Saturday, July 27, 2024

Grant Chella Tukuta bond now or take him to court, demands HRC


The Human Rights Commission has called for the immediate release of incarcerated celebrity photographer Chellah Tukuta.

Commission Spokesman Mweelwa Muleya said in a statement that the continued detention of Tukuta on bondable offenses is a violation of his human rights.

The Human Rights Commission (HRC/Commission) is calling upon the Zambia Police Service to grant Mr. Chellah Tukuta police bond or take him to court immediately because his continued detention without trial is a violation of human rights. The Commission is deeply concerned that Mr. Tukuta who has been charged with counts of criminal libel, threatening violence and racial discrimination has been in police custody for more than seven (7) days, which is over-detention and unlawful,” Mr. Muleya said.

“Over-detention constitutes extra-judicial punishment and must not be allowed in a democracy where there must be respect for the rule of law, constitutionalism, and human rights. Therefore Law Enforcement Officers must refrain from unlawfully punishing, humiliating and degrading suspects during their course of executing their mandate of enforcing the law, which is critical to the criminal justice system of any country,” he said.

“The Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), Chapter 88 of the Laws of Zambia, which guides on the promotion and protection of the Right to Liberty as enshrined under Article 13 of the Constitution of Zambia, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia stipulates under Section 33 that anyone arrested without a warrant and not facing an offence attracting death penalty should be taken to court within 24 hours of being arrested and if it is not practicable, he or she should be granted police bond.”

Mr. Muleya said, “The offenses Mr. Tukuta is facing are all bondable and therefore his continued detention beyond the prescribed legal period is unjustifiable and a violation of his right to liberty and the right to secure protection of the law as stipulated by Articles 13 and 18 of the Constitution of Zambia respectively and various regional and international human rights instruments.”

“It is unacceptable for law enforcement officers to engage in the blatant discriminatory application of the law whereby some suspects are automatically granted police bond while others are subjected to unlawful over-detention in violation of human rights with impunity.”

“Therefore, it is only fair and just that Chellah Tukuta is granted police bond pending his appearance in court.”


  1. Chilufya they gave police bond immediately after arrest but for Tukuta it takes ages what a state we live in.

  2. The law is the law. In this country we have independent courts of law and police force. You cannot just scream for the release of someone just because you are HRC and expect it to be done ? Who are you and what sort of precedence would that create for all future alleged criminals? Let us be mature. Why aren’t you crying for the realise of all other people currently facing criminal charges in Zambia? What is so special about chella a mere angry sponsored photographer. ? He wanted to be a martyr so let him face consequences. I don’t have time to waste on this hot garbage

    • The real Kaizer was nabbed in Malawi …what are you imposter (from UK ) doing here? you have been exposed….wanyala wooooooo…kikikikiki

  3. Imagine KZ you guys are in charge of state power and cannot tell when to use it. Police are not for gossip, vigololo na dale za mu mundzi! You will regret misusing your time guys. Ni Muuzani ine kaleza!

  4. Ukosoka icipanda is not a jailable crime. The insulted is supposed to take you to court where the judge makes a ruling

  5. The longer you detain him, the greater his influence. He will come out with a bigger bang!
    Just like when you threatened pilato, now he is even louder and more influential

  6. Chrisha froust visited him today and took some food for him. Kiki a bit of humour. If you break the law what you expect

  7. @journey man, if the length of time spent in jail equated to the amount of influence people had, then we would all be breaking the law to be get arrested deliberately. I don’t see that happening which leads me to think that what you are saying is hot bog matter

  8. Btw does anyone know the where abouts of that big headed sloth Catpower? I am worried about his wellbeing.

    • Only cowards, Incompetent governments abuse state power because they are scared of what the power of freedoms can do to their stay in power.

  9. Mr. Kaizer Zulu you sound like you took some alcoholic beverages today. I don’t think you are aware what you are saying. Libel, or criminal libel is a bailable offence.
    HRC has cited the law that is derived from the Constitution. Your response would make sense if you argue citing the law as you interpret it. For you to say who is HRC to say this just shows how your government has gone to disregard human rights.

  10. This is what we mean when we say the PF is lawless. The law doesn’t permit for any one to be determined beyond 48hrs without being taken to court. Besides this matter is purely civil, those people whom Chellah insulted can sue him and not abuse the Police. The Ministry of Justice has been paying colossal sums of money in compensation since 2011 because of PF lawlessness. Why are they even pushing to write a Constitution which we know they’ll abrogate? They de-registered Kalaba and Kambwili’s Parties but what about Daniel Pule’s Christian Alliance. Read the Constitution and see what it says. Did Edgar handover power when his election was petitioned? We didn’t force him to sign that Law, General Miyanda warned him but as usual he doesn’t care to read nor listen

  11. Kakaiza zezulu you will cry foul next year when you will be detained outside the law.

    Clearly you are not as sharp as you want to think. What goes around comes around. Frankly I hope I will not feel pity when your time comes.

  12. STOP INSULTING THE PRESIDENT. It’s treasonous, and carries a hanging sentence (I hope they haven’t removed the hanging clause).

    Judiciary should just bully him by delaying his cases and prolonging his trial. That way he will experience what the President suffers at his and friends social media bullying and defamatory conduct.

  13. What can one say…….

    people who steal millions from GRZ , condemning tens of thousands to death for lack of medicines and other basic nessecities are walking free like chitalu chilufya and chitotella while anyone who questions lungus mismangment gets you in prison…….??

    These are the types of comparisons we like to send to the IMF , world bank and western aid donners… say look at how lungu uses the money you give him……

  14. The GUy Chilufya need to resign or get fired otherwise the id!ot will interfere with the legal process. And what about his sexua! partner, Dora and partner in crime? This ain’t good!

  15. Just sue the state for over detention. The law on arrest is very clear and there is a huge likelihood of getting some money here.

  16. Mwansabombwe if you were a regular here you would know that I use a VPN connection for security purposes which connects me via a UK based protocol IP. This is for security reasons due to the office I work for. A lot of angry diasporans are working around the clock to hack mydevices. However , with this in place the best they can do is be diverted to a FAKE IP. I am 200 steps ahead of you. Kz as for chella who is he for us to have sleepless nights for ? Let me face the law like any other alleged zambian criminal. We in pf do not and cannot ask the independent authorities to release anyone. The law is the law.

  17. WHAT HAS FAKE KZ SAID TODAY…… Failed his assignment in MALAWI…..2021 dont even try it..Uzamuziba Satana….We know where to find you……

  18. If this HRC had teeth it would be suing government for these breaches of rights and laws but just talking doesn’t help anyone

  19. Please let Chella rot in jail for being so rude and insulting elders. Throw away the keys please. This will teach him a lesson.

  20. Kz that simple vpn. The truth is that you have no value, you a corrupt criminal and no one is interested in hacking fools. If u were intelligent enough to understand cyber systems, u could have just shut your mouth than bubble no Sense.

  21. Kz that simple vpn. The truth is that you have no value, you a corrupt criminal and no one is interested in hacking fools. If u were intelligent enough to understand cyber systems, u could have just shut your mouth than bubble no Sense.

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