Saturday, July 27, 2024

49 year-old man of Luampa District arrested for unlawful cultivation of cannabis plants weighing over 2.5 tonnes


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in Western Province has arrested a 49 year-old man of Luampa District for unlawful cultivation of cannabis plants weighing over 2.5 tonnes.

DEC Public Relations Officer, Theresa Katongo says Ndingila Polesha, who is a small-scale farmer of Mwangalesha area in Luampa District has been arrested for unlawful cultivation of fresh cannabis plants weighing 2.93 tonnes and trafficking in 385 kilograms of loose cannabis contrary to Cap 96 of the Laws of Zambia.

Ms. Katongo in a statement issued to ZNBC News said the commission has also seized a riffle, assorted ammunition, gunpowder and a fresh python head which are being investigated jointly with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife from the suspect.

Meanwhile, the Commission in Eastern province has arrested two siblings for trafficking in 385 kilograms of loose cannabis.

She identified them as Belita Msimuko and David Robert Msimuko of Mphunda village in Lundazi district .

Ms. Katonga said the two had concealed the contraband in five bags of polythene sacks which they were keeping in their shop.

She further said , in the same statement that the Commission has also arrested Mwelwa Tembo aged 21 year-old male of Shikoswe Compound in Kafue District for trafficking in 1.5 grams of Heroin and two grams of cannabis.

She said all the suspects are in police custody and will appear in court soon.


  1. The law is there for a reason. Instead of engaging government on the recently announced commercial legalisation of marijuana, you are busy trying to profit off illegal activity. He deserves stiff punishment for this idiocy

  2. Legalize it
    Don’t criticize it
    Legalize it, yeah yeah
    And I will advertise it
    Some call it tamjee
    Some call it the weed
    Some call it marijuana
    Some of them call it ganja
    Never mind, got to legalize it
    And don’t criticize it
    Legalize it, yeah yeah
    And I will advertise it

  3. And yet the current baboon in the maize field are let free…….. this is what the former US ambassador was talking about.

  4. There is nothing for a poor man in Zambia everything is for the rich how can poor people engage government when the licence is too high for the poor why can’t government try to make it easy for poor people in the villages who want to cultivate this instead you are arresting hard working people you are the one who needs punishment for all your atrocities.

  5. The PF can’t read the scale properly. 385 kgs??? Where did the farmer stock that ibange?
    If PF has that 385kgs of marijuana, then they don’t need to borrow money from IMF.

  6. And the i.di.o.ts will burn instead of exporting to realizing some money in our poverty stricken economy.

  7. Meanwhile Lungu and his thieves are stealing gold with impunity in NW and investigating themselves and closing the case under the guise of administrative investigation by drunkard Mumbi Phiri.

  8. There is a very thin line between subjective morality and the law. Definition of a law: “A formal social norm instituted for the sole purpose of driving the behviour of the group to attain the greatest common good.” My own definition but nevertheless covers the concept of law. What am I trying to drive at? Can a law be valid only in one section of society yet still be used to prosecute those who break it in another section of the same society? My humble conclusion is that this farmer is innocent on grounds that there is a law recognized in the land for the free cultivation of marijuana. Or is it only there to benifit politicians and other affluent members of society? The Zambian government is a sick institution indeed, Let this farmers cultivate this crop freely and you govt buy them…

  9. … them off and export this crop to USA or Europe where ganja is used for medicinal purposes. Nishi mwabela so dull kanshi? Can’t you see this is an export earner. That farmer is a very hardworking man, he should be motivated and not incarcerated. Use your brain not your gut bane bushe nitulyemo lyonse. Marijuana can be a major export earner for the nation if you use your so called laws to empower and not to prosecute all the time.

  10. Simple math: There is a demand for marijuana globally + God has blessed us with good soil where it can be cultivated = The country has a comparative advantage in the growth and harvesting of marijuana. Or you are waiting till you start manufacturing your own tesla cars before you make your first export outside copper? Hardworking farmer you throw in jail, what is wrong with this govt kanshi?

  11. Waiting for white skinned to give a green light….just nodding it can be done, yeah, yeah, yeah….we indeed useless….This dullness is in our genes….we need some species to train us to think…..let some black scientist worth his salt do some research on this, they will truly prove me right!

  12. Ndingila Polesha ninshimbi, he is really a good farmer and should be implored. Just give him a permit for cultivation and legalise his farming, there is potential there as seen!

  13. At US$500 a pound in California USA Ninshi uyo ni multi millionaire!! Those are the people the US wants..Instead of GRZ exporting to USA and bring in much needed revenue..You are playing..Kwena third world thinking…

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