Saturday, July 27, 2024

Education Minister says 2020 academic year Still Intact Despite 11 coivid 19 Cases from over a million Pupils


Government says it will not declare 2020 as a dead academic year. General Education Minister David Mabumba says this is because examination classes have been opened to pupils amidst the pandemic.

Mr. Mabumba says despite recording Eleven COVID-19 cases from the over one million children who are currently in school at examination level, Government is positive that pupils in such classes will not be affected.

Speaking when he featured on a ZNBC television programme dubbed, Covid-19 Your Questions Answered, anchored by Information Minister Dora Siliya, Mr. Mabumba said all schools are free of the pandemic.

He said in order to curb the spread of the pandemic in schools, people should ensure they honour all health protocols instituted to combat the disease.

Mr. Mabumba also said Government will make a concrete decision on the fate of non-examination classes after closely examining data in relation to the pandemic.

He further disclosed that the 2020/2021 Education calendar will be adjusted in line with the prevailing situation.

And Ms. Siliya said only learning institutions certified by the Zambia Public Health Institute can operate.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Apex medical University Chief Executive Officer Peter Mwaba said Zambia has the capacity to carry out research and findings for a possible Covid-19 vaccine.

Professor Mwaba said there is no need for other nations to do so, as Zambia has the capacity. He has since cautioned Zambians against being misled that there is a cure for the pandemic.


  1. How can the academic yr be intact? Whn a minister makes a statement like that, don’t just quote them. Ask them, quiz them. Is he saying the situation is normal?

  2. Because Covid 19 has come to stay just like any other disease, I feel as adjustments will be made, schools should be closing in winters and throughout summer they should remain open.

  3. But aba chabe, he made an indecent video, showing his manhood to a white teenager in the USA, its a matter of time before that news breaks.

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