Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu’s Opening of Victoria Falls in Pictures


The Victoria Falls
The Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls
President Lungu and his team Touring the Victoria Falls

President Lungu and his team having lunch at Chrisma hotel
President Lungu and his team having lunch at Chrisma hotel
President Lungu and his team having lunch at Chrisma hotel
President Lungu and his team having lunch at Chrisma hotel


  1. Those are not encouraging pictures for tourists , I know Mr lungu is wearing a rain coat because he does not want to get wet , but that looks like a full bio hazard suit to tourists who getting wet by showers from Vic falls is part of the fun and attraction….

    Those pictures make it look like a very hazardous affair to visit Vic falls

    If you want to attract tourist , act like them, a face mask will do.

    Must be an African thing,

  2. Lungu is the biggest joke to happen to Zambia. I wonder if he ever understands world events
    Zambia will remember these wasted years the hard way

  3. So, why did he waste the set of PPE if he could take it off and pose for a photo with others without PPE?

    He even dined with others without masking up. He clearly is being a bad model to the country.

  4. This joke of a president with too much time on his hands. People who support this clueless twit are mentally ill I swear.

  5. These are lovely pictures my president. It makes sense to open tourism slowly as soon it will start to pick up once the world commences relaxation of lockdown rules. Look how upset the diasporans are. Gnashing their teeth. Some of them have never even seen the Victoria falls before because they cannot afford plane ticket to visit or do not have the right papers to be abroad so can’t travel. Kz

  6. Oh my! This is an unmitigated disaster! What was the objective of this stunt!? How do you try to promote tourism at this point when there limited and controlled international and domestic it travel and everyone is watching their limited resources!? There are other economic sectors the President should have been focusing on stimulating right now other than tourism. The variables are currently all stacked up against tourism. Try stimulating agriculture and local manufacturing. This would be a prime time to do so and promote Zambian products to be put on the shelves of our main foreign super markets at a time when the supply chain with South Africa and China is weakened. We should be Zambia now!
    As noted by other posters on this article, the yellw rain coat together with mask will be…

  7. As noted by other posters on this article, the yellw rain coat together with mask will be seen by many (especially international viewers) as a PPE/bio-hazard suit and will actually discourage people from coming to Zambia!

  8. With the exception of roads here and there but for which poor Zambians will pay dearly in terms of debt repayments this period under PF has been Zambia’s most wasted years

  9. Bandit blind President Lungu leading blind PF bandits wasting more tax payers money….Lungu is the most useless President in the world…..

  10. Same day that 175 new cases were announced…is this man okay upstairs…there he is eating Drug baron Don Findlays hotel.

  11. Eating lunch? His mouth is in a mask. The mask is contaminated and must not be brought near food . Basic hygiene.

  12. @Spaka, that’s a very good observation! Maybe an oversight on the part of advisors as always!

  13. Look at group photo on no.7 ….this says it all how these morons relaxed the take covid-19 to them its just a fundrasing venture for 2021!!

  14. He was just touring the Victoria falls. And expect tourists from which country!? Locals can’t revive the tourism industry. Edgar Lungu must think before he burns jet fuel to venture into none productive movements. PF must go!

  15. I understand the reasons for the President opening most business, the economy is coming to a standstill, however, I think it very important to realize that opening the Falls will not do anything good, and not for the reasons that is looks like the President is wearing a bio suit, people around the world have been strongly advised not to travel at all, and tourism is the last thing on anyone’s mind.
    With that being said, why was the President unmasked and standing and not observing social distance when taking pictures with the white woman and her daughter?
    Additionally, we should give the President some privacy, he doesn’t need photographers even when eating with his mask on, LOL.

  16. So, how will it work? You arrive in Zambia for a one week holiday in Livingstone and then you are told to be quarantined for 2 weeks. Quarantined at your own expense, where? In the hotel? Or suppose you do have your lovely time seeing the Vic Falls and you leave after 7 days for your home country. Three days after arriving back you have Covid symptoms. How will your contacts on holiday be found? What about the room you stayed in? Have we thought this through?

  17. Such a blessing it is for Zambia. Our water bodies. A source of income even in ravaging times like now with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Lord Almighty has blessed us with the opening of the falls, a blessing from nature, and a blessing that the administration that utilised it as an opportunity. These are grave times when economic concerns are plaguing all nations. We need a vision like this to be able to survive the pandemic. A far-sighted vision, which can see the silver lining despite the gloom and guide our country into better days. I am proud to say I am Zambian..

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