Saturday, July 27, 2024

My brother in marriage succumbed to Covid-19, he could not be treated because of delayed results


By Bradley Chingobe

Yesterday, my brother in marriage succumbed to Covid-19. Fact that I was actively involved during his battle with Corona and also watching his wife break down upon hearing the news was a life-changing experience.

I Am gutted with his death; Left a young wife and little children.

Am angry with the ministry of health; Why should COVID-19 results take more than a week to be released?

He took his COVID test early last week at UTH. That’s the same time he was admitted into CFB. His results to this day have not been released. CFB, despite him exhibiting acute COVID symptoms, could not transfer him to a COVID center coz no center would admit him without results.

When his condition deteriorated on Wednesday, we decided to engage a private person to test him. The private test results were released yesterday at 11 AM. He was positive. CFB transferred him to Levy hospital immediately. He succumbed to covid-19 at around 16hrs.

Today, Friday. Over 9 days after he took his test, a day after his death MOH has not released his results.

What’s the point of testing if you will only know your results 10 days later?

Imagine how many people you might infect whilst wait for your results.

Imagine how easily your condition would deteriorate because you are waiting over 10 days so as to be moved to a COVID-19 center.

Remember, no other hospitals apart from the COVID centers are allowed to treat COVID-19 cases.

I had a chat with him (through a window) on Wednesday. He looked upbeat. Was even sitting on his bed. His Dr told me his hands were tied as he didn’t have the results.

Maybe if his results were released early he would have been transferred earlier & perhaps he wouldn’t have died..


  1. Condolences. However now is not time to blame but to heal. We are learning about virus just like rest of world

  2. Sad indeed condolences to the you and the entire family , and that is why we are asking
    for full transparency in the whole process of tests and results ,including admissions,
    as this will help fully appreciate what it is we are dealing with as a nation ,
    as the situation is not the same country by country.

    May the good Lord look after this young wife and little children that have been left alone

  3. Don’t wait for results just start treatment otherwise you will die Medicines which can help you if you are having fever,cough,tiredness,loss of balance,loss of smell and test,diarrhea Auro Amoxiclav 1000mg,chloroqiene,Austell Azithromycin 500mg,Adco Napamol,Sinucon and imodium 2mg and thiamine tablets 100mg,Pholtex Plus vitamin C and D lemon ginger mixed boiled with Med-Lemon these hotels don’t even know what there doing people are dying for nothing save yourself don’t even rush to hospital you will die there.

  4. Don’t wait for results just start treatment otherwise you will die Medicines which can help you if you are having fever,cough,tiredness,loss of balance,loss of smell and test,diarrhea Auro Amoxiclav 1000mg,chloroqiene,Austell Azithromycin 500mg,Adco Napamol,Sinucon and imodium 2mg and thiamine tablets 100mg,Pholtex Plus vitamin C and D lemon ginger mixed boiled with Med-Lemon these hospitals don’t even know what there doing people are dying for nothing save yourself don’t even rush to hospital you will die there.

  5. Sorry to hear this sad recount. We pray for the family and the brave deceased.

    First, is this CFB. Why are people with wealth thinking a private health facility is better than Mwanawasa or even old faithful, UTH? I understood that each area has a COVID centre where tests can be done. In relation to the length of results, that was appalling. What comes to mind is that in any case when you feel unwell, just assume it’s covid19 and isolate for 7 days and 14 for the whole family which means the writer and the whole family exposed to him should be in quarantine right now. The govt. Ministry of Health needs to check the advice given to family groups in one house is understood. We are seeing people with covid19 victims not isolating and large funerals where for instance the wife of…

  6. Chimbo ca malilo, alelosha fye…
    Can you imagine, Lusambo spent so many days at Levy FimoFimo, consuming oxygen while deserving people are dying like that?

  7. Mortality rate among people tested positive in Zambia is 2.6%. This is far much higher than equivalent countries. We are in trouble if we do not see this as a problem. If they tested 10,000 people a day, it looks like 4,000 would positive and about 100 would die. 4 times this number would need hospitalisation if we follow what experts have said so far. I am only doing the Mathematics. I am not a doctor.

  8. In this world today those with money and status in society will receive preferential treatment than the poor yet the same person receiving preferential treatment are busy stealing through corruption money that could help a poor fellow have access to good healthcare provisions. Double blow for the poor, they use them and still don’t get to see what the politicians promise. Sad

  9. My Condolences.
    The testing levels are currently too low(average of 1,000 tests per day).
    For a population of 19 million , Zambia needs at a minimum about 10,000 tests per day.
    We need to know the true extent of the spread among the population.
    This is critical to effectively manage the pandemic.

  10. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    This is why I say this country is a failed state. There’s nothing they are capable of managing effectively apart from corruption and stealing.
    That is an unacceptable to wait for the results for that long. Believe it or not, enough money has been poured into this country for COVID-19 pandemic management from the WHO to donor communities… I believe even the Chinese have released some money to help us manage this pandemic. Yet there is nothing to show for it on the ground. By now we could have had test centre around the country at every provincial capital; set up a COVID-19 treatment ward/centre at those major hospitals. We could have been distributing masks to the people and front line workers; pay affected people and struggling businesses. But what you see is incompetence caused by…

  11. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    …But what you see is incompetence caused by the fact that these numskulls see wealth and riches opportunities out of this pandemic.

    Having said that as soon as you display and detect symptoms you are supposed to self isolate, results or not!

  12. The issue that “perhaps he would not have died” is your baseless opinion which should have been kept to yourself.

    Understand well that birth and death is already prewritten by the almighty. Whether you like it or not, you can be in the most secure place with the best of medication but if death is written for you at a specific time you are nonetheless going to cease to exist.

    The author of this article is emotional and therefore his brains have stopped working. His belief in the almighty is at dangerously low levels.

    Take your precautions but Understand that death will most certainly come at its appointment time. Whether you like it or not!

  13. Fellow Zambians, you have to be two steps ahead of covid-19. Start taking multivitamins during this cold season. In case you get covid-19, the biggest challenge and danger will be breathing difficulties which will worsen with time. To decongest the chest, boil water, add vics, cover your head and the pot of boiled water and inhale for 15 minutes. Or use an asthma inhaler. Additionally, make lemon tea, add ginger, turmeric, and garlic. I live in USA and in April, I had covid-19. I pulled through after two months

  14. This is sad ending to the life of your brother-in-marriage. Without a cure or a vaccine, we’re all in the queue waiting for our turn to get this virus, Donal Trump included. Condolences to u and your family.

  15. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    @Able Phiri,
    “…Understand well that birth and death is already prewritten by the almighty…”. Says who?
    I think it’s your brains that have stopped working. That is your baseless opinion which should have been kept to yourself. Please stop being holier than thou and understand that the world is bigger than your opinions and beliefs, taught to you by someone else.

  16. It is unethical and against the oath Doctors took upon graduation to not treat a patient because they do not have results. Any patient with moderate -severe covid like symptoms should be treated as a covid patient even without results. I hope the Ministry of Health will look into this.Sorry for your loss.

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