started laughing he knew what was happening before the even made known their intention of visiting the building. He was laughing the all time caders where inside. The other thing is if those caders where UPND serious my country men and women intercontinental had police on the entrance would the have been allowed to enter the building. ? Let us not be fooled. It’s too much. We could have heard 30 upnd caders arrested by now. Serious Zambian open yours and shine it well.

  3. This is the legacy of lungus rule……

    Cader violence, caders extorting the public for money , caders and police attacking any peacfull demonstrations , tribalisim corruption every where , a rotten judiciary , high taxes , high unemployment and debt

  4. Hon Tutwa,u are a leader and u should learn to speak the truth. Zambia was watching. If u review the video from prime TV or movie u Wil c that once Hon Tutwa say those caders he bend down and started laughing he knew what was happening before the even made known their intention of visiting the building. He was laughing the all time caders where inside. The other thing is if those caders where UPND serious my country men and women intercontinental had police on the entrance would the have been allowed to enter the building. ? Let us not be fooled. It’s too much. We could have heard 30 upnd caders arrested by now. Serious Zambian open yours eyes and shine it well.

  5. Ngulube is as d!rty as the P!G!
    That’s how dangerous a half-baked lawyer turned cadre can be!
    LAZ, the one who hired cadres to disrupt the meeting is no other than “Pumba” the P!G!

  6. Who else can do that apart from pfools cadres? They know LAZ doesn’t like Bill #10 so they are not happy seeing LAz talking about this. Even you pf bloggers you know it with no doubt

  7. Mmmmm iwe sure, just to use common sense which is not common to every one. think of it if really these where for UPND as tutwa is saying. do u think the police would have failed to man handle those chaps. I watched the program, the presenter kept on calling the police but the police seemed scared. I am just wondering that opposition has become this powerful huh !!!!!! for me, these pipo had the blessing of the powers be….

  8. Why not debate “stoning Tutwa because
    of superstitious and witchcraft of gassing”.
    That’s the real stuff to debate, not your 10 rounds!

  9. The current goings on in the country clearly show that the PF government had run out of ideas. This anarchy is unprecedented and if we are not careful Zambia’s so called democracy will be a fully fledged dictatorship. Very sad and annoying.

  10. Why blame everything on the government? Even for unidentified men and women are said to be coming from government. Imwe mwe bantu imwe, you don’t have something to talk about but talk bad about government?

  11. Government has power to stop any cadre Normally opposition is treated with uttermost brutality,so you can easily tell who this group was PF cadres without doubt
    PF seems to be failing to govern, its failing to protect its citizens

  12. This is an embarrassment to say the least and you expect investors to come to Zambia? Lungu show some leadership for once, this is not right

  13. imwe we all know that cadres of a certain chipani are always unidentified, I found it strange that in all that confusion pounded pig was all smiles while talking on his cell phone. when pep president shawn tembo was attacked, (unidentified). when upnd members were attacked in kabwata on valentines day (unidentified), now lawyer’s discussion on bill 10 disrupted (unidentified.)

  14. When that day comes when most Zambians are refugees in other countries running away from the chaos we all stood and watched happening that is when you will learn how precious freedom and peace really is. If that disrupted debate was meant to educate the general public by listening from the opposing members how will the people Zambia really learn or know the truth about bill 10? The ones behind the attack are those that don’t want people to have the opportunity to understand what is really contained in bill 10, the organisers of that attack have skeletons to hide in the I’ll fated bill. For tutwa to be that calm and yet claim that it was opposition that attacked is really insulting the intelligence of Zambians.

  15. Lets abandon this useless opposition poltics before it consumes this country. We need another Choma declaration nombaline

  16. If the PF and the UPND appreciate that cadres are an integral part of the Democratic dispensation then why don’t they include that structure in the Constitution? After all the 2 parties control Parley. One day they’ll regret this monster they’ve created. We can’t have a country where hooligans reign. It has started with the beating of Given Lubinda, who’s next?

  17. Ba lusaka times fix that article by sosala mukulu chinyanta on bill 10, what kind of INTERACTIVE forum is this where people can’t rebuttal or add comments to a subject matter

  18. Its good that the nonsense of 10 bill ten was scrapped yesterday.Kudos to cops for not protecting those scams.As if that was not enough gassers should have gassed them.
    Bad people…!

  19. Whose is against Bill 10? Who walks out of parliament when bill 10 comes on the floor for discussion? this is very simple and one wonders why we even have a debate on which party does this cadres belong to.This is a simple logic were even a still born baby can answer.This is purely the work of the traitors of this Nation who want to gain popularity by companying agaist Bill 10.The select committee consist of different people from different parties which upnd is also in that committee,but why are they pretending and why are they not coming out in open tell the Nation the truth is this MAPATIZYA FORMULA.


