Friday, October 25, 2024

President Lungu Fires Commissioner of Police at the Zambia Police Headquarters, Hudson Namachila.


President Edgar Lungu has with immediate effect terminated the contract of Commissioner of Police at the Zambia Police Headquarters, Hudson Namachila.

This is in exercise of the powers vested in the President by Article 92 (2) (e) and 92 (2) (f) read with Article 270 of the Laws of Zambia.

The Head of State has thanked Mr. Namachila for services rendered to Government and wished him well in his future endeavors.

This is contained in a statement issued to the media by special assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.

President Lungu recently expressed disappointment and said it was justifiably so, that the police command in North-Western Province had failed to secure gold reserves.

He said it was regrettable that people have continued to mine precious minerals such as Gold illegally despite the minerals being strategic to national development.

The head of State was saddened that the police in the region have not provided the much-needed security to safeguard the precious resource.

To demonstrate his displeasure, the head of State removed Mr Hamachila and re-deployed him to Police headquarters in Lusaka where he was until his dismissal.


  1. Those names is annoying to PF, therefore even though Namachila committed crimes, he should not have been fired, but arrested.
    Zambians respects arrests, they side a fired person.
    Politically, Namachila should have been sent as a diplomat to South Sudan. But as you know PF finkula, Nachila will cost them 100,000 votes.

    • This should be a wake up call to all civil servants fond of massaging lumpen behavior from ruling party cadres, you will left alone to account and your CV will be maimed forever while the cadres will carry on singing praise songs.

  2. Chimuka aka tarino you can’t go about using people, borrowing money and then blocking them after that. You are a pathetic boy and I will tell the world about you. You user. You came to us making us believe that you were a genuine upnd supporter at our London upnd network group and then you do something like this. You must be a bemba. Look how they are firing our fellow tribesmen back home. Very sad

  3. President Lungu terminate all sycophants in civil service they are making your work difficult!

  4. Excellent decision. Where one is not performing its normal procedure. The president is making sure we have effective leadership in place. The president is very wise. Even me when my accountant or managers in my many businesses are not performing, I fire them. Simple.

  5. He was terminated for being Tonga, period! Had he being called Kainyo Zulu, he would have been promoted to Inspector General. The people mining gold in North western were PF provincial committee, we all know these cadres are untouchable so what did you expect him to do!

  6. The ignorant ones always see tribe in every situation. So we must not fire any tonga or southerner even when they are not performing out of fear of being labelled tribal ? Please my friend this country has 17 million people and Tongas are a very tiny minority of that number. Why should we give a specific tribe special treatment? If you are not performing irrespective of tribe ,I will advise his humble leadership to fire you. Simple

  7. The incompetent president good at firing! We knew that Hamachila wouldn’t work with the Chief tribal perpetrator of a President Edgar Lungu. It’s not a surprise. Your fate is waiting too. Meanwhile PF must go!

  8. @Nostradamus, did he commit a crime for him to get arrested or he simply was incompetent? INCOMPETENCE will likely get you fired anywhere and everywhere in the world. Including in the private sector. What more here when we are talking about failure to render security to the country’s mineral assets? Any leader/President would be furious and likely fire you. And that’s what happened here, simple. Good luck to him!

    By the way, is it “Hamachila” or “Namachila” ba LT? These are two different names. The headline says Namachila and in the body of the article you call him Hamachila. So are you talking about the same person or two different people?

  9. SINCE 2015 TO 2020;

    In 2015 ,UPND/Tongas in civil services and parastatals used government resources to campaigned for UPND .They were warned of playing politics publicly.
    In 2016 UPND supporters made several financial trustees in civil service,using government resources to fund their political ambitions.
    From 2016 UPND lost elections and those who were found wanted by the government,they were retired on National Interest until the Catholic canons called it off.
    Since then,government have majority Tongas serving in the government with pretenses.
    It’s very difficult to trust a Tonga at work where politics is concerned.

    • What do you go to do at work? Do you go for work to snitch on your workmates political affiliation? Its tribal bigots like you who have made countries like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia disintegrate.

  10. Certain tribes can’t do anything right in this corrupt regime……

    Look what happened in sesheke…..the police boss was fired for teaching of thugs a lesson not to terrorize citizens ….

