Saturday, July 27, 2024

No New COVID-19 Case Reported in the last 24 hours in Zambia-Health Minister


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya has disclosed that Zambia has not recorded a new COVID-19 case in the last 24 hours.

During the twelfth COVID-19 update Wednesday afternoon Dr Chilufya said no new case has been recorded out of the 99 individuals that underwent testing and the number of confirmed cases still stands at 36.

And Dr. Chilufya has announced that President Edgar Lungu has ordered with immediate effect on the recruitment of 400 doctors as well as 3100 paramedics as a way of enhancing the response towards the fight against the pandemic.

He said the President has gone further to offer incentives to the front line health personnel as a way of motivating the workers who are sacrificing their lives to the coronavirus fight.

“The President has directed extra incentives for the front line health personnel who are heroes and heroines and he is thrilled with your patriotism and hard work towards the Covid-19 fight and stands with you as you wage the fight against the pandemic” Dr. Chilufya assured.

On the status of the cases, Dr. Chilufya said all the people that tested positive are all stable except the critical individual who is on oxygen but not deteriorating.

He disclosed that 5 alerts of possible cases were recorded but tested negative after being isolated and have since been discharged.

And Dr. Chilufya said tests have been expanded to Ndola in order to cater for the northern region.

He said Zambia also continues to respond to the pandemic regionally and these include facilitation of movements, regional trade regulation issues, and business facilitation among others.

He reiterated the need to avoid traveling into or outside Lusaka considering that it is the epicenter of the Coronavirus and discouraged public gatherings while emphasizing the need to adhere to all the laid down health measures to curb the virus and said a scalable plan in relation to the escalation of cases will also be enforced.

Dr. Chilufya said the government remains committed to ensure that the matrix of the ones that tested positive are followed in order to avoid new infections at all costs.


  1. Hello knock knock it is very quiet here. Is it because the sadists and devil worshipers in the name of upnd are angry at lives being spared? Are we going to be told that we are not dealing with this case well by those in diaspora where thousands are dying every day? I await your response. Kz

  2. This sounds like good news, we hope to hear the same in your next update and further hope that someone from the quarantined will recover fully as we fight the disease together,. “stay@home”

  3. This man is not serious…I mean if you really want to protect yourself do these announcements on facebook live so journalists can ask you questions instead of wearing a face mask. Have you answered BUFFOON CK’s question concerning secondhand ventilators?

  4. We are on a good road. I don’t know why I have this feeling that we are on the mercy list. When experts were expecting this virus to move from China to African countries, it exploded elsewhere. It has no future under African skies. We will bury it there. We are survivors!

  5. Years from now, scientists will still be debating on how a virus could claim so many lives in countries with the best medical care systems but manage to be successfully contained in what they contemptously call “s. – hole countries”.

  6. Nine Chale – Use your head …these countries you reside in have the best health systems what does that tell you? People live longer even with diseases like cancer now you bring in a new Pandemic that attacks venerable people like this what do you have. Can a Patient with Stage 4 cancer survive 2 weeks in Zambia.
    Use your small head do come here beating about the bush like your are talking to children.

  7. Nine Chale – Why you never tell your “other half” Deutsche Frau instead of rushing to the internet? Even she knows you have no backbone

  8. T@rino, be nice when you reply to my posts. And stay objective.. yes there may be gaps in our health system, but that can’t stop us from managing this crisis. Don’t just look at the dark side of life. We have so many people testing negative which is something we should be happy about.

  9. Nine Chale – You are here stating that people in the west are dying yet people in Africa are not…you are forgetting that Africa has a young population and short life expectancy, Zambia has a life expectancy of 63.55 years compared to Italy and Spain which has life expectancy of 83.4 years. How many Nursing Homes are in Lusaka? You do the maths….these are variables you should consider do not to come here to spew rubbish you will get rubbish not objectivity. Dont come here posting nonsense like you are talking to drunk friends at the tavern maybe the impostor will cheer you as he is a simpleton.

  10. Thank God, this is great news. We can only hope its kept this way. Of course us the citizens should not become complacent. I would suggests an extension to the 14 days given by the President by another 2 weeks

  11. T@rino you are not being objective in your arguments . Dull people always advance insults in their arguments. You should be a very dull creature living in the West may be supporting the cause of your white masters.

  12. You see some of these comments and then it hits you! That is why we are a sh!thole country! Even when the situation is serious, nothing is taken serious.

  13. So, which ministers and permanent secretaries on self-isolation was halted under debate in Parliament. 24 hours without any new covid-19 cases does not erase those cases discontinued in parliament debate. Let as know them as Deputy speaker promised to name them at a later time.

  14. @Kz is as much as I would like to disagree but you do not see many people from the other side of the fence whenever there is good news. How else will their small god win in 2021 amidst good news. One does not need to worship the devil in order to be a satanist but actions.

  15. I don’t know we are not happy with good news? Someone has even to press dislike to someone who encourage us to pray that no death should occur! Very shocking.. I’m now beginning to agree with KZ about sadist and haters

  16. Very good news indeed. May our Lord Jesus Christ continue blessing our Christian Nation Zambia so that we continue recording zero new cases of the pandemic please.

  17. Out of the 4000 people being monitored even if just 10% of them are positive then already we have over 400 cases. It’s just that you haven’t been able to test them to confirm.

  18. @Redo I don’t understand also how can someone dislike politicking at this moment we need to bring our heads together to fight this war.ever government has done wrong in many things but when they say something positive let’s appreciate and co-operate with the current time it will unpd in government still oppositions will blame the government.

  19. Let’s not get excited with this results.
    Let’s hope it remains like this.
    It’s along way to go.Dont think the race is over.We pray that it does not
    Affect us like western powers .We
    Have No capacity to handle.

  20. Redo I am glad you are beginning to see a pattern of evil behaviour by our friends in opposition. They thrive on death and bad news. They think this will win them an election. However it is the zambian people who win you an election..come 2021 we will whitewash them into oblivion.

  21. This bloviate of a Health Minister is very silly. Test, Test, Test, otherwise you are a liar. People have to be tested. Try testing at least 150 000 people from all residential areas and only then can you have a clear picture.

  22. The questions are still there. Have the borders been secured for people from highly affected regions? Are gatherings still on the 50 number? Last testing was only on 99 persons and is only now going to move to the Copperbelt. Countries that used this’ waiting game’ have regretted it. Better to act decisively now by assuming there are still cases out there. Then we will post better effects than some parts of the West. If people are not reacting to measures, think of other ways of enhancing compliance

  23. Lord help us. In Your Mercy. Protect us.
    We ask it in the name of Jesus.

    Miracles happen.

    I am a little perturbed, the truth will win 2021.

  24. We salute the ministry of health officials for their effort and sacrifice to stop the spread of COVID-19
    Surely by following the WHO and government guideline we will overcome this disease.

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