Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mwansabombwe MP Rodgers Mwewa dies


He becomes the second MP in less than 24 Hours to die after Lukashya MP Mwenya Munkonge died early on Saturday.

Mr Mwewa had difficulties in breathing from Friday night and was admitted to CFB Medical Centre in Lusaka.

His condition deteriorated on Saturday morning and he required Oxygen support.

Mr Mwewa was around mid day evacuated to Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital but the ventilators there were not working forcing the medical team to move him to UTH where he died upon arrival evening.

And President Edgar Lungu says today Zambia has been robbed of two of her sons, legislators and representatives of the people.

“This is a painful blow. We have lost two gallant men who remained loyal to their electorates and the Patriotic Front despite Hon Munkonge being an Independent MP. My deepest condolences to the Munkonge and Mwewa families and the people of both Lukashya and Mwansabombwe Constituencies.”


  1. Breathing problems then he died ? Seems Iike Covid 19 is now killing Zambian politicians one after another.

    • Mr Mwewa was around mid day evacuated to Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital but the ventilators there were not working forcing the medical team to move him to UTH where he died upon arrival evening.


  2. We told you not to open it for sake of bill-10. Shut it down immediately, make it a quarantine. There are no ventilators. Shut the fvcking thing man!

  3. Why is this COVID killing the good guys instead of the trouble makers? It should have started with those “nyongonyongo” people who are prematurely campaigning and flouting Covid guidelines!
    They were telling us we have enough ventilators and see now what we’ve got.
    Where there is no visionary leadership, people perish!
    Even when people die, someone who claims to be a national leader still wants to identify them along partisan lines? Pathetic!

  4. Ministry of Health must urgently look into this matter.
    Members of Parliament could have been exposed to a contagion or possibly poisoned by (HH) through UPND mercenaries.
    Close the National Assembly immediately.

  5. @ Yes Kudos we understand you.
    It’s always HH and UPND responsible and since they are so responsible, we’ll put them in charge!

  6. But the idioot Bowman Lusambo saw it fit to gather multitudes of on the Copperbelt. Idyocy will kill a lot of people

  7. This is very, very sad news. We cannot afford this high frequency of deaths of MPs. Parliamentary business is not an essential service. Let it be suspended immediately. There’s a shortage of ventilators in the world right now becauseof the sudden increase in demand. We’re all at risk.

  8. The zambian covid is not fair, please send us the Burundi covid 19.
    It took one peace breaker there.

  9. This MP has died from Covid-19 in honour of Bill 10. The Speaker of Parliament has refused to adjourn this Session of Parliament until the Dead Bill 10 is re-tabled on the Order Paper for debate and vote. All Mps should boycott Parliamentary Sitting tumoro in protest of this shameful loss of life. Its obvious that Parliament has become an epicentre of Covid-19. If the PF Govt and Speaker of Parliament refuse to close Parliament tumoro MPs should boycott tumoro’s sitting and insist Parliament Adjourn Sine Die to save their lives.Surely lives of these MPs and Parliamentary Staff is more important than passing the Dead Bill 10 into law. The PF Govt is putting the lives of these MPs and Parliamentary Staff at great risk.

  10. The refusal by the Speaker of Parliament and the PF Govt to Adjourn this Session of Parliament Sine Die has led to the death Hon Rodgers Mwewa from Covid 19. May his Soul Rest in Peace.Parliament has become a Covid-19 Epicentre and should be closed now to save lives. The Speaker of Parliament and PF Govt should prioritise lives over Bill 10. All MPs should realise that this disease is lethal and their lives are in danger. The only way to save their lives is to boycott tomorrow’s sitting in honour of Hon Rodgers Mwewa’s life.All MPs should insist that Parliament be adjourned now to save lives.

  11. Let’s start counting….some rumors could be real…some more are critical, awaiting in limbo but with politics in everything we shall see how this will hit us…..I pray it hovers around parliament some more…so we can learn from our leaders….

  12. It comes as not a surprise to some of us. We knew as matter of time that it will start with very people allowed to campaign for Edgar Lungu freely.

