Saturday, July 27, 2024

The scourge of corruption has impacted Zambia and the standards of living of many citizens-HH


UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema says the scourge of corruption has tremendously impacted Zambia and the standards of living of many citizens.

Mr Hichilema says leaders have enriched themselves at the expense of impoverished citizens while they pretend to be God fearing.

The UPND Leader says this is truly the definition of evil.

He said he and the UPND have a plan to eradicate corruption and they would like to have an open conversation with all Zambians about it.

He has advised Zambians to stay engaged, as Bally explains how corruption will be fought and eradicated.

Several stakeholders have continued accusing the PF of being corrupt citing the manner they are managing the country’s meagre resources.

Recently, the UPND accused the PF of spending public resources to buy its councillors who have continued to resign joining the ruling party in Western and North Western provinces.

The opposite party also accused the PF government of promising millions of Kwacha to its Members of Parliament that were willing to vote with them on Bill 10.


  1. You are right on one thing that corruption has impacted on the lives of Zambians. However you are not brave enough to say that why they are suffering today is due to your corruption at the helm of privatisation. Yes you claim you were not in government but any well meaning Zambian would puthis ccountry first before Money. You did no such thing. You lack the moral compass to be president of this country because what would stop you doing the same thing if you become president. Luckily you will never be. Kz

    • So its alright for you now to come and finsh off. From kapenta now to bream and even any fish. you all are mbares except the presido who you have brain washed. Na mwiba ba f1kal4

  2. HH talks without proof or solution. His pretence will never take him anywhere. Look into his eyes, the eyes can tell it’s total pretence.

  3. PAY RETIREES AT PSPF. Yes I said it. If it is KZ is first but he failed to comment when pf was caught naping when it failed to expose a chinese firm but world bank did. shame.

  4. @Kaizar Zulu…Your “HH stole privatization money” political song has become boring. If he stole, then why have you failed to arrest him for that up to now? And you, with your continued thuggery and sanity-devoid behaviour on full display for all Zambians to detaste, and in an era where every year the Auditor General’s and FIC reports bemoan high levels of corruption, what moral right do you have to say HH has no moral compass to lead the country?? None!

  5. Anyone who still does not believe that PF is the most corrupt government that we have ever had as Zambians, that individual is living in or simply is a f.00.l. People that are connected to PF have seen their wealth expand exponentially to unbelievable levels, including ba mwine. 9 years ago, he decaled K2.5million and within 5 years he was at K23million. Just wait and see what he will declare next year. Even civil servants like KZ, who had hardly anything toward their names today boast of driving state of art Range Rovers which cost as much as or even more than a retiree’s pension after they have slaved for 40years. All this wealth has been accumulated not because these people are business geniuses otherwise we would have seen their operations creating permanent jobs and…

  6. Continued….
    Even civil servants like KZ, who had hardly anything toward their names today boast of driving state of art Range Rovers which cost as much as or even more than a retiree’s pension after they have slaved for 40years. All this wealth has been accumulated not because these people are business geniuses otherwise we would have seen their operations creating permanent jobs and traced their activities through payment of legitimate taxes. 2021 will be a very interesting year indeed.

  7. The issue of privatisation having been done by HH is an astounding level of failure to know when, what and by who to those that have continued to peddle lies and deception to deflect the current suffering of Zambians today. The privatisation legacy was performed by MMD government and the people still alive today are Dr Mathias Mpande the then minister of mines and Mr.Valentine Chitalu CEO of Privatisation. These two individuals can explain to the nation if PF regime and KZ are aggrieved than boring obita-dicta stuff without any aorta of evidence. Failure to question these two is proof of PF’s own fear of corruption to be exposed to Zambians. Of course there is a solution to corruption and this is being stated buy a successful business man. Unlike some PF senior cadres who claim to be…

  8. businessmen only when they became ministers record before that were beggars or thieves. Yes, corruption will be fought left, right centre with the coming government and will be held to account for that to Zambians.

  9. As for KZ insulting well meaning citizens will not insulate you as public enemy of Zambia. You or impostor, Zambians will not forget that you have harassed, beaten, maimed, humiliated, kidnapped, fired guns and shot Zambians and dehumanise Zambians. Zambians deserve justice and time is coming to get it. Cleansing yourself on this site will not wash up, records, living witnesses exist and testimonies will be in your face.

  10. The majority of rich people enrich themselves at the expense of the poor….Zambian politicians in PF have become stinky rich at the expense of poor Zambians and HH also your wealth is questionable…you became rich at the expense of poor Zambian miners

  11. I have been astounded by the astronomic increase in street kids and beggers in lusaka since 2015. Having been out of the country and then visiting….its just so so sad.
    I often wonder to myself what kind of people are in pf. How can you steel money meant for health, for social cash support for elderly retirees, for education. How can you steal so much and drive in you expensive cars past your fellow citizens wgo cant even afford a meal, let alone a home.?
    How can you be so corrupt and greedy that you dont care that small boys are being turned into criminals on the street. Homeless young girls being raped on the street and turning to prostitution?
    Pf, have hearts. Even though you cime here and try to defend yourselves, you know in your hearts that these things are true.

