Tuesday, October 22, 2024

208 New COVID-19 Cases Recorded, with 196 cases coming from Nakonde


The country has recorded 208 new cases of Covid-19. Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya says the new cases are from the mass screening conducted in Lusaka, Nakonde, and other parts of the country over a period of time.

Dr. Chilufya has explained that 196 cases are from Nakonde while 12 involve truck drivers of various nationalities who entered the country through the Chirundu border. Speaking during the routine updates on COVID-19 in Lusaka today, the Health Minister said the country conducted 903 tests in the last 24 hours.

Dr. Chilufya said the country now has a cumulative total of 6 54 cases with seven deaths and 134 recoveries and that Zambia has 523 cases that are active in various isolation centers. Dr. Chilufya said all the COVID 19 patients are stable except for one in Masaiti, who has hypertension.

Dr. Chilufya said 45 patients are admitted in Nakonde and 39 in Chinsali General Hospital while 84 are under quarantine in Nakonde.


  1. We warned you 4 weeks ago about impeding disaster but ever inept Lazy Lungu stated that he wont close borders as Zambia is a landlocked but now look at this mess. Mediocrity and corruption is rewarded under the token leader Lazy Lungu this is why you see the likes of Chilufya still on that chair.

  2. Situation is dire and calls for intensified efforts at the border. We’re now recording more cases in Nakonde than Lusaka. I don’t understand why the truck drivers of various nationalities are being counted as Zambian cases? We can only hope the border remains closed until it gets better.

  3. “Test , test, test”
    That is the only way of knowing the true extent of the spread. Its never too late to lock down again.
    When the numbers hit 1,000+ and you have no strict restrictions in place, Zambia will end up like Brazil, Chile, Peru

  4. Cases will go up and down. Part of the new normal. This is a virus that will take years to contain. To me as long as we keep our death rate low that is an achievement in itself. After all it’s all about life and death.if more people recover then that helps research into anti bodies and also herd immunity. What is bizarre is the outrageous reaction by some doom sadists in diaspora whenever a new class is announced. Thousands are getting infected in your countries there so why not react and concentrate on them. You want to point at another’s home whilst yours is in a mess. To hell ba diaspora Haha.

  5. I alerted you people earlier on and i know PF were insulting me. Soon
    It will be mass graves everywhere. Edgar Lungu and his fellow PF ministers are clueless. PF must go!

  6. Its clear you have no clue of what you talking about….. its not about dying… its about being sick and your health system being not able to cope very very soon.

    And you call yourself presidential advisor…. i guess only a F.OOL can be advised by another F.OOL

  7. Ok the dull ones will hate to hear this.

    A lot of countries in Africa (and many others in the world with dictators at the helm) are under reporting deaths, and doing selective testing, massaging the numbers to suit their selfish needs. This is not helping defeat this virus.

    There are a lot more cases in Lusaka than Nakonde. We need to ramp up testing in Lusaka, Ndola and Kitwe.

    Once someone is admitted to hospital, there are no guarantees they will come out alive. Even if you recover, you are left in a semi-vegetative state, taking several months to recover. Many have died during this recovery phase.

    The cold season is next, we will see a lot more cases, and sadly, more deaths,

    The trick, in my opinion, is to delay the spread until we truly know how to treat this thing…

  8. The chakolwas are in charge and they don’t realize that the cliff is cracking. Only time will tell. We screamed on the toppest mountain for Chilufya Chitalu to be fired and no sane person can support these empty tins PF mafias. PF must go!

  9. Nine Chale – You dont understand because you are very gullible and docile individual….us who have already seen covid-19 trends in other affected countries are not surprised, the only problem with Zambia is utterly incompetent and absolutely corrupt dull leaders are in charge.

  10. Paipa pano guys…things are bad . We must be serious in reinforcing the preventive and protective measures. This is the time for Bowman Lusambo to reload…this time no fyoto fyoto against Lusambo.

