Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lungu Unveils Presidential Tourism Council


President Edgar Lungu has unveiled the Presidential Tourism Council comprising eleven cabinet Ministers in readiness for its inauguration.

The Council that will be chaired by President Lungu includes Ministers of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu, Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela, Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme.

Others are Ministers of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya,Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji , Commerce Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma and Communications and transport Mutotwe Kafwaya.

The Council will also have Local Government Minister Charles Banda, Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa.

President Lungu has urged all members to work towards strengthening efforts from their portfolios to resolve issues in the tourism sector.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by Vice President Inonge Wina during the Launch of the Tourism Master Plan in Lusaka today.

The Head of State said tourism cuts across all ministries and its success depends on the coordination and cooperation of other players.

President Lungu charged the ministers to identify key aspects of the tourism strategy that should be performed by the ministries and develop ministry specific strategies to deal with tourism related matters among responsibilities.

The Head of State said he will soon call for a round table meeting for the council members to have an indepth discussion on how best to propel tourism into a viable sector.


  1. I would have expected the Council to comprise mainly experienced people in this Sector from outside Government to provide fresh ideas for the President to consider, instead its just a mini Cabinet with same thinking whose deliberations will be presented to themselves in full Cabinet

  2. For those who don’t know, tourism sector is fastest growing sector in Zambia accounting for USD1.8b in 2018. In 2017 we hit over 1m visitors to Zambia for 1st time. It has largest job creation potential of any sector. The tracjetory is looking good for Zambia and its time GRZ gives special attention to tourism sector. Like observed when 2 White Rhinos were run over last week Mosi O Tunya park is a gem being location of world renowned water falls. We need to protect & make it even better. Let’s not relent as country in restocking & extending it to Dambwa Forest north of Airport. The suggestion by the Mayor recently to bring antelope species & big cats into forest is best I’ve heard & needs to be supported. Then Livingstone will be undisputed best tourist destination in Africa if not…

  3. …Then Livingstone will be undisputed best tourist destination in Africa if not world. I’m hoping LCC is already working on project now that we have master plan fully supported by President. God Bless Zambia

  4. What has happened to the Ministry of Tourism and whatever else it looks after? Imwe bane stop playing with the nation. That Council is like imposing some one-man show over the nation. Let the institutions operate mwandini mwe…

  5. Next we will hear of an Energy Council, Health Council, Mining Council and ofcourse Religious Council …

  6. You can clearly see here that clueless Lungu has no idea whatsoever on what he’s doing. This clueless guy has been in office for almost 5 years now. And he has just realized the importance of tourism? What has the minister of tourism been doing all along? We told you fooools that clean up the country first. You already have many tourist attractions, including the Victoria Falls, the beautiful lakes in Northern Zambia, the National Parks, etc, But you have to CLEAN UP THE COUNTRY FIRST!!!!!! Invest in that, and you’ll get your money back. Rwanda attracts a lot of tourists annually because of its cleanliness. Tourists like clean countries, even if you don’t have many skyscrapers. Clean up the country, and then begin to advertise on social media. Support young people who are trying to…

  7. … sell the country to the world through social media. Once tourists begin to visit, they’ll make video vlogs and encourage others to come see how beautiful Zambia is. But if you keep the country dirty, no one will be interested in visiting. Or they may visit once and never come back. Make the country beautiful and secure, and you’ll not worry about attracting tourists.

  8. Meaningless! This council should comprise tourism movers in the private sector NOT the same breed of useless so-called cabinet ministers who are moribund and have proved mediocre, in every respect, in the running of their respective ministries. This is just another tool in the continuing saga of corruption that is reminiscent of this president and his plundering felons (PF).

  9. Kikikiki !! ..I don’t really know what to make of this . .kikikikiki .. Ati presidential fimofimo ..kikikiki

  10. President Lungu, Ministers of Finance Bwalya Ng’andu, Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela, Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo and National Development Planning Alexander Chiteme. Ministers of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya,Foreign Affairs Joe Malanji , Commerce Trade and Industry Christopher Yaluma and Communications and transport Mutotwe Kafwaya. Local Government Minister Charles Banda, Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale and Energy Minister Matthew Nkhuwa.

    Looks like its the entire cabinet in the Presidential Tourism Council???

  11. This moron Edgar is so detached from reality another Presidential Corruption scheme…the country is on its kneels he is busy putting more pressure on expenditure. I say it for the 10000th time; Zambia does not have a President.

