Saturday, July 27, 2024

Katambo reiterates need for farmers to supply chain stores


Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo has joined other stakeholders in welcoming President Edgar Lungu’s directive for farmers to increase their production and supply local chain stores.

Mr. Katambo has, therefore, urged farmers to heed to the Presidential directive and supply the local market in the wake of COVID-19.

He said this is the only way that local farmers can benefit from the readily available market and better their livelihood.

The Minister said this when BuyZed campaign founder, Evans Ng’oma, paid a courtesy call on him.

Meanwhile, BuyZed founder, Evans Ngoma, revealed that Zambians have in the recent past been able to satisfy the market with potatoes and other fresh farm produce such as maize.

Mr. Ngoma has however called for increased supply of locally produced farm products to chain stores.

He said the economic lockdowns in neighbouring countries has broadened chances of local producers to believe in homegrown solutions.


  1. Dont get too excited boss, the chain stores always have ways and means to discourage local suppliers if they dont want to buy from you. First of all they offer you such a low price that you consider if it is better to find another market because the payment terms are also after 45 to 60 days from your first invoice. If you agree to their first demand, than they come out with ‘if you want to start supllying us than you need to supply our country wide stores’, which is distant places such as chipata and mongu. Which small supplier can manage to do this? So they send you away in there smart way and nobody gets hurt.

  2. Nothing works properly under PF, Ministers and cadres have rigged the Saudi goat export project. I’ve no doubt that the opportunity will slip through our hands. So Michael Katambo doesn’t know what he’s talking about

  3. Garbage In Garbage Out.

    What has pf invested in agriculture for them to think farmers will take up this challenge now? I went in one shop compared the price of flour meal, the imported one was cheaper that the Zambian made flour meal, and someone is busy singing local is leker. I bought the foreign one, why should a producer put all the costs of production and taxes on a simple consumer like me.

  4. What incentives have you given our farmers so that they can compete with foreign suppliers? What makes someone produce an item, package it, transport it thousands of kilometres across borders, arrives fresh and still sell it at less the price of a locally produced one?

  5. Zambian farmers this is your chance to take advantage of the lockdown as most foreign suppliers will struggle during these times. Rather than waiting for government to tell you what to do , please swing into action. Form cooperatives. Don’t be lazy and wait to be spoonfed like those sadists in diaspora who are still breastfeeding from queen Elizabeth

  6. What rubbish GRZ , now pushing for buyZed , where have you been these past 8 years , you lazy corrupt morons ……

    GRZ needs to be in the forefront of helping create cooperatives for farmers , instead of concentrating on looting

  7. The problem with these chain stores is that they want to be selling same things in all their stores. So if a local supplier is only able to supply only 3 of their stores he/she does not qualify. If it is potatoes they would want the same type of potatoes in all their stores

  8. The Problem is we are heavily Taxed, plus the government is weak in implementing things… Everthing is dwamo dwamo…Its tough in Zambia too much corruption.

  9. Is this the Minister who went to kneel down when talking to Edgar. So he is also in BLAZ, Boot Lickers Association of Zambia. You see what unemployment can do to a country. I see most world leaders of the most powerful countries holding their own umbrellas when it is raining, no African demi god styles, I see when Trump is starting a press briefing, he just goes into it, no need to waste time in National anthems that just take time and yet it is a country of real patriots, he chooses the journalists to ask questions, no third party in between, in short, no wasting time, our friends who really know the value of time and development

  10. I don’t know what the negativity is all about. This is positive for our farmers. Nothing new really just a revisit to President Kaunda’s policy to Buy Zambia and Go Back To The Land.

    My parents (a diplomat and business woman) paid need and bought our farm in Lusaka East. They would farm, growing tomatoes and vegetables, poultry/eggs, piggery, fishery and tree planting. My mother was in charge of selling produce and getting it to market. We had contracts with Hilton Hotel and contracts to provide produce at International airport for various airlines. The greater part NAMBOARD, would purchase from Farmers (at low daft prices), but you made money. This is a great opportunity for the Farmers, Business is out there go get it!!! What’s not to like about the re-waking of Zambians…

  11. This is a great opportunity for the Farmers, Business is out there go get it!!! What’s not to like about the re-waking of Zambians. Let’s take control. Citizens must respond by Buying Zambian.

  12. Covid-19 took quite a toll on the entire planet. Humans are suffering all over. It’s quite frightening to see how populations all over the world are going through different yet similar trauma and suffering. The poor have the same struggles. The farmers, their crops have not got buyers. It’s all countries worrying about their economy and also fearing for their people’s health.

    Zambia also is facing the same. Maybe we are lucky that this Government is looking to help the farmers. It appears that they will attempt to encourage the use of local agricultural products in our localities. Province wise, local farmers, will be able to provide us with their produce. Sounds very promising, and I do hope some significant effort gets put into this. It may teach us a new way of living and buying…

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