Friday, February 14, 2025

KCM partner Trafigura contributes to the COVID-19 fight


Trafigura Services South Africa, one of largest buyers of copper from Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), has provided 70,000 face masks worth USD$30,000 (K555,000.00) towards the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Zambia.

Trafigura officials opted to donate the materials to the national fight against COVID-19 via KCM due to restrictions in international movements, which have been caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Trafigura has pledged to contribute a further 40,000 pairs of protective gloves and 1,400 protective suits for frontline medical personnel, which will be delivered in due course.

KCM Chief Executive Officer Christopher Sheppard said the mining company was glad to represent one of its partners in making the donation towards the fight against the COVID-19 at a time when concerted efforts were required to win the war against the Coronavirus.

Mr Sheppard commented that, “The Coronavirus has emerged as a global enemy whose devastating effects have created far-reaching economic, social and medical dilemma. As such, only a global connect in terms of fighting the COVID-19 will win us this war. It is for this reason that KCM applauds Trafigura for being concerned with the well-being of Zambia and its people and hence making such a significant contribution towards this fight.”

Trafigura’s representative Franck Rogozin said in a message to the government through KCM that his organisation had seen it fit to assist in the COVID-19 fight because of the magnitude of the spread of the virus across many frontiers.

“The distortion to international commerce caused by the COVID-19 is unprecedented in our contemporary times. Trafigura is aware of the numerous challenges this virus has caused for governments and businesses and population in general across the world. We all have to stick together and win the war against COVID-19. We are happy to have been able to contribute vital medical supplies for Zambia’s fight against the virus,” Mr Rogozin said.


  1. But Lusaka water and sanitation has not supplied us with water at PHI without a word from anybody. So how do we fight Covid 19, the president, health minister and health authorities say we should be washing hands but our taps are dry. and it appears the public relations unit of this organization are sleeping because there is no word from anybody whether it is a breakdown or they are just tired of supplying water to us.

  2. Good gesture, thanks for the donation! Meanwhile, also good to know that the S. African company is one of our biggest trading partners in copper. African nations need more trade with each other – an important key to unlock economic growth for the continent.

  3. Creaming from the I’ll
    Sicily’s coronavirus co-ordinator and nine other healthcare officials have been arrested suspected of taking bribes from equipment and services contracts, Italian police say.
    The contracts go as far back as 2016 and total nearly €600m (£540m; $660m).
    Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando called it “an extremely serious corruption system”. It allegedly involved creaming off 5% commissions on public contracts.
    It is alleged the bribes promised total at least €1.8m, Italian media report.
    The head of Sicily’s coronavirus response, Antonio Candela, is now under house arrest while Fabio Damiani, who heads the Trapani’s health authority (ASP), is among those in police detention.
    Italy – especially Lombardy in the north – has been one of Europe’s hardest-hit countries…

  4. “Trafigura Services South Africa, one of largest buyers of copper from Konkola Copper Mines (KCM)”
    That’s not how copper is sold like cabbage from a farm

  5. This is what PF is good for receiving handouts and contracting loans …they have no shame no pride!!

  6. Why don’t the minister properly wear the face mask?Every time i see him,its either the nose is outside or both the nose and mouth are out?He should lead by example.
    Otherwise good gesture from the donors,we appreciate!

  7. @ KCM partner (one of the largest buyers for KCM copper).
    Not tikanvele ati Trafigura wants to buy KCM

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