Saturday, July 27, 2024

COVID-19 is real, please adhere to government guidelines-Zambia’s High Commissioner to UK


LONDON, Saturday, 25th July 2020- Zambian’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Lt. Gen. Paul Mihova (Rtd) has appealed to Zambians in the diaspora to raise awareness back home in Zambia on the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic to help dispel the notion that the pandemic is a hoax.

Addressing Zambians during a Zoom virtual meeting that was organized by Zambians Together in partnership with the Zambian High Commission and the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources on the theme “buying Land in Zambia”, High Commissioner Mihova made a passionate appeal for Zambians both home and abroad to heed to government advice and guidelines designed to curb the impact and spread of the Covid-19.

According to a statement released to the media by Mrs. Abigail Chaponda, First Secretary for Press and Public Relations at the Zambia High Commission in the United Kingdom, the High Commissioner said Zambians in the United Kingdom have witnessed how the Coronavirus has claimed lives and left devasting scars on families and friends.

“Let me make an earnest appeal to the diaspora to raise awareness back home on COVID-19 to help overcome the notion of obtaining in some quarters which are frustrating government efforts by saying that COVID-19 is a hoax. Some sections of the diaspora have seen how devastating COVID-19 has affected the communities we are living in, who then is better placed than you who are out there to raise awareness so that the efforts that our government is putting in place are adhered to,” he said.

The High Commissioner also said that the UK government has been able to contain the mortality rate because people followed government regulations.

He further applauded the work and contributions made by front line staff in the fight against the pandemic, “Let me take this opportunity to thank all the frontline heroes who go out every day to work and come back thinking they have been exposed to the virus but still wake up the next day and go in for work knowing that their lives are at risk, but because of the dedication and commitment to duty, they still go in to save lives. Please let us follow what the government is saying so that we can help protect our Doctors and Nurses in our hospitals. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the fact that, only through global solidarity will countries and the world effectively defeat covid-19,” he said.

Zambians Together is a collaborative initiative working closely together with the Zambia High Commission and various Zambian Community Associations and Networks across the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) and the Republic of Ireland. Zambians Together is a non-profit organization setup as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic to help provide a one stop shop for the UK and Ireland Zambian community to communicate, collaborate, donate, raise awareness and unite with the purpose of providing the help and support that the Zambian community requires during the Covid-19 pandemic and to continue with the initiative post Covid-19.


  1. Zambians have started dropping dead on the streets from coronavirus..First video is already making rounds on Zambian social media!

  2. Time will tell…….tick tock tick tock tick tock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tell them and even they wear the masks as is if it’s a fashion show.

    PF officials cover only their chins and exposing both their mouths nostrils.

    Funny people.

    PF must go!

  4. Where was this chap when we were raising awareness about covid-19 three months ago to our people? These so called officials never cease to amaze me, the same people that come to lecture us about investing back home when we already and have been investing in property and businesses back home.
    Look at that foooool Bowman he was busy running about like he headless chicken all over the CB and Lusaka even on radio spreading the virus whilst he was spitting silivia with a face mask just for show when cameras are turned on now the big heap of cow dung is in hospital.

  5. A strict lockdown ,closing borders and stopping incoming international flights in the early days would have contained the spread.
    But the PF and Chitalu Chilufya maintained that temperature screening and hand washing would keep things in check.Well the truth is that covid-19 is mostly spread by people with no symptoms.
    Now things are out of control and Zambians are dropping dead everyday.

  6. Zambians support each other in the UK in time of need as the Zambian embassy exist in name only. Investments back home is not priority of Zambian embassy since they have never assisted any Zambians in the UK. Initials applications for land submitted 10 years ago have not been known to exist, any follow up attracts mockery – because of being a diaporan.

  7. Tell those campaigning!
    They are the ones who think Covid is a hoax. They have even cost the lives of innocent MPs and citizens because of their “Ubuchenjeshi Bwankoko” on Bill 10!
    Public Health emergencies like COVID need sincere leaders who walk their talk! Only ifipuba will follow the bad example of those who conduct themselves as though COVID does not exist! We don’t even have to stretch the argument too far!

  8. This is what he should be telling Lusambo for being careless and acting negligently .He went to the copperbelt to spread his covid 19 virus to vulnerable people through no fault of their own .

  9. Difficult – Residing in the diaspora seems only to evoke suspicion, jealousy, and rancour among some clueless fellow Zambians back home – yet we could work collaboratively for the betterment of all.

  10. Us zambians in diaspora are always insulted by some zambians back home on this media , not knowing that we could help out for some of the things needed during this covid pandemic in our country. We are really cooperating lot and help one another in times of need here and we do send millions of pounds to our families in zambia every year .There are currently thousands of us zambians in the UK alone and we can donate to our government back home about maybe £15 each to help out in the fight against this covid infection .I do not know how others feel.Lets show people back home that we are very cooperating citizens .we are just not happy the way politicians want to divide us back home.Instead of providing leadership and development you are preaching tribalism .No zambian tribe…

  11. ( Continued)
    zambian tribe is above the other.We are all the same . Some of us have intermarried and we lead very happy lives and we are not happy with tribal insults currently on the net.We really do not know what has gone wrong pa zed.

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