Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia allegedly “Hiding” US$6.68 million Grant from Global Fund for COVID-19 Fight


The Zambian government has allegedly failed to disclose a grant of over US$6 million it received from the Global Fund to tackle Covid-19. Last month, Zambia along with 67 other countries were given varying amounts as a grant to aid their respective national COVID-19 responses.

According to a leaked notice from the Global Fund, Zambia received US$6.68 million on April 17th to be channeled to the fight against Covid-19.

To confirm the Zambian government’s intentions not to disclose the grant, the Ministry of Finance on Friday released what it said was the full catalog of financial contributions that Zambia has received so far with respect to Covid-19 response.

In a treasury statement released by Ministry Spokesman Chileshe Kandeta, the United States, United Kingdom, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank will provide K2.7 billion to the Government of Zambia in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Bank has made available US$57.60 million (Approx. K1.05 billion) under its Rapid Response Facility.

In addition, the Zambian Government has applied for a further US$20 million (Approx. K372 million) under the Banks Covid-19 Fast Track Facility.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has committed US$37.5 million (Approx. K697.5 million) to Covid-19 as part of the Bank Groups’ Covid-19 Rapid Response Facility.

The Ministry of Finance said the funds will cater for the purchase of medical equipment, screening of patients, rehabilitation of quarantine facilities, and community sensitization.

The AfDB will provide support to high-density areas through the provision of hand sanitizers, soap, water bowsers, hand washing facilities, and supply of clean and safe water to fight Covid-19.

The AfDB will also provide food security packs for approximately two-hundred thousand (200,000) households in the event of the situation escalating.

The United Kingdom has pledged support towards upscaling social cash transfer
under its GDP 30 million (Approx. K705million) social cash transfer grant assistance.

The United Kingdom has to this effect pledged to frontload its support in view of the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the vulnerable are cushioned.

The United States Government approved a grant of US$14.5 million (Approx. K270 million) towards the fight against COVID-19 in Zambia.

The funding is an addition to the technical support that the United States Centre for Disease Control (US-CDC) is providing to the Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Public Health Institute.

Below is the table of Funds Distribution


  1. If it’s true, it would fit perfectly well with what has been a pattern. Long live money and damn the Zambian people.

  2. Foolish fake news. So you allege the government issued a catalogue showing the funds and in the same sentence you say that proves the government has stolen money? How much of an I.d.i.ot do you have to be to publish such drivel. Even my daughter who is in primary school can tell you how incomprehensible such utter lies are. This is why opposition loses elections. We know who is behind such fake news. I am working on a very powerful proposal to cabinet to institute a ban or high task for social media channels and also online bans for those found spreading lies like these. Kz

  3. Amazing, how can the whole PF government not disclose such colossal sum of money!? This government of thieves by thieves. Corrupt PF government bring back the money, what type of shameless leaders are you?

  4. This shows how corrupt Edgar Lungu and his gang of ministers are. Their corrupt activities are not even benefitting people in Luapula, Northern, Muchinga or Eastern provinces but themselves and immediate family members. They are riding on tribal hegemony to hide thievery behaviors. It’s too late and Zambians are far ahead of them. Not in a distant future they will all account to their corruption. PF must go!

  5. If the president takes money control back to state house like Kenneth Kaunda, I would not even be angry at this point. There are too many thieves in Zambia born out of Chiluba. Know this Zambians that short little man destroyed morals in the nation. Thieves ran rampant on his watch.

  6. You think they can disclose anything, they would rather let Sunday Chanda and Antonio mwanza speak on their behalf. The chief government spokesperson person would rather be a master of ceremonies at a Covid-19 daily update than update the nation on such matters.

  7. Why am I not surprised …these are petty thieves, look how the profited from load -shedding when Dora Silly was Energy Minister they have no care for the people. They are no different to that relative who asks for building materials for your plot only to nothing when you make a surprise visit. For Chilufya Christmas has come 7 months early. …this is why he has his hand on the covid-19 data tap releasing info to suit his agenda.