    Firstly, it started with parliamentary nurse who was exposed to covid-19 and later died.

    We were fed up with lies again trying to push for their agenda. Now it came to Mukonge an independent mp, we were told he did not die of covid-19 but other complications of blood pressure and heart.

    To my understanding, covid-19 triggers organ failures trying sugar coating deaths of our leaders will wipe out all of them.

    Let parliament close indefinitely and stop political campaign trying to defend the thief who safe in state house.

    PF must go!

  13. Since Covid incubation period is 2 weeks, close Parliament & Parliament Motel for at least 3 weeks to disinfect both places. Meanwhile quarantine all MPs & Parley workers, test them and on reopening only those cleared should attend. Later we can find out thru a commission why some ventilators are not working. They are supposed to be new.

  14. And in Kitwe yesterday, a Bowman Lusambo gathers marketeers in hundreds and both Police and Ministry of Health officials are just watching. Really primitive

  15. If MPs and Parliamentary Staff don’t take action they will continue dying like flies due to Covid-19. They need to stay away from that Parliament Building. Covid-19 is Real and Lethal. The writing is on the wall.

  16. These MPs will continue dying like flies from Covid-19 if they continue attending these Parliamentary Sessions. This COVID-19 is Real and MPs should take Action and stay away from Parliament for now. Staying alive is more important than making laws.

  17. Sudden difficulty in breathing, the condition deteriorating quickly, need of a ventilator in an ICU (if lucky), then death, are all classic symptoms of an advanced COVID-19 infection. I am sure he was walking around with symptoms thinking that it was something else (maybe a flu) until it was too late. In my opinion, the entire Parliament should be shutdown and everyone associated with that building (including all MPs) quarantined. Or this disease will get out of hand soon. Didn’t we have a number of Parliament staff test positive for COVID not too long ago? So it is very conceivable that the virus has spread beyond just those few staff members and now even some MPs have contracted it. Time to shut Parliament down and get things under control otherwise….

    One thing people should…

  18. Continue….

    understand is that COVID-19 symptoms do not manifest themselves the same way for every individual…..they are very wide ranging. Also the severity of the disease/infection and who ultimately ends up in the ICU on a Ventilator is just as varied and unpredictable. This is what has confounded medical professionals the world over about this virus ( hence the term NOVEL CORONAVIRUS.) Meaning a new variant of coronavirus that is NOT yet well understood. It is the more reason that people should take this virus very seriously. Just because you see many people survive the illness should not give anybody false comfort that you will fare well when you contract the virus yourself. So take heed people of Zambia…..this virus is no joke!

  19. Where is that big mouth kz? You can’t boast now see what is happening very soon one of your fellow hypocrite will be one of the casualties. It’s a pit that innocent people are the ones dying instead of those arrogant and selfish who are busy spreading the virus all over the country in the name loyalty to the stupid party. Rest in piece honorable.

  20. When we started warning you that you will die like flies F.ools like KZ were laughing at Europe. You don’t even have a ventilator for one person.
    Just wait and see

  21. When we tell you people that Zambia is under state capture and has an absentee President with zero leadership; people think we hate Lazy Lungu …its there for all to see, this has covid written all over it…. I hope the family of this MP sue the speaker, Govt and National Assembly for negligence

  22. We told you foooools, yes you foooools because it hurts me telling people the basics and they laugh at you… we told you not to take this virus lightly but you didnt listen even now apart from Lusaka other parts of the country bars are open, you opened Gyms as well as if someone will manage to wipe clean those machines…Chilufya’s tests were all false and limited…the tests disappeared at 7 deaths. Where is that UK based impostor and the Germany based Nine Chale aka Nenah Cherry busy enjoying themselves abroad where the R rate has been drastically reduced to under 0.9.

  23. We now want to see if Minister Chilufya will deny that Hon Mwewa died of Covid 19. This Minister and the PF Govt are in denial. They think Covid 19 is a joke. This disease is real and vicious. In the face of uncaring and irresponsible Speaker of Parliament and PF Govt ,MPs should take matters in their hands or else they wi?l perish from this disease. All MPs should stay away from the Parliament Building in the interest of their lives. They should protest the death of their colleague MP the Hon Mwewa and insist that Parliament be adjourned sine die for now and until Covid-19 is brought under control. The writing is on the wall.

