Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF want to sneak in amendments in Bill 10 that will facilitate their winning of the presidential and general elections next year


By Charles Kakoma,UPND Spokesperson.

The current constitutional mess was created by the ruling Patriotic Front government. Many of the provisions they are trying to pass through Bill 10 are already taken care of in the current Constitution as amended in 2016. When signing into law the Constitutional Amendment Bill of 2016, President Edgar Lungu was so excited about what he considered to be good clauses in the constitution that he boasted that he could sign it with his eyes closed.

In the words of former president of Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, it’s ” ifwakuyifwayila”. KK used to advise some people to keep away from certain dangers but they couldn’t listen to him. When they burnt their fingers, they run back to him crying. He told them that ” Ifwakuyifwayila” , meaning they asked for it. It is similar to a situation where someone goes to provoke some wasps or bees. If they get beaten by the bees or wasps, who is to blame?

To illustrate what we are talking about, let us examine some contentious issues in the original Bill 10 . The current constitution did away with deputy ministers. The PF government went to resurrect the dead issue of deputy ministers and put it in Bill 10. After the people have rejected the provision of deputy ministers in the constitution, the PF and its government are now calling for help from the opposition to amend Bill 10 to remove the provision of deputy ministers!.

The second example is that the current constitution already provides for parliamentary oversight over the contraction of debt by the government. The PF went ahead to try to remove this provision from the constitution. After the people rejected the proposed amendment, the PF and it’s government are running back to the opposition for help to remove the amendment from Bill 10.

The third example is that the current constitution already provides for retirees to remain on the payroll until their benefits are fully paid. The PF Government proceeded to remove this provision from the constitution but after it backfired, they now want help from the opposition to amend Bill 10 to restore the right of workers to remain on the payroll until their benefits are fully paid.

There are so many clauses that Bill 10 sought to amend which in the first place were unnecessary amendments to the current constitution.
Instead of straggling to pass Bill 10 to restore the constitution to its current status, the simple solution is to WITHDRAW BILL 10 to enable the status quo to continue. What is difficult about withdrawing Bill 10?

WE note with sadness the Patriotic Front government efforts to continue pushing for the passing in parliament of the rejected Bill 10.

The PF and its government are trying to deceive the citizenry that they have listened to their objections to the bill and are ready to make amendments when infact not.

Through the regazetted Bill 10 of 12th June, 2020, they have through flattery only amended a few items out of about 69 in the proposed bill simply to disguise and render their rejected obnoxious plan to alter and adulterate our constitution acceptable by the masses.

The current attempt to gazette new amendments to Bill 10 are illegal. The Standing Orders of Parliament only provide for amendments to be made to a Bill after Second Reading of the Bill. After Second Reading, the bill goes to Committee Stage where amendments can be made. In the case of Bill 10, the Second Reading Stage has not been done and it would be unlawful to amend the bill before it is debated and passed by at least two thirds of the Members of Parliament. The only other circumstance where amendments can be made before Second Reading is BY LEAVE OF THE HOUSE. There is no record of the House having sat to grant Minister of Justice Given Lubinda leave to publish any amendments to Bill 10.

As UPND, we believe that withdrawing is the answer if truly this government means well on this Bill 10.

The PF’s desperation to have Bill 10 enacted into law is clear for all to see. They have marshalled characters of all hues and shades to go around the country to preach Bill 10, ignoring the Ministry of Health Coronavirus guidelines. It is now clear that Bill 10 is do-or-die affair for them. Their political survival is hinged on Parliament passing it. They want to sneak in amendments that will facilitate their winning of the presidential and general elections next year.

The PF is the worst thing that ever happened to this country. They have literally brought the country down. They have made Zambians destitute. There is no reason why any person would want to vote PF. They know this very well. They know they have short-changed the people of Zambia and they know they cannot win a clean election. They have done nothing for this country except to plunge it in a mountain of debt and to ransack its coffers to fill their pockets.

The only reason the PF leaders want to retain power through Bill 10 is to protect what they have stolen from the people of Zambia. This is why they don’t care how they retain power. They want to ensure they remain in power via the backdoor.

We know that Zambians have rejected PF, we urge them to reject Bill 10 and to condemn the PF’s schemes to force it down the throats of Zambians. If Zambians allow Bill 10 to pass, they will be selling their birthright.

The PF has spent billions of kwacha to ensure this Bill passes. What good Constitution is made through corruption? Bill 10 is a poisoned chalice. There is nothing good that will come from its enactment.