  12. Cat power I was going to tell you some very hard hitting facts but I am just happy to see your big head here. So I won’t respond to that. Its Friday today and not even you can anger me today. How are you cat? You have been quiet. Hope you are not one of my clones hahaha. Kz

  13. My Bally your Bally our Bally, we need you to come and fix this dead economy. Please sort out the PF thieves. We know them some of them never owned anything and they’re super rich overnight. I can name few of them, Edgar Lungu, Lusambo, Kamba, Jean Kapata, Davis Mwila, Freedom Sikazwe, Tasila Lungu etc the list long. We must bring back discipline similar yo Kaunda and Mwanawasa’s time. I know you Bally that you will bring sanity to the majority zambians. PF must go!

  14. We had made so many strides in rwducing the number of street kids, homeless people, beggers etc from early 2000s to the mid 2010s. Now we are back to the chiluba days pandemic, thanks to pf.
    “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” says Paul the apostle. PF have shown how true this saying is. They love money and will do anything to accumilate it, regardless of who suffers

  15. To the diasporan above, owning a range rover as a top government official is not inconceivable. I work and earn a salary just like majority of zambian. If I choose to save my income for years to buy the car I want, I don’t think that amounts to theft or corruption. However , if you sell state owned assets for negligent values whilst pocketing millions, then you my friend are a crooked corrupt individual. Kz

  16. One of the things history has shown us is that those that steal and prosper through corruption and theft never live to enjoy their stolen riches.
    1. The wealth does not last or
    2. They never have peace of mind. Their consciences remind them of their evil deeds
    3. They die before they can really enjoy any of the stolen wealth
    3. Their children will inherit only the curse of their parents stolen wealth.
    Just look at FTJs children
    The lack of charactor in a man is passed on to his children. Just as the father knew nothing but hpw to steal, just as the father was lazy and couldnt do an honest day’s work, so it shall be with the son. They will end their days in poverty and inherit the sins of their fathers.
    One or all of the above will befall all the people that have stolen in PF…

    • I agree with you “Easy come Easy go” stealing is a curse! I’m sure you can still look at our former ministers in MMD government who were so powerful, you can’t even recognize them if you were to see them today. I saw one man on newspaper and i don’t know whether he still alive “Newstead Zimba” sad my friend, with patapatas in simple language. Life! Anyway good reflection of your thought!

  17. @Kaizer Zulu what do you call the head advising the ministers to remain in office while the parliament is disolved and continue drawing salaries and other benifits? Was the head in order or did he put the country first? If this was in the civilized world someone should have risgned on moral ground.

  18. And also “this is the fate of those that love ill gotten wealth, it takes away the life of its possessor”.
    Beware those of you that love wealth that is gained by unrighteousness. Beware. The day will come when you will regret your actions of today. Beware.

  19. KZ, you qualify to be called a zambian. Typical of; easily forgetting [Mwanawasa], gullible [kavindele], docile [cant remember the reference but i think this was said by Gen. Miyanda]

  20. The UPND Leader says this is truly the definition of evil.
    And those in Satanism? Just asking.

    Okay talk of the pot calling the kettle black! Hypocrite!

  21. PF leaders are selfish and corrupt, that is a plain truth but they cannot be compared to HH, he is worse than them all. UPND as a political party can do well without HH and he is causing too much delay for change to come. HH is the most corrupt living human being in Zambia as at now, that is why he has held UPND hostage for 15 years as if he is the only eligible Zambian to lead UPND. If by mistake he becomes the president, that will mark the end of freedom in Zambia. All we need in Zambia is a crop of new leaders not the likes of ECL, HH or CK. These are none starters. I even wonder why people like G. Nkombo cannot stand up and represent the party instead of being worshipping HH for ever.

  22. Kikikikikiki Yaba!! kwekwekwekwe.

    Finally h² has just described how we feel about him.

    The statement,”…h² says this is truly the definition of evil…”, is like self-proclaimation. You look your self in the mirror, damn, you see how evil you look.

    Twalumba chibotu aisha. Walasa musankwa.

  23. Voting in place evils is like supporting the very evil deeds that made them rich. Minerals and Farming can make you reach. But our minerals you helped sell for a song using kickbacks then those kickbacks bled and got you farms. Evil deeds are dope, ma bad, when evil attempts to surpass all understanding, you want to displace innocent poor hand to mouth peasants for your self and destructive levels of abysmal chilling evil. I hate it when evil wants to twist truth. It’s so eeeeevvvvviiiiiillllllllll, dope, damn it nigga.

  24. It’s the scourge of FALSE ALLEGATIONS from desperate Opposition that causes economic problems in Zambia. HH has single handedly caused difficulties for Zambia to get economic Aid from IMF and his Euro friends who want to put him into power; so that he can sell off every asset Zambia has remaining.

    We are now facing difficulties to get our share from our Mining resources because of his unsuccessful privatisation actions. The biggest failure of all times. We can’t even get tax. We own meagre percentages from our resources because of his ill advice.

  25. We are waiting for PF to move so that we can also enjoy also.

    I am eyeing the Ministry of Legal Matters.

    Our time is coming bally.

    Fingers crossed.

  26. The Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, although 5 feet tall, was a towering figure who ended China’s isolation and built an economic powerhouse. He embraced Marxism while working in France but was always a pragmatist, helping to undo some of the disastrous reforms of Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward, with his famous remark: “I don’t care if the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice.”
    Purged twice by Mao, he rebounded after the chairman’s death. He did not sell the state owned enterprises like Russia and Zambia and the sale of state owned in Zambia was under the supervision of HH. He wanted the state owned enterprises compete with the newly formed private owned enterprises, e.g. Huawei, which made them become competitive. Russia and Zambia sold state owned enterprises which…


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