Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Zambia to access K 2.7 billion support from bilateral and multilateral cooperating partners to fight COVID-19


The United States, United Kingdom, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank will provide financial support to the Government of the Republic of Zambia in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement released to the media, the Minister of Finance Dr. BWALYA NG’ANDU expressed gratitude for the financial support from the four cooperating partners. The Minister stated that the heart-warming support from Cooperating Partners is a sign of their unfettered commitment to bettering the well-being of Zambian’s, through strong collaboration with the Government, without leaving anyone behind.

Dr. NG’ANDU pledged the Government’s commitment With respect to the support received from the World Bank, stating that it is an affirmation of their commitment to walk with Zambia during these difficult times and strengthen development cooperation with the country, in our quest to overcome the challenges posed by Covid-19.

Dr. NG’ANDU further said that that as the Ministry of Finance, Zambia is pleased that the AfDB has assured the country that its doors will remain open for further assistance as the situation evolves. Dr. NG’ANDU acknowledged that the support from AfDB is a confirmation of its commitment to deepening development cooperation with Zambia now and in the future.

Dr. NG’ANDU has also thanked the two bilateral partners that have kept very close liaison with Zambian authorities on the provision of financial and technical support to Zambia.

The Minister received the announcement of the USA assistance and assurance of commitment towards improving the health of all Zambians with a deep sense of gratitude.

He acknowledged the assurance of the United States Embassy Charge D’Affaires that the fight against Covid-19 is a critical priority that will also continue to cover the fight against HIV, malaria, tuberculosis and improving the health and nutrition of women and children in Zambia.

Dr Ng’andu stated that the support of the United States – despite being the most affected country worldwide; and in need of huge Covid-19 patient recovery resources itself -demonstrates the steadfast nature of the two friendly country’s long-standing relationships in many fields of human endeavor and well-being.

And the Minister further said that he is pleased with the close collaboration between the UK Government on one hand and the Zambian Government and its multilateral partners on the other, in supporting this country’s fight against Covid-19. He says the support from the United Kingdom demonstrates its (UK Government) resilience in fighting Covid-19 at its doorsteps while remaining committed to the long-standing development cooperation with Zambia, in a true show of commonwealth brotherhood.

Dr. NG’ANDU personally thanked the Country Managers of the two multilateral organizations, African Development Bank and World Bank, for their tireless efforts and engagement with the Zambian Government during the past and current difficult times. He looks forward to stronger future cooperation with each of the two partners.

The Minister of Finance assured all donors past and prospective, that what is received will fully be accounted for and that the Government will continue to assess the situation and implement appropriate measures as the Covid-19 situation evolves. He reiterates that Ministry of Finance will regularly inform the public on the progress of the intervening measures as they get implemented.

The support is broken down as follows:

  1. The World Bank has made available US$57.60 million (Approx. K1.05 billion) under its Rapid Response Facility. In addition, the Zambian Government has applied for a
    further US$20 million (Approx. K372 million) under the Banks Covid-19 Fast Track Facility.
  2. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has committed US$37.5 million (Approx. K697.5 million) to Covid-19 as part of the Bank Groups’ Covid-19 Rapid Response Facility. The funds will cater for the purchase of medical equipment, screening of patients, rehabilitation of quarantine facilities, and community sensitization. Further, the AfDB will provide support to high-density areas through the provision of hand sanitizers, soap, water bowsers, hand washing facilities, and supply of clean and safe water to fight Covid-19.
  3. The AfDB will augment these resources with the Fifteenth Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme resources and the unutilized component of the Fifteenth Africa Development Fund [ADF-15] Programme. The AfDB will also provide food security packs for approximately two-hundred thousand (200,000) households in the event of the situation escalating.
  4. The United Kingdom has pledged support towards upscaling social cash transfer
    under its GDP 30 million (Approx. K705million) social cash transfer grant assistance. The United Kingdom has to this effect pledged to frontload its support in view of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the vulnerable are cushioned.
  5. The United States of America: The United States Government has approved a grant of US$14.5 million (Approx. K270 million) towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zambia. The funding is an addition to the technical support that the United States Centre for Disease Control (US-CDC) is providing to the Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Public Health Institute.


And the Ministry has produced the following Donation Guidelines.


  1. All Institutions or Individuals who would like to make ‘cash donations’ towards the fight of COVID-19 are advised to deposit such funds to any of the GRZ COVID-19 Commercial Bank Accounts. These funds will, in turn, be transferred to a designated account held at Bank of Zambia to be managed by the National Treasury.
  2. All Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are requested to ensure that all COVID-19 related funds being received from the Treasury are charged on appropriate budget lines in accordance with treasury
  3. All expenditures related to COVID-19 activities in Ministries, Provinces and Public Service Controlling Agencies should be made through the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and be subjected to statutory internal audit processes.
  4. All Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to submit income and expenditure returns on all COVID-19 funds received from the Treasury by 5th of every month to the Office of the Accountant General in accordance with Section 11(1) (p) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2018.
  5. In the case of Aid-In-Kind, Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to receive and dispose of such through the procedures stipulated in the law. In view of this, Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies will be required to submit monthly returns on all Aid-In-Kind transactions to the Office
    of the Accountant General, Ministry of Finance.
  6. All recipient Ministries, Provinces, and Public Service Controlling Agencies are expected to maintain separate records and reports on the utilization of donations from Cooperating Partners.


  1. This is a good move, though there should protections against misappropriation. We are still recovering from an experience of stolen donor funds under the social cash transfer programme.

    Also, Boma should start reallocating the funds while awaiting this support.

  2. This is all the wanted money to misappropriate to pay contractors who are working on inflated projects

  3. Haha the diaspora are still scratching their hairy scrotums to locate any reason to criticize this positive move. However it’s like searching for a needle in sack of hay. Haha

  4. When will Africa stop depending on donations?

    Is this normal?

    Always begging, receiving…very shameful.

  5. Make sure that these funds are not misappropriated. PF vultures can smell rotten carcass at a distance of 200 km, there eyes are already in the atmosphere. Meanwhile PF must go!

  6. The life of a begger like Lungu and Kainyo Zulu is like that of a stray dog , they’re always quick to accept alms regardless of the conditionalities attached. Galu za chiwewe, zikunyelathu ndithu

  7. @ #3 Kainyo Zulu,
    If Chizungu cha kukanga you can speak in Tumbuka and Nsenga, I mean, there is no such thing as “searching for a needle in sack of hay”, it is looking for a needle in a haystack, you fuc.kin dimwit!

  8. KZ

    More like searching for hay in a haystack !

    You can’t hide the shortfalls of lungu and PF …….

    Now hence forward its begging all the way ……C19 has provided lungu with a golden begging bowl

  9. This is indeed a shameful day for Zambians………

    Where our leaders seem proud to be beggars ???

    And receiving handouts seem to be the normal ……..

  10. The IMF approved a $3.4 billion Covid-19 emergency support package to Nigeria.
    Zambia has been given access to ZMK 2.7 billion.Whats the current USD/ZMK exchange rate.
    Some PF cadre above is celebrating

  11. Now you call them corporating partners without shame …even if MOH has guidelines Chilufya will still procure face masks from his Indian partners at inflated prices of $5million…who is going to question him?

  12. There is an omission in guidelines of those who have stolen, misappropriated or diverted donations for personal use, what measures has PF government put in place to account or lie to the Donors?, since in the past donors have withheld their donation due to corruption and theft.

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