  21. This is why we should always uphold the rule of law. Had those unruly thugs been arrested, we wouldn’t have this back and forth about whose cadres they were. We should all be outraged that a meeting, duly constituted to discuss an important issue, could be so easily disrupted by a band of thugs IN FULL VIEW of the Police!!! Be warned – as we stand by and watch a few corrupt fellows lead our country into anarchy and violence, we will all pay a hefty price for this. There is an urgent need for the rational, across the party lines to stand up, join hands and say enough is enough. The PF govt must not be allowed to let this country degenerate into disorder and mayhem – just for their own benefit! What is all the desperation about when they are winning bye elections and in their words…

  22. Those cadres who disrupted the meeting have not been positively identified. It’s erroneous to assume that they were PF or UPND cadres. Let the police do the investigations and the culprits shall be brought to book. One Zambia one nation.

    • Let the police do its work and the truth will be known very soon,every one knows who is doing all this circus and soon they will be caught up and justice will prevail.Unless the Lord builds those who labour will labour in vain.Just wait and see how God will do it,God will rescue this country from the attacks of the enemy,mmmmm just wait God is more than able and the enemy will be ashamed.To those who does not believe alas to you.

  23. Right @The Great One. The Police will investigate and bring the culprits to book. Right after they find the owner of the mysterious houses, apprehend the thugs that attacked UPND cadres at a home in Lusaka the other day and bring the gassing culprits to book. Would you stop being so gullible???

  24. @ the great one, the police never temper with Pharaoh”s Fanatics, we all know what happened to those cops in sesheke after they tried to put in line a certain party”s holy grail( cadres), they lost their jobs.

  25. Open your eyes well well Bwana!
    It’s not the opposition governing.
    It’s the ruling party in charge. If the ruling party with all the state machinery is behaving like cry babies, let them call for early elections!

  26. Tutwa Nguluba is one hell of a gutless piece of, but even in my wildest imaginations I hardly realised he was capable of such gutless degrees of stupidity! I mean, *****s like these deserve nothing but being shot dead! I just hope all Lenjes in Kabwe ensure that this tribally bigoted SOB is voted out next year.

  27. Which party in this country has cadres who are uneducated with no iota of the English language, if you know that party, then you know who disrupted the gathering of the intellectuals in an affluent and not komboni environment.

  28. Ba Njangwamuloty Mwendalutaker Mwendanjanguler: You are a complete moron. So, he should be voted out because he is not Lenje? To you that is a befitting reason why he should be voted out. You are a complete waste.

  29. It was pf!! no it was upnd!!!! no it was pf!!! no it was upnd!!! Please why are we as a people allowing two political gatherings treat us like this. They beat each other up innocent lives are lost, one group steals another covers, they are both bent on one thing and one alone to benefit either way…lets say no and look to another gathering….

  30. African politics is useless African leaders are so useless so selfish good examples Mobutu siseko of Zaire,Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe,Dr Kamuzu Banda of Malawi, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and now our own EC has been added to the list .

  31. Sad state of affairs under this lazy weak man in State House since when have thugs walked in a 5 star hotel in full view of the cameras with uncovered faces.

  32. Yes it was obvious those thugs are PF. That’s why Tutwa did not run for his life. Surely Zambia is this where we have gotten to??……….The PF leadership needs deliverance

  33. Why is LAZ avoiding Parliamentary debate through its own UPND MPs? Alternatively, why is LAZ delaying its conversion to a full fledged political party? Remaining an affiliate of UPND is clearly ineffective as the MPs have to be dragged into Parliament against their president’s directive.

  34. Upnd cadres need to be tamed! This is unbecoming in a country known for its peace and democratic values. If this is continued drastic measures will be implemented. You cannot have useless cadres disrupting government business with impunity. The law will come after you in due course. Kz

  35. Next time when you orginise a sensitive event like this, make sure security is tight. you can use private security companies backed by armed police to keep these yobs out. This is a reflection of our country today. The fact that no one can be held responsible is shambolic. That could have easily escalated into a blood bath. The organisers for me are to blame for this situation because they should have anticipated it and put measures to protect the deligates. You should also invest in improving your live broadcast techniques. Live broadcast with time delay to avoid embarrassment. Why do we accept mediocracy? no creativity or standards. Very embarrassing indeed. I’m sure you watch house other countries arrange these debates? if not please just youtube it.

  36. Kaizar Zulu: I just don’t believe u that they were UPND cadres. They were PF because not even the police dared to stop them. This only happens to those with ruling party connections. Remember the mob that went to Linda Kasonde’s LAZ office in broad daylight armed with pangas, machetes? Who arrested them?

  37. FutureZed: Better to keep quiet than say things like wht u hv said above. The organisers are taxpayers in wht is supposed a functioning state. By paying tax, they’re entitled to state protection, period. Why do want the truth about Zambia to be hidden?

  38. Tutwa and Makebi were lying and the opposition lawyers had facts. And everytime they were caught offside, Makebi was just smiling. The people in the auditorium knew that PF was lying. Because of fear of being embarrassed by the opposition, they resorted to call upon the carders. This move was well calculated one. Someone was watching from somewhere.

  39. @Nemwine learn how to read! who said they are not entitled to state protection? The armed police were there but why didn’t they stop these yobs from entering the premises? you sound like one of the yobs.

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