  11. It can still be contained. The worst would be to relax and allow it to spread further. Compare German, 7800 deaths to UK’s 33 000 deaths. Thee differenced is in handling. UK handled the pandemic in the worst way possible just behind Donald Josephen Trump. COVID-189 has a very low ‘killing rate’ so the secret is in the numbers. If you ramp up the numbers, deaths will start going up becausee it will certainly reach people who cannot handle it like those with Athma, TB, Diabetes, HIV and other chronic illnesses.

    So it is not too late, if testing is intensified and people observe Health Regulataaions and restrictions even as the country relaxes restrictions, Zambia can avert a disaster.

  12. The numbers of cases are much much higher…, 208 reported cases are just a drop in the sea

  13. D Bululu – containment is one thing but treatment is another …you ask yourself how many ventilators you can find in Nakonde? Why do you make comparisons to these countries when the have older populations ….people may be dying in Nakonde or Lusaka and I doubt this Chilufya is accounting for them as he lacks transparency, capacity to oversee such a pandemic. Why should he turn up everyday all the time to announce…he needs to delegate this to the Chief Medical Officer at MOH but this man has frustrated all professionals at MOH because he is a deceitful corrupt man. Ultimately I blame Lungu for being a weak leader.

  14. Just look at the response from the UK based impostor…no sympathy no care, the boy has zero affiliation to PF…the real genuine PF supporters wouldn’t even tread here to him its just child’s play.

  15. At-least he is announcing unlike other countries where there are no press briefing and cases only notified by number of increase in burials in some countries there are not tests being conducted So the minister should increase those tests and severance management The boarder ton of nakonde is a source of risks as most truck drivers in the far east of Africa have been seen to be conduits of transmission of the virus

    Those parking at SOS Chanzanga must be moved to a safer place of quarantine to test them and avoid contact tp contact for that imported virus into Lusaka and Zani Muone areas

    its also a learning curve for the national health institute to…

  16. to create capacity to handle future Remember the Spanish influenza and how it cause so much damage and was managed with pronounced losses

    Nakonde is a source of risk with only 483 cases reported in TZ after some months and many are going just like that unreported The number of explained deaths have also increased

  17. @D Bululu Word! It’s not just about the number of cases but how they’re handled. We need to stop panicking at the sight of figures. Unfortunately, I catch myself doing it sometimes but then I put my mind in reset and focus on what’s more significant: life will go on!
    We now know that this thing will be with us for a while so we might as well just get used to it. As someone already said, much is gained if the death rate remains low. There will be a time AFTER Covid.

    @Tarino go drink some tea, but don’t forget to take your medicine before, wamvela?

  18. Nine Chale – Its all right for you to sit there in the German village with all facilities available and falsely hope whilst you ignore the mismanagement as you head is stuck up your $%^&…if you have underlying issues in Nakonde I doubt you would even be placed on a hospital bed as those facilities are non existent.

  19. someone has just discovered the benefits of screaming “COVID HERE”…..more money….more donor funds in a few PF bandits pockets whilst the economy is being wrecked due to lockdowns…..zambia’s COVID is now riddled with theft,corruption and deceptive…watch out for 148 mansions without owners in the next few months

  20. Just take the necessary precautions otherwise if rely on this buffoon to control COVID-19 you’ll only have yourself to blame

  21. when numbers are going down around the world suddenly Zambia’s fake and imaginary cooked upCOVID numbers are going up,,,Bandit Chilufya has now tested the dollar….

  22. Anonymous – Any wise leader would be publicly showing its people that he is consulting with John Magufuli of Tanzania to convince him otherwise even the border with Kenya has seen high numbers of cases not our lazy bum Edgar he would rather be eating with a face mask in the Druglord Don Findlays hotel in Livingstone and ‘opening’ Victoria falls.

  23. All the sudden Lusaka figures have reduced just like that …does it mean the testing lab technicians have all moved to Nakonde? This crook Chilufya with his lies…the numbers in Zambia should be more than 5000.