  24. Tarino is the biggest I.d.i.ot to ever walk the earth. When thousands died and continue to die in his adopted country in UK, this little dull boy does not utter a word . When one person dies in Zambia, even where it’s not confirmed as caused by covid, this dog tarino is the first to bark and wiggle his tail continually. Pathetic little boy. Watch instead of responding substantively he will say imposter rubbish. What a p.u.s.s.ey. have some respect for the dead imbwa iwe xx

  25. Its obvious that the Speaker of Parliament and the PF Govt considers Bill 10 more important than the lives of these MPs and Parliamentary Staff. Both MPs and Parliamentary Staff should boycott these Parliamentary Sessions for now to save their lives. Its foolish for these MPs to be blindly led like sheep to their slaughter. These MPs should take responsibility for their Actions and Lives in the face of Covid-19. These MPs have families to feed and should therefore realise that their lives are more important than resurrecting the Dead Bill 10 and passing it into law. Bill 10 law will not feed these MPs families. We hope these MPs will wake up from slumber b4 they all perish.

  26. Additionally the money for covid-19 has been wasted on buying overpriced face masks through their proxy companies now people will dying all because they are limited ventilators.

  27. So this newly constructed Teaching Hospital has ventilators that are not working! Please the minister of health is a joke and messing with the health of citizens. In this critical time we should never be subjected to mediocrity of such. So the govt has failed to tell the nation how many ventilators we have in the hospitals around the country which may cause a lot of panic amongst the people when faced with breathing difficulties as is the case in this death. This is very scary for the nation at large. MHSRIP

  28. MHSRIP. Parliament should be adjourned. This is a wakeup call for the government to revamp our hospitals to the semblance of the hospitals they run to when they are sick to save tax payers money. With Covid19, no travelling to countries with better hospital facilities, they will end up at the government hospitals which they shun.

  29. Look at the UK based impostor, very fluent at insults as the silly boy stands for nothing no principles just here to troll

  30. Covid19 is not a partisan issue. Don’t spin stories around this but prepare yourselves and families. If this is happening to an MP then we know the danger for ALL, no matter which party you support. Have respect for the virus and it’s victims. Write your Wills, make arrangements for your children, ADHERE TO THE RULES, (Masks, social distance, wash hands frequently, don’t touch face); and the rest is in God’s hands.

    If you are overweight, start strict diet right away and exercise. Sleep at least 7-8 hours to improve your health (also helps with fat loss). Eat lots of oranges, tangerines and suppliment with vitamins if necessary. Increase vegetables, spinach for iron, red, yellow peppers for vitamin c etc. Stay within your immediate family group, drop Mistresses. Pray at home…

  31. How many more MPs should die from Covid-19 b4 the Speaker adjourns Parliament? Dr Matibini is playing with MPs lives for the sake of keeping Bill 10 alive. MPs should take responsibility for their lives and cease attending these infectious Parliament sittings. MPs should realise that they cannot pass laws when they are dead.

  32. Covid 19 is not a joke and it knows no political party so please jokes a side because tomorrow it will be you i just recovered from covid 19 after being down this disease is bad i smelled death but thank God i over came it these are medicines which i used and saved me Auro Amoxiclav 1000mg,chloroqiene,Austell Azithromycin 500mg,Adco Napamol,Sinucon and imodium 2mg and thiamine tablets 100mg,Pholtex Plus after taking them for four days i was ok and i have fully recovered and am negative today.

  33. The most troubling thing about covid 19 is not about you having it but the fear of spreading it to your kids this is were you need God’s protection most.

  34. We told you to invest in improving your hospitals instead of flying your PF patients to SA and India, now your bad decisions are beginning to haunt you.
    How can you have mulfunctioning ventilators in these days of COVID-19? Come on guys! Just accept it that there were no ventilators period. And then we question Chilufya, as why there are no ventilators after 5months of Covid-19?
    Useless Zambian politics.

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