  12. If it was a boxing match PF should have just thrown in the towel.How can a government fail in everything, rule of law,the economy, sport, and they want 2021.Tourism Council..what a joke…

  13. More than half of the monies tourists pay to visit Zambia end up in SA , the parks belong to Zambia but all monies through bookings and flights pass through SA with only half reaching Zambia ……

  14. Really laughable in essence this is simply a cabinet meeting headed by the same dunderhead with his tins accruing more allowances

  15. If there should be a council at all, should it not include people who actually wok in the tourism industry?

  16. The same people who are in cabinet are the same people who are in this council. What fresh new ideas are they going to bring which they have failed to bring during cabinet meetings.

  17. Without basic hygiene, there’s no thriving tourist industry u can build. Take a walk downtown Lusaka CBD and if u can’t be appalled by the dirt and filth there, then forget about tourism.

  18. My contribution Mr President, so does this mean that we now need a tourism loan?
    To Dr Ng’andu, are you gonna allow that or you gonna quit the council if the proposal comes up? Remember that there is no country in the world which doesn’t borrow.

  19. We need to deal with the violence from political environment. Nobody wants a holiday in a troubled hotspot. There are political actants that have become too bold in destabilising this once ordered and peaceful country. Zambia should be one of the most toured countries. We have great natural resources in land and wildlife.

  20. Excellent. Working government. The best party in Zambia is definitely and will indefinitely be in charge . Sontapo

  21. Lusaka Times, why you keep gutting my posts? Are you scared of clueless Lungu? Come on guys, stop stifling my freedom of speech, All I said was Lungu needs to learn from Paul Kagame. He needs to send a delegation to Rwanda so they can learn how to keep the country clean. We have great tourist attractions such as the Victoria Falls, the great lakes in Northern Zambia. the national parks, etc. But first and foremost, tourists number one concern is to see that the country they’re visiting is clean. We need to invest in that first, as number one priority. We have more tourist attractions than Rwanda. But more tourists go to Rwanda than to Zambia, because Rwanda is a very clean country, and provides great security.

  22. No tourists want to come to a dirty city and dirty country Bwana Lungu. The garbage ,the street vendors all over the city and the cholera are NOT tourism worthy.

  23. Key blocking factors in Zambian tourism; Numerous charges and licences for operators. In Zim they only have one licence. In Zambia there are about 4 licences from council alone (business levy, land rates, fire, health, bar/restaurant, food handlers etc), another licence from Ministry of tourism (even when you don’t even get a tourist) , another licence from Zamcops (for having TVs for clients), then again you need TV licences. Of course you still pay ground rates from Ministry of lands. Then you come to workers; Workers compensation board contribution & NAPSA, Minimum wages stuff, etc, For services, ZESCO charges you commercial rate much higher than residential rate. Same differentiation for Water & sewerage. Meanwhile most of these charges have gone up by more than 500% in the last 5…

  24. Every tourist wants to be assured of PEACE and rule of law. Currently most political rantings from the the people in power is very unrefined. It is like we’re in a country of the uncivilized. Like we are always quarreling. In fact, visitors get surprised when they find very friendly people in Zambia. Our politicians paint a bad picture to the outside world.

  25. “They affirmed that President Lungu’s election of January 20th, 2015 as President when he ruled for one year and six months did not constitute a full term of office as per article 106 section 6 sub section B of the amended constitution of Zambia Act number of 2016.”
    I agree with you but if that is the case then President Lungu if elected during the next elections, the 1 year and six months ought to be subtracted from the 5 years thus him ruling for only 3 years and 6 months after which he will have to step down

    Naiwe sontapo

  26. @Kaizar Zulu. Was your Boss the sharpest? He has been accused of having misappropriated money from his Clients that he never represented. To date Lungu has failed to refute these allegations. Why???. It is a fact he suspended and barred from practicing law in Zambia for a period of 4 years
    Lungu was born 11 November 1956 at Ndola Central Hospital. After graduating with a LL.B. in 1981 from the University of Zambia, he joined the law firm Andre Masiye and Company in Lusaka. He subsequently underwent military officer training at Miltez in Kabwe under Zambia National Service (ZNS). He then returned to practising law. He then joined politics.[citation needed]
    In 2010, Edgar Lungu had his law practicing licence suspended by the Law Association of Zambia. This was after he was found guilty of…

  27. Cont…..
    In 2010, Edgar Lungu had his law practicing licence suspended by the Law Association of Zambia. This was after he was found guilty of professional misconduct

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