We advise the PF for once to stop taking Zambians for fools. Let them quit their endless political scheming. We urge them to focus on correcting their mistakes. Let them fight corruption. Let them use the zeal and energy they are applying on Bill 10 to find the owners of the 48 mysterious houses and bring them to justice, let them explain why they sold our gold to foreigners even before the sector was formalised, let them tell us how we bought old-model fire trucks at $1 million each, let them tell us how we ended up buying ambulances worth US$50,000 at US$288,000. Zambians have not forgotten how they were gassed right in their homes and the PF government is now quiet. They don’t want to say anything about gassing. Zambians want those culprits brought to justice. They want to know who gassed them. All they know is that this is a government of gassing. The energy being wasted on Bill 10 should be used to find the gassers.

We would like to tell the PF that Bill 10 will not go anywhere. This time the people of Zambia have refused to be taken for fools and to endorse a regime that is only interested in their personal welfare at the expense of the whole country.


  1. The opposition in Malawi won an election. You as usual have already started crying ahead of 2021.
    Your Under 5 Kaponya (HH) Bally Matore will crap his pants and you will be wiping the soil.

    • Nimu Zambia mungala, Ku Malawi they don’t play, Malawi ikwela, Zambia ikugwa, its only in Zambia where voters will be asking politicians what they will do to protect their votes, in Malawi voters slept at polling stations , never went home after voting until they made sure that their vote was counted and announced, they made sure that those who count votes don’t impose someone on them.

  2. Let the excuses and crying begin. How do you claim foul play even before the match has been played? Upnd members all know that hh is unsellable. However they need his funding to survive so they have to put up with his greediness. Are they telling us that there is no one with capacity to lead upnd apart from hh? Are they all dull? So how would they manage to run country if they won ? Not that they are ever going to win

  3. Proper ignorance here. No idea that an election is not a match, it is not an event, it is a process. Wake up please. Kudos to Malawi, very progressive democracy

  4. KZ……listen…

    Zambians have not forgotten how they were gassed right in their homes and the PF government is now quiet. They don’t want to say anything about gassing. Zambians want those culprits brought to justice. They want to know who gassed them. All they know is that this is a government of gassing. The energy being wasted on Bill 10 should be used to find the gassers.


  6. Very rubbish analysis which even a grade one can rubbish on account that Chales Kakoma fails to tel the truth that all those he is talking about were proposals which have been rejected by Zambians and hence they are not in bill 10. He has also failed to tell the truth that the final bill is good in that it has included closes which were in the Bill of rights which UPND campaigned against. So Kakoma is a lair and a hypocrite as he previous supported a majority of the closes in the Bill 10. Shame on him.

  7. ” many of the provisions they are trying to pass thru bill 10 are already taken care of in current constitution.” Then you go on to give examples of about 3 more which are contentious to you. To me, none of the three will give them “advantage” e.g, retirees remaining on payroll, or deputy ministers. And if the bulk is already in current constitution, then exactly what are you opposed to?

  8. [email protected] I think that’s what we should also do next year. Parallel Voter Tabulation must be there and we won’t leave the polling stations till all the votes are counted. This time we will make sure that voters determine the outcome of an election, and not the people who count

  9. Kakoma, please put the interests of Zambia before the business interests of the Hakiinde Hichilema Organisation. Obviously he will do a Trump on you.

    Your opponents have listened to the people and would like to remove the clauses alluded to and others. I can’t believe you cannot vote with them! The parliamentary thing to do then, is to vote against removal of the unacceptable clauses and then convince the other side to reject the the Bill on the grounds that you have reverted to the status quo. The obvious consequence would be a fresh Constitunal review. This time, let HH Inc fund the review and please turn up.

    Remember, Zambia is a poor country it cannot afford such reviews when key parties have a perennial boycott mentality. It is therefore fair for HH Inc to fund the next…

  10. So people can’t read an analysis independent of their political affiliations? Mama neo! Whether good or bad, try to read an article without prejudices. Prejudices blind even good morals.

  11. The problem with people is seeing everything in either PF or opposition lenses. Question is what does Bill 10 do for YOU? Not PF or Opposition!

  12. Kakoma says:

    There is no reason why any person would want to vote PF. ”

    The fact remains that the onus is on you UPND to convince Zambia that you are better than PF. So far, you have failed.

    Too often you have decampaigned yourselves with small mindsets, such as thinking just 3 provinces can take you into power.

    On set, it appears you will stay in the political wilderness for a long while

  13. Eye of an Eagle – The problem is that Kakoma starts with making fun of the President even before he says anything. Immediately his analysis is biased and therefore, you can’t blame others attacking him.

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