Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home Affairs Minister to flag off phase one of the mobile registration exercises


Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo is tomorrow, Saturday, August 1, 2020 expected in Mwense district of Luapula Province to flag off phase one of the mobile registration exercise.

Speaking when he featured on Radio Phoenix’s “Let the People Talk” program today, Hon. Kampyongo said the mobile issuance of National Registration Cards (NRCs) was intended to increase coverage and reach out to citizens who lived in far-flung areas.

Hon. Kampyongo explained that the 2020 mobile registration exercise would be conducted in a two-phased approach of 40 days each.

“The mobile registration exercise will be done in two phases, and 40 days is for each phase. The first phase, which will commence tomorrow, will run up to the second week of September, the second phase will run from September 1 to the second week of October,” he said.

He explained that, “Phase one will cover Luapula, Northern, North-Western, Copperbelt and Eastern provinces while phase two will cover Western, Southern, Lusaka, Central and Muchinga provinces”.

The Home Affairs Minister said the aspect of recognizing and registering citizens is an important undertaking which should not be limited to elections only.

He urged officers to be patient and maintain the highest level of professionalism when dealing with citizens especially in remote parts of the country.

“To the officers on the ground, be respective to the people you will be interacting with. We know that you will be dealing with different categories of our people in these rural communities, I urge you to be professional and patient. Any officer who will mishandle our people will be removed from the exercise and appropriate action will be taken,”he warned.


  1. I am objective, you all that. And I mean what I say. Today I want to say:
    Kampyongo has been a successful story, 2nd best minister in PF government. We all thought a former street cash dealer won’t do anything honorable at Ministry of Home Affairs, allas, here he is, maybe done a better job than his former bosses Edgar and Davies Mwila. Now with all those praise;
    Kampyongo please do something about poono outbreak in Zambia. I think circulating ubukkala of Ba respectable PF minister is a crime, and should be used as final example ….. Jail them, including PF ministers.

  2. Lusaka times
    8 March 2010
    Sata is panicking
    MINISTER of Home Affairs Lameck Mangani says Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata’s visits to rural areas and featuring on community radio stations are a desperate attempt to allegedly show his sponsors that he is still an active politician who can win next year’s presidential elections.
    Mr Mangani said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that the PF leader is allegedly panicking to please people who sponsored him in the 2006 and 2008 presidential elections because they now seem to be losing confidence in the opposition leader’s prospects of winning elections next year.

  3. @Aristotle, are you drawing a parallel with radio interviews conducted by opposition politician around the country?

  4. Imagine entrusting a thug like Kampyongo for such an exercise…these type of announcements should be left to civil servants aand institutions like ECZ not politicians

  5. Perhaps the most useless and clueless PF cardre to have accidentally become “minister”! Among contribut Zambia’s totally wasted years.

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