Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF has Turned the Presidency into an Axis of Criminality


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member

By Zambian supreme law, the President, any elected Zambian President, is the sole custodian of our collective public interest; and thus the guardian of not just the constitution itself but also the final gatekeeper of all our natural resources including land, forests, minerals and wildlife.

Yet since their inaugural election in 2011, the Patriotic Front (PF) have peddled a deliberate, premeditated agenda of leveraging the presidency for the benefit of the party and individuals within the party, using well placed private sector proxies but are known associates of the party in power and its handlers.

While the poverty of 9.2 million Zambians remain unmitigated, with access to public education, healthcare, water and sanitation, employment still a far cry for 83% of Zambians, the PF and the presidency have been relentless in their unholy agenda of self enrichment while sacrificing the fortunes of a whole nation.

In May 2018, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) revealed how the PF regime, through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources under Jean Kapata, failed to account for $87m worth of Mukula revenue through criminal motivations when they deliberately undervalued Mukula exports to China.

I had personally written to the current Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo on 11 June 2018 and demanded that he took this issue onto the floor of Parliament so that Zambians could get some answers, but he did not respond.

Then in 2019, the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) published a detailed report which revealed an approximate $7.5m per annum Mukula bribery cartel involving known and elected public officials. This means around $60m worth of Mukula associated bribes were paid to PF officials over the period 2012 to 2019 alone.

Our estimates are that since 2012, Zambia has lost around $2bn in unaccounted for Mukula revenue under the PF regime.

The most concerning thing is that because the current ongoing criminal activities seem to be anchored around State House, and the Presidency has become immobilized and is incapable of acting in the national interest.

This is why a government Minister caught masturbating on camera is more likely to get fired than one facing serious charges of a criminal indictment and appearing before court.

This is also why the presidency cannot act when protected forests such Forest Reserve No. 27 is invaded by top government officials who have turned a water aquifer into a paradise for mansions.

Why do we think the presidency also cannot act, when Zambia’s wildlife resources are being savaged, raided and transferred to private game ranches owned by politicians or their friends…

As we speak, Zambia’s gold resources are being appropriated for the benefit of foreign-owned entities with known links to terrorism sanctioned countries and individuals.

What the Zambian people must know is this: this is not a problem for the president or the presidency. The ruling party establishment has designed things to work precisely in this manner. The PF understands that if you can leverage the presidency in criminal wrongdoing, you are untouchable.

And this is exactly why none of the issues raised herein have ever been a subject of a thorough, government-backed investigation and precisely why no single parliamentary inquiry has been called to interrogate any of these issues.

The solution is NOT to kick out President Edgar Lungu. He is a very small part of a wider PF backed axis of criminality. The solution is to dismantle the PF by voting them out of power in 2021.

The only thing keeping the PF together, the reason they want power, is to protect their shared illegalities against the Zambian people.

Once the PF lose power in 2021, they will no longer have a reason to continue existing.


  1. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Forest Reserve 27 Wildlife Private Game Ranches Gold Mining Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Forest Reserve 27 Wildlife Private Game Ranches Gold Mining

    Very well written mate. It is unbelievable that despite the overwhelming corruption scandals, this government even still has the nerve to continue running the affairs of this country, and there are still some people supporting them. Unbelievable!

  2. Oh its this again. Any sane man of integrity would at least congratulate their opponent for winning the by elections. Upnd wonders why they keep losing when they have liabilities such as this hanthony habwalya. I don’t even know why I offer upnd constructive advise when they are our opponents. I guess deep down I know they would never use it anyway as they are arrogant and too too to realise how they are. Kz

  3. 2021 PF kuya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. PF means what….
    It is the government of corruption with lungu and his dogs around him, ashamed to be called a zambia today
    Pf must go or zambia dies

  5. UPND should get professionals to write articles for them not this hot headed chap…UPND have been sleeping even when David was caught wanking they chose to remain silence as if its something that can happen to any married man, the Rwanda issue has come and died they were silent fearing of being accused.

  6. Continuel writing amalabishi here, while clever people like tayari are now affording to pay $475 per night for 1week. Mr bwalya you are just been used, join pf and get a life.

  7. Tarino the problem with upnd is that it has I.d.i.o.ts like you for supporters. How does David’s issue become a campaign message for your party ? This is a sign that you have no message for the people. Useless

  8. Mune Bwalya, it’s not enough to always talk about someone else to win elections. Sell your party to the people with costed and affordable improvements in public services such as health care etc.

  9. On point Anthony ………..

    Hit them none stop , more of the same.

    As long as the name ‘PF’ is synonymous with grand corruption and looting no amount of self congratulating by them selves will work………especially in these tough economic times for the majority of Zambians……….

    Nyanta petro ………

  10. In these tough economic times , this is the soft under belly of PF and lungu

    ” Corruption and grand looting ”

    Keep singing……this message hits high notes with Zambians …..

  11. The sad part of this ” Corruption and grand looting ” song is that it is true……

    Those with eyes can see….those with stomachs can feel……those without jobs can think…….those not on the PF soup train will listen…….

  12. Waited for 9 years, another one year and 12 days. The day HH or Fred M’embe takes over, almost all PF cabinet including VP and Presido Will go behind bars.
    Sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor

  13. Friendly advise Kaizar Zulu use your privilege to create peace and harmony in this blessed nation, money is not everything. Look at what “your” kind of politics has done to once beautiful Chimbabwe, it’s very disheartening to listen and watch. There is a generation that has not known peace while being ruled by it’s own brothers and sisters. As human beings why have we allow this to continue?
    Watch “Zanu Pf taught me to beat & torture opposition using violence says Jim Kunaka” on YouTube
    Note: Listen to the translation ahead

  14. Friendly advise Kaizar Zulu use your privilege to create peace and harmony in this blessed nation, money is not everything. Look at what “your” kind of politics has done to once beautiful Chimbabwe, it’s very disheartening to listen and watch. There is a generation that has not known peace while being ruled by it’s own brothers and sisters. As human beings why have we allow this to continue?
    Watch “Zanu Pf taught me to beat & torture opposition using violence says Jim Kunaka” on YouTube
    Note: Listen to the translation ahead

  15. They are not only corrupt but also clueless. This is a govt that has elevated politics above anything else. Any Country where a politician is the wealthiest and most powerful person is at risk of serious compromise. PF are good at being political, they have nothing else to offer on the development front. PF leave and let us develop our Country you thieves!

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