Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former PF North Western Province Chairman Jackson Kungo accepts decision to revoke his appointment


Former PF North Western Province Chairman Jackson Kungo says he welcomes and respect the decision of the Central Committee to revoke his appointment.

In May this year, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila suspended Mr Kungo, for corruption allegations committed at Kansenseli Gold Mine in Mwinilunga District.

In a statement, Mr Kungo says he respects the announcement on Monday by Mr Mwila that the Central Committee of the ruling Patriotic Front has resolved to revoke his position as Provincial Chairman for North-Western Province.

Mr Kungo says as hard as it is for him, he fully appreciate and understand the wisdom behind the decision of the Central Committee and that he welcomes and respects the decision.

He has thanked President Edgar Lungu and the entire leadership of the party for according him the honor and privilege to serve the Party in his former capacity as Provincial Chairman.

“I will forever remain a loyal and dedicated member of the party and I will always be available to serve and grow the party”, said Mr Kungo.

He said he will use this period to do self introspection and learn from his past.

“To everyone whom I might have offended in my line of duty, I want to say find it within your hearts to forgive me”, he added.

In May 2020, Patriotic Front suspended Mr Kungo from all party activities with immediate effect.

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said that the suspension was effected in order to facilitate investigations at Kansenseli Gold Mine- Mwinilunga District Northwestern Province where PF Chairperson for Legal affairs Brian Mundibile led a delegation of senior party officials which will include Nickson Chilangwa, Kampamba Chewe, Andrew Lubusha and Alick Tembo to Northwestern Province to investigate the matter.

President Edgar Lungu had vowed to uproot corruption in the party and government and never to shield anyone found wanting by the law.

Mr. Mwila said that the suspension would be reviewed subject to the outcome of investigations by the relevant authorities.


  1. You have been involved in corruption. ACC should take up this case and take you to court. You are just pretending to be nice to avoid court charges. Mr Davis Mwila should explain to the court why you were fired. You broke the law

  2. The poor guy knew the game of the perpetually corrupt PF and its convicted President Mr Lungu and did a Donchi kubeba on them to look after himself on his Gold.
    These are politics and Lungu and his Muchinga thugs were just using Kungo; they were never going to look after him! He did very well, the Gold is from his village and therefore his God given natural Gift. He is smart, why did they want him to surrender it to the thieving Lungu!! Bailasha bakabolala! Well done Kungo, now go join UPND ???

  3. The poor guy knew the game of the perpetually corrupt PF and its convicted President Mr Lungu and did a Donchi kubeba on them to look after himself on his Gold.
    These are politics and Lungu and his Muchinga thugs were just using Kungo; they were never going to look after him! He did very well, the Gold is from his village and therefore his God given natural Gift. He is smart, why did they want him to surrender it to the thieving Lungu!! Bailasha bakabolala! Well done Kungo, now go join UPND ???

  4. This is very mature response which can only be found in pf. We thank you for your services and know that you can contribute in other ways to our economy. You remain pf and we hope to see you helping us during canpaigns. One zambia one pf

  5. This is very mature response which can only be found in pf. We thank you for your services and know that you can contribute in other ways to our economy. You remain pf and we hope to see you helping us during canpaigns. One zambia one pf. Kz

  6. That is Dununa Reverse in a failed 2h!th0le Republic.

  7. That is Dunun@ Rev3rse in a f@iled 2h!th0le Republic.

  8. That is Dunun@ Rev3rse in a f@iled 2h!th0le Republic.

  9. I like the new court at PF secretariat. The PF MCC’s are doing better job than one called Simusamba and those prosecuting Chilufya.
    The PF judicial system has:
    – sentenced Konga for stealing gold.
    – sentenced PF councillors for three months for allocating land.

  10. In Zambia P.F development means having a “Sl@y Que3n male Minister busy “ku buntula katundu wake’ mukwanja” instead of working hard to alleviate the suffering of the citizens.
    AGAIN J0N4 WILL BE NDWII, just like P02nstar 2ichalwe.
    Ladies & Gentlemen, that is P.F’s “unprecedented development” for you.

  11. PF was headed for a landslide victory in the 2021 General Elections had it not been for the corruption tag that it has been putting on for sometime now. Nevertheless it’s not too late to make amends.

  12. PF is the most eventful party ever existed in Zambia. Today it is MABUNBA making round, yesterday it was the boss with Luanda.

  13. Kubuntula kabonga kako sitilesa, BUT kabuntulidwe!!
    If you are a Minister /Government official, please don’t broadcast you privacy, kup0ny0la activities!
    Is that why you are fighting tooth & nail for Bill 10, so you legalise (public kabuntulidwe -p0ny0) ba P.F?
    Is M@b00mbah self sanctifying his kab0nga because of U.P.N.D??
    Let’s hear you open those toxic R3d lips M0nday & blame H.H.
    Lastly, P.F.MUSTGO!

  14. Kubuntula kab0nga kako sitilesa, BUT kabuntulidwe!!
    If you are a Minister /Government official, please don’t broadcast you privacy, kup0ny0la activities!
    Is that why you are fighting tooth & nail for Bill 10, so you legalise (public kabuntulidwe -p0n.y0) ba P.F?
    Is M@b00mbah self sanctifying his kab0nga because of U.P.N.D??
    Let’s hear you open those toxic R3d lips M0nday & blame H.H.
    Lastly, P.F.MUSTGO!


  16. I’ve just been watching on TV, the funeral of Andrew Mlangeni, a freedom fighter who was imprisoned alongside Nelson Mandela at Robben Island and spent 26 years there. He was the last surviving member of Mandela’s group of eight who were sentenced to life. These were credible men who said of the apartheid system “ There comes a time in your life when you should succumb or reject an oppressive, corrupt and unjust system”. This exactly what the PF Government in Zambia is, and should reject, fight and REMOVE it!!!!

  17. PF is a circus, crimes against the state are being dealt with by Davies Mwile and the PF Central Committee which is extremely corrupt.
    It’s like serving dinner in a used chamber pot. So we’re is the gold?

  18. Corruption is being tackled on many fronts in matters that have challenged Zambians. Property thefts, Mineral thefts by public servants. Don’t know why disproval is registered by bloggers of the cadre kind.

    Kungo is making all the right humble noises and accepting his plight. This is the correct route in these type of matters. It really ought to be applied in all cases where reasonable allegations are made correctly.

    We wish Hon. Kungo well and hope he will take away some learning from this experience. And we can all stop being hypocrites, which of us would not shove a nugget or two…three even…into our kitbag if the stuff is laying around and we are in charge? Right……!

  19. This was one of the unfortunate guys to get caught when there are so many from top to bottom. He has been told just to accept and keep quiet for now as good things will come to him after the issue has died down.

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