    Now this one in northwestearn most likely turned a blind eye to the PF thugs stealing gold or was intimidated and got sacked for that………

  11. And those PF thugs arrested for stealing gold are a law unto them selves , this police boss was most likey going to be sacked if he tried to stop them……..

    The PF thugs also made a mistake of not giving lungu a cut , through KZ , of the stolen loot…..

  12. How can a police officer provide security to private business premises if he’s not invited to provide security? A police officer has a right to bust private business premises if crimes are being committed. But if the same govt punishes brave police officers who try to control illegal activities done under a PF flag, wht was Namachila supposed to do? How many police officers did Levy Mwanawasa fire?

  13. It is clear to see that spaka is a hurt Tonga tribalist. I was right in saying that the majority sadist bloggers in diaspora come from a specific party and tribe. They are upnd supporters . Look how hurt they are. Why aren’t you this hurt when a non Tonga is fired ?

    • Edgar Lungu Patriotic Front 1,860,877
      Hakainde Hichilema United Party for National Development 1,760,347

      If in 2016 he could 1,760,347 from bloggers, woe unto you in 2021.

  14. What we wanted was an investigation into the theft of gold by the Police and not PF cadres. If Namachila is a thief why not let him have his day in Court? Zambian Police officers are on demand in SADC, West Africa and the UN, so don’t destroy his career without being heard, it’s not fair. Charge Namachila so that he defends himself, as it is no one can employ him. We want you to be tough but fair

  15. There’s also the issue of gassing incidents around the country. It is out of the news now only because of the coronavirus crisis. The issue was big and widespread. How come the security services had no idea wht was going on? Why hasn’t anyone been fired or at least ,publicly rebuked? Lives and property were lost remember.

  16. @Roy Mudenda, these tribal assertions you people like to through around are very, very, very dangerous and seditious. The kind of thought process you are encouraging among Zambians on these social media platforms will one day bit you in your @sses. Why everything has to be viewed through some TRIBAL LENS is really troubling. Regrettably, this phenomenon seems to have taken root in the age of multipartism in our country. The question is, WHY?

    Are you saying that someone can’t be fired for wrong doing at work or being incompetent in their job? No…? It always has to do with the person’s tribe….REALLY FOLKS? Is this what TRIBAL AFFILIATIONS have come to mean in Zambia nowadays? We can’t think beyond tribe anymore, is that really normal? And one would think education is a perfect…

  17. PF government has symptomatic diarrhea of tribalism everywhere. Look at the appointments in cabinet, public offices, civil services, parastals and at board level, 99,9% all from North-East, and you call it one Zambia one Nation! I wonder how Inonge Wina and others feel? Even if it’s money i feel Edgar Lungu is useless. Meanwhile PF must go!

  18. @ Kaizar Zulu, did you see the first comment above where someone is bashing your friend Tarino. You were looking for him a few weeks ago, there goes your answer regarding your question of his well being.

  19. Tongas and Lozi’s have really suffered under the PF. There has been a massive purge of Tonga’s and Lozi’s in the Army, the Police, Civil service and Zesco. Many people I know are on the streets just because they have a Tonga/Lozi surname.

  20. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Caught between a rock and a hard place. I feel sorry for this cop. If he stopped those PF guys in NW bushes, he might have gotten the Sesheke cops treatment. Now that he didn’t stop them, he still gets the boot anyway for incompetence. He tried to play politics of being a ‘Good Boy’. He should have just done his work well & he’d be a proud cop.

    • Atleast the sesheke cops did the needful than him even after massaging the cadres he still got the boot.

  21. KZ

    You will find I drive the narrative.

    I am an easterners , kwa madede, but put country before tribe.

  22. Useless P.F & ba J0na same same nonsense, different day.
    Mpaka lelo, Er!c Chimese did serious Corrupt deeds, no action, was actually secretly relieved of duties to protect J0na & his henchboys, who were beneficiaries in the Uniforms & equipment scam, then you discipline someone who was not really the mastermind of the P.F led Gold Plunder?
    I think this guy was a stumbling block in J0nas Gold heist for campaign funds.
    Mpaka lelo 48 Wheelbarrows & mansions, & bu Gassinga hede’ no further forward.
    That’s Drunken leadership for you who depend on bonafide thugz like the real K@!zar.