  24. @ Tarino Orange
    Yes thats pure corruption on Lungu’s part…of all the hotels in Livingstone bandit Lungu went to spend tax payers money at Findlays Hotel with inflated prices…you know how expensive it is hosting a President….Drug Bandit Findlay got all the money

  25. Wondering, I do not have a problem with all people in diaspora. Just the few here who constantly criticise and look down on their country of birth. The sadists like anonymous and tarino who are constantly praying for negative things to happen here so that they can feel good about being failures that sought asylum in another man’s land. They forget that it’s the people there who made those countries what they are. I have no problem with level headed diasporans like nine chale and diaspora lady. The problem is those house negros haha

  26. @Kaizar Zulu
    Dunderhead chimutu monga gumu gumu…..we love Zambia but we just don’t like corruption and taking advantage of the poor….We have so much resources but PF bandits are selling everything……hope bandit Lungu wasn’t in Livingstone showing Victoria Falls to a prospective buyer…i saw him touring Vic Falls with some chinese…next thing you will hear Victoria Falls is owned by the chinese

  27. Immediately we got the French holidaying couple and the religious group from Pakistan, we were supposed to:STOP is an acronym that stands for:
    S: Stop. Whatever you’re doing, just pause momentarily.
    T: Take a breath. Re-connect with your breath. The breath is an anchor to the present moment.
    O: Observe. Notice what is happening. What is happening inside you, and outside of you? Where has your mind gone? What do you feel? What are you doing?
    P: Proceed. Continue doing what you were doing. Or don’t: Use the information gained during this check-in to change course. Whatever you do, do it mindfully.

    In simpler terms the call for a lockdown simply meant STOP.

  28. My biggest worry is numbers surging, this puts pressure on health institutions and personnel compared to when they are dealing with fewer numbers, I think this is what some countries like namibia , botswana and mad ask her are trying hard to achieve , you don’t want take your eyes of covid like the Europeans and Americans did.

  29. Sick government. It needs serious psychological medication to recover from madness. No strategy. Thinking and planning like uneducated kids.

  30. Just as expected Dr Chilufya, you could delay the true numbers from Nakonde as directed, or announce them in trickle, but you can’t hide them, the 400 for Nakonde has finally come out.

  31. Let the time just come we vote you out. You are not advisable. You don’t respect democracy.

  32. So Doc do you still say the isolation facilities in Chinsali (300) and Nakonde (50 bed) are enough? Worse with the numbers still surging.

  33. PF must be somewhat happy about COVID-19. It has diverted focus from the gassing suspects and their master minds. The only people appearing in courts are the foot soldiers, not the master minds, makes you wonder if “the” party was involved.
    And their Spax jerabo who appeared in some interesting pictures, waiting for an excuse to release him? Or appear in court then a Nolle prosqui, I have lost count of how many Nolles we have seen under PF, countless.

  34. members of pariament from southern provice should also be in the forefront of the fight against the convic rather than waiting to blame govt for spread of virus in your region which gives your regional president alot of votes.

    Zambia has acted very well in it’s strategy to trace entrants and contacts and to test and isolate. This is the same strategy used in Australia and New Zealand where they have managed to bring numbers down and successfully controlling new infections. Let’s be honest Zambia is in a terrible predicament because it is a poor country and this pandemic couldn’t have come at the worst time. Zambia needs support from world organisations. ITS TIME TO BE DECENT AND STOP POSTING POLITICAL DIATRIBE! Remember these are our fellow citizens and they are in a poor country. The stress must be awful. HAVE SOME DECENCY. Post life giving and supportive comments to encourage others.


    AND PRAY VERY HARD. God look upon us, the poor and bereft. Help us Father. Protect Us. In your Mercy Father, we ask humbly.


  37. @ Tarino Orange, thanks for trying to put some sense into their thick skulls, you spot on. They’re now concentrating in Nakonde and other provinces in the country are covid 19 free. When a case springs up in Livingstone, they’ll dump Nakonde n go there. That’s PF planning lady’s n gentleman. Dununa dununa ubuteko

  38. *****s running this circus. Thriving by lying campaigning and stealing whilst taking orders from their new colonial masters. What does one expect of a failed enterprise run by incompetent people? Hmmmm?

  39. Is Kaiza a human Zambian or ghost illuminated from Judas Esachariot? How can you speak like that. It is you to be affected next.

  40. I told you all borders should have been closed to everyone except essential trade. Also what is wrong with the ignorant magufuli. That guy will get Tanzanians killed with his negligence. Zambians stay clean.

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