    • You’re right the data Chitalu Chilufya is feeding us doesn’t correlate to what is obtained on the ground. Imagine they dispatched a team of health experts to Nakonde, todate he is still feeding us Lusaka data. Does it mean Nakonde has zero infection taking into account it’s near Tanzania? Not only Nakonde, kasumbalesa as well. It is not making sense.

  8. Nzelu – Like the way Sata and Willy Nsanda as board chairman moved RDA to State House and no one was auditing it…no way …there are systems in place its just there is no political will to fight corruption.

  9. Don’t worry. This money will be recovered next year. Corrupt Lungu may think he’s very clever, but his day of reckoning will come next year. As soon as he loses the election, he’ll have to be arrested, him and his minions. They are all going to prison next year for a 150 years each.

    Even the latest Economist magazine highlights the Don of Chawama’ J0n@ Mukula Kadansa mw!bala 1’s insatiable appetite for missapropriating loans taxpayers cash, that will take generations of Zedians to pay back.
    Sad thing is dopey Zedians /P.F supporters & sycophants still believe this is how leaders should behave & it’s normal loot state coffers.

  11. Madilu system – It means he needs to take the samples back to Lusaka…I doubt they have the facilities to test on sight. Behind the scenes he is pleading profusely for cash from the donors so he can steal through ordering second grade products at inflated rates

  12. LIE – DETECTOR – where has stolen funds ever been recovered, even Liato who was caught with cases of cash nothing ever happened.

  13. I don’t even understand why LT edits our comments when we want to the PF what we honestly think about them. The Piffle are kleptomaniacs par excellent! The MMD dissolved the Central Board of Health so that donor money can mingle with GRZ funds and the PS answerable to the Minister to be in charge. Now the alliance of MMD and PF has perfected plunder, they have even built empty medical hubs

  14. What people dont understand is PF is fundraising for 2021 elections so they can give you foooools chibuku and t-shirts. Chilufya can do no wrong at this stage.

  15. But who has made these allegations?

    The reporting is not good.

    This must be fake news.

    That is not to say the PF are not stealing in mass. They are common thieves.

    Lungu is now the richest man in Zambia.

    How can a lazy drunkard achieve this?

    By the way, what ever happened to the court cases of the mukula cartel headed by Mr. Kapata?

    Or the libel case against Kambwili by that drug dealer close friend of Lungu?

    Or that chief gasser Sparks from Chingola?

  16. As we type here & act all surprised that these P.F tr!b@list!c Vipers have misappropriated donations, that cash has long gone to China to order campaign materials, with the head of a rotten “humble” Snake who stole a poor W!d0ws cash printed on them in readiness for August 2021.
    Ch@k0lwa Jona has had misbehaving ministers /officials stealing in broad daylight & muttering dangerous devisive tr!b@l talk like that “Big Man” Nkandu Luo & others like Nyela, Yaluma including P.F high ranking officials gassing Citizens BUT the drunken one has said nothing to condemn such heinous mutterings, but as soon as it’s to do with “Drinking & Dancing” & some chap releasing a song called Dzuba, Jona blogs straight from the State House dance floor, whilst leaning on the Jukebox -Whisky in hand &…

  17. I rarely comment on allegations but should this turns out to be true, it is unpardonably shameful.

    It is high time the donors changed their mode of granting: from cash transfers to a more systematically relevant approach. Direct procurement of goods and services for the Zambian people, bypassing institutional set ups. Let them identify much needed items that are in short supply, for instance hospital equipment, education facilities etc. and pay local or foreign suppliers to provide them. That way, they’ll keep long fingers away from the cookie jar.

  18. You may think there is absolutely no way of coming back from such high levels of graft but wait till Dora the explorer and Sunday Chanda open their mouths, they will spew lies and hatred against UPND and HH as though they shared the proceeds of this banditry with them.
    So sad and frustrating!

