Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu visits Founding President Kenneth Kaunda on his 96th Birth Day




    • There say a success man is one that leaves a successor, after watching Yaluma’s hate speech video, I feel sorry for people like KK, chona, nkumbula, ka double pwe, the wina bros, katilungu , lewanika, Julia chikamoneka etc, their one Zambia one nation mantra is just a kindergarten rhyme now, it’s so sad for this country.

  1. What part of stay at home does this moron Edgar not understand? There is absolutely no need for you to visit the old man when there is a pandemic …you are putting his life at risk you.

  2. Picture muleikata without gloves, you are pulling him at risk, its not just about the Chitenge mask, but hands must as well be covered with disposable gloves!! The was no need for this non-essential stunt ba Lungu naimwe!! There was absolutely no need!!

  3. @Tarino Orange. Can you not see that they are practising social distancing and all other precautions? You son of a m0r0n and an even bigger m0r0n yourself. Just because you have failed in life doesn’t mean you should insult the Zambian President every opportunity you get.

  4. Mwebantu is social distancing himself.
    Thanks Lulu for behaving well for tyhe first time since you become a President. I normally criticise you, but when you are sober you do try to use your brains rarely. if you could you use it more, then you can think of resigning. When you resign will respect you like KK you have just been to visit.
    Please use your brain not stomach.

  5. Kalikeka – This lazy man has nothing to do in his office no pressure at all, his friends are spending sleepless nights him is on a walkabout he has even time for haircuts I have not had one for 5 weeks….no wonder he called Churches and Mosques essential sectors to the economy.

  6. My beloved president, HE, Keneith kaunda.

    A selfless nationalist who gave his everything to develop his country and his people.
    I thank you you my president.

    Unlike what we have now who first loot and enrich themselves then start scratching around like a wet dog……

  7. @ Tarino Orange you are not in Zambia, probably in North America, i pity you because you have no understanding of our African culture. Here in Africa we look after the elderly people by loving and caring for them.Please note we dont send the aged into care homes NO, its a taboo. What is shocking about you this that you are behaving as if you have not been to school,Dont tell me that you dont know that senior citizens feel good and loved when they are visited. Does the President visit KK everyday? Why insult the Head of State? This is the problem with frustrated under5 supporter,reasoning is difficult, Insulting President Lungu will not help Akalema win election, in fact 2021 he is losing hagain.

  8. Excellent reception and love shown. A great depiction of Zambias political achievements over decades and transcending generations. The only thing opposition can do is gnash their teeth while diasporans have probably lost all their teeth due to all the gnashing. They can now only fire profanities via keyboards. We refer to them as the corona keyboard warriors. Kz

  9. Dee do not mind that small boy tarino he has not yet stopped breast feeding from his adopted mother in Europe. He is just an angry leech. Sometimes such anger is a sign of possibly Corona virus manifesting itself under mental health issues. In other words alipena uyo. You are wasting your time. He is a goner. Kz

  10. It’s clear to see that from the time tarino took that fateful decision to become an asylum seeker in England, he has never returned to visit Zambia. Takwata ama paper uyo. Hahaha. It is a risk. Most illegal guys are stranded in countries with no freedom of movement. They will now use windrush scandal and claim their are jamaican or from Caribbean to legalise their stay. Kz

  11. Dee – We dont have care homes in Zambia because welfare is none existent and retirees are not even paid their dues they are still queuing at the Justice Ministry. You simply dont get it do you? Not visiting him is doing him a favour its for his own good, you fooools have no concept whatsoever of this virus…and there is noway a 96 year old man can survive it.

    IllSayWhatIWant – Your childish games will not work this time the flag gives you away…find another boyo!!

  12. The impostor still continues posting his diatribe from his council house in the UK without shame whatsoever …how unfledged can one be surely…using VPN that is stuck in one country for 3 years. I have no time for silly games!

  13. We need something to reverse the culture of ignorance, disrespect, and contempt for others who have gone on and made something of their life shown by people such as Tarino Orange. We may assume they are adults but they behave like children, well that is unfair to children. Even they behave better.

    @Tarino Orange. What’s wrong with me living in the UK and not putting down my country as well as showing respect for others?

  14. “Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.” JFK

    PF time-out.

  15. Happy Birthday, MY President….KK wa mu ya Yaya !!! Long live……You look very fit at your age, still having those sharp eyes !!!!

  16. Happy Birthday KK, you’re a legend!! Well done to His Excellency ECL for checking up on our founding father. God will surely bless you. Those of us that are sober minded and are working professionals will continue to support the government of the day.

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