  23. @diaspora lady you have made me laugh. So tarino has been using and sleeping with married women. I always knew there was something dogdy a bout him. How can someone one blog all day. He was busy living off a married woman. This kapema woman is a well known noisy pond cadre.

  24. 2 days ago, The entire PF leadership in Northwestern province has been arrested for mining gold ‘illegally’.
    Today, His able leadership fires the north western Compol.
    Seems like PF caders are above the law and they are untouchable since every time some pf members are arrested a police officers have to be fired

  25. When Lazy Lungu fires someone either they are doing a very good job or they have stolen more than him…if this man did something wrong well get him arrested instead of giving vague statements as we know the whole of PF top brass in the Province has been involved in gold looting.

  26. Diaspora Lady – It seems you are not very smart even though you are based in Oz…simply look at the flag where that post is located and see who else has commented after. The attention seeker will do anything.

  27. I want to see and hear all those that were duped to believe that Tongas are a tribal grouping. At first only the Tongas felt the salt of tribalism but, now,” what u do to a jew shall be trippled unto u”. So now everyone in Zambia is going to feel the effects of the Bemba tribalism aimed at Tongas but reflecting & eventually hurting the entire nation. Its just began, real suffering coming ahead….

  28. @ Tarino, just pay back the money!! Of course Kaizar and I are laughing. By the way, I don’t recall hiding my location unlike you, am called the diaspora lady. Pay back the money brother before Kapema finishes you!!

  29. God’s time is the best.
    One day God who is watching aside and secretly, really will save this nation at large.

  30. Ok I am Bemba.

    I don’t hate Tonga people. I would never favour someone based on tribe. So you are saying Lungu did not know this man was Tonga when he hired him? Get real please.

    I hate Lungu and his corruption.

    I am sure some small minded Bemba people hate Tonga people. And small minded Tonga people hate Bemba people.

    HH got a lot of votes from Bemba people in the last elections that he won, but got rigged.

    That tells you something. Zambia is not tribalist.

    If small minded Tonga people carry on blaming other tribes for everything, they will deny HH votes coz other tribes will be scared of what will happen to them if HH wins.

    I really hate this tribal tagging. It will just divide us as we try to remove this rotten Lungu from office.

  31. Those coming here claiming only the Tonga are victims of PF are very selfish.

    The whole country is victim. No one is happy with PF. They are thieves.

    This is not a battle Tonga people can fight alone. You will not win.

    In fact, it is not even about Tonga people. It is about Zambia.

    This is a time build bridges. It does not matter what tribe you are.

  32. Where is DEC in all this …if Lungu is serious about gold theft why is he not urging the relevant authorities to look into it??

  33. Kungu wakumelo police chief in shesheke did a good job of keeping law and order he ws fired namachila looked on while PF surrogates plundered gold reserves as they are a law unto themselves he ws fired hw does the president want these police officers to do.

  34. sakala – This is what happens when you have a theft in State House a monkey overseeing the maize field …those PF officials in NW were not acting alone…guess who they have sent to head investigations? SG Mwila

  35. Provincial ministers we told work with the party leadership. How come the provincial minister has been left out? Wht reports was he sending to Lusaka? Whn did he send them? Wht did he say in those reports? Wht about provincial and district intelligence? Wht did they know? Did they cooperate with Namachila? He’s right now a mine of information. If those who hv been arrested are prosecuted, Namachila will surely be there to testify. If he was blocked from doing his job, that’s a punishable offence and Namachila will once again be able to say wht happened.

  36. Instead of firing ministers who are promoting tribalism, you decided to fire someone who is innocent, because of being a Tonga .I used love you Edgar lungu those days you, used to pretend to be humble and God fearing.Now you should forget my vote

  37. Just a question, does Commissioner of Police reports directly to St@te Ho@se, why doesnt Kanganja have a word in this? Or are all these decisions made at St@te Ho@se?
    Otherwise, if anyone is enefficient, then indeed, no excuses one should be kicked out especially when we are dealing with such a strategic resource.

  38. Dollar is at almost K20, Inflation is going towards 20%, Reserves are gone, Zambian currency was labelled as the second worst performing in the world, No industries, no jobs, Mealie meal is over K200 and history made, So who is supposed to be fired under these circumstances. You yourselves must have fired your selves, for gross failure. Look at where MMD left us and where you have put us, WE ARE WORSE OFF.

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