  19. cont;
    on the Jukebox, Whisky in hand, blogging how great that song is, & hoping to offer some of the missapropriated Covid donations to the Dzuba musician so he pen’s another wasteful P.F campaign song, ignoring the more pressing & urgent issues the Drunk should be putting his attention to & commenting on, but aikona J0na unless it’s to do with Drinking, Dancing, Stealing or campaigning, the State sponsored Drunk is NOT interested, as he’s on a very long vacation in State House from Chawama & he believes he has to party hard & enjoy before it’s all taken away from him.

  20. These proposals are not yet approved.
    That was a proposal held in German last month on how they will help Africa countries and others .
    Otherwise if that was true,international media platform would have published that as they did time of proposal.
    Don’t jump on fake and unverified information.Africans are cursed!

  21. Bally, please galvanize the opposition through the Alliance/Pact. We need Ubwebya for ba Puffy! We have suffered enough!

  22. In addition to THIS money consider the following:
    Th!eves broke into the bank and under gun-point stole K20 Million. The bank managers announces bad news to the citizens, the owneers of the public bank: “300 Million has been stoleen”
    So Covid-19 is the sweetest news in the ears of a th!eving Goveernment. The amont of stealing facilitated by Covid-19 may be as unprecedentd as the global effect of Covid-19. While some leaders in some nations are working hard to mitigate the effects of Covid-19, others will milk the citizen to THE BORN until no fluid comes out!

  23. Fake news mwebantu only dunderheads can believe this,something can be approved but not yet given. Just like you apply for a loan from the bank, your application can be approved and wait until the money is deposited in your bank account. Approving doesn’t mean receiving.

  24. Why do you publish unverified stories. I am not seeing anywhere in this Fake Story, where govt has been asked to account for this so called ‘missing money.’. Just a lot of loose lips by hysterical fanaticals fighting to be relevant on social media. JUST GROW UP.

  25. @Nine Chale, that’s just pointless. They would only monitise those products to make money. Better they keep their funds than disturb our country by allegations or bypassing our democratically elected govt.

    However if there is even an ounce of truth in this story, I would say we arrest and remove such public officials.

  26. President Lungu tell your mosquitoes to come clean on sucking blood donated funds. Always stealing mwakulasebana ba fipuli..

  27. Waiting for thieves on this site to defend their chief thief – Shamelessly disgraceful – agony to be Zambian to face donors

  28. Like many stories in Zambian media nowadays this story provides no flesh only bones.
    It skims the top and doesn’t have any depth. If you gonna tell us about stolen cash you need to give us more details of the stolen money than this
    We want to get people accountable for what they have received.

  29. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    No surprises here! While everyone sees despair and is worried for the future of humanity caused by this COVID-19, the PF thieving numskulls see a huge opportunity to enrich themselves and sing all the way to the bank.
    First of all the amount of money reportedly donated above is a lot and doesn’t equal how the PF are disbursing it on the ground. Most hand sanitizer are donated and not expensive anyway. The masks are donated and some are made out of cheap local PF materials. Individuals, businesses, the Chinese govt and Alibaba owner donated cheap materials required for the Coronavirus. So where is all this money going?
    In addition, they asking for loans and debts to be cancelled in the name of channeling money to the COVID-19 fight. All of the money will end up in their pockets and…

  30. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …All of the money will end up in their pockets and they will sing “fake news” as an excuse to defend and deny their graft. The PF always find an excuse of a crisis to use to channel money into their pockets.
    That money should have been directly given to the people who have been economically affected by the pandemic through social cash transfers. Many people have lost their jobs and income so they needed to be assisted with money from all these donations.
    What a failed project this thing called Zambia is! No systems of checks and balances whatsoever and nothing scares these thieves to plunder national resources.

    “With great power comes great responsibility”!

  31. Money has vanished into thin air, well done PF, you never disappoint n as Zambians, we’ll give you our vote because we love High way robbers to lead us.


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