Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Covid-19 cases in North-Western and Copperbelt Provinces increase


Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya has said that there is a spike in Covid-19 cases in North-Western and Copperbelt Provinces where Ndola and Solwezi have recorded double figures of infections in the past two days, with Ndola recording 5 COVID-19 related Brought in Dead (BID) cases.

Speaking during the COVID-19 routine update, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya called for the need to double the intervention efforts.

The MInister further said that most deaths are among the elderly and those with underlying conditions such as diabetes and pneumonia.

Dr. Chilufya also indicated that the country has in the last 24 hours recorded 226 new cases of COVID-19.

79 patients are currently admitted to Levy Mwanawasa Isolation Centre with 32 on oxygen support.

He said 229 people have been discharged, bringing the total number of recoveries to 7,233.

Dr. Chilufya added that Government will not segregate or look at the status when attending to COVID-19 patients adding that all of them will be treated equally.

The Minister was responding to journalists who wanted to know if the Levy Mwanawasa facility had VIP patients who were being treated differently from others.

Dr. Chilufya emphasised the importance of public health measures and the need for people to stay away from congregate activities such as funerals.


  1. We have not even reached the peak yet. This is why we are urging you all to take reasonable precautions. It is disheartening when a few rotten eggs are greedy and decide not to comply with the covid regulations as decided by our president. We know those trying to frustrate our progress are mainly from a particular oppostion party. Let me warn you now all of you: whether you are pf, upnd, poor people party etc supporter, if you are found not to be complying with covid directives, we will ensure that you feel the full force of the law. I have even given my bro lusambo blessings to whip even harder. some people only learn through pain. Please do not force us to become foreceful. I love you all and god bless zambia. Kz

  2. Zambian Journalists if you are going to ask a question about segregation at Levy at least go and do some basic investigative journalism and find out where that former MMD bouncer Bowman was admitted as Chilufya is a shameless liar who will just say no.

  3. Question to chilufya should have been why is there a VIP covid ward at Levy and not that shallow question. Era of investigative journalists ended with the likes of Edem Djokoto!

  4. Not so long ago some brainless blogger was insisting that Zambia was experiencing a second wave of the virus. Today he is saying “We have not even reached the peak yet”
    Typical nonsense coming from PF cadres

  5. Independent you know there is a difference between a wave and a peak. You know that a peak can be found in a wave? Which country did you run away to cause whatever country it is, I will ensure non ofmy kids go to it, as it appears they teach rubbish

  6. Lusambo doesn’t have the power to whip people because there is no law which mandates him to do so as an ordinary citizen .As a matter of fact his actions amounts to criminal assault . It is only possible in a banana republic packed with criminals .Criminals who are capable of using fake pictures of roads in Nigeria pretending that , that is the roads they have done in Southern Province .My heart bleeds that we Zambians are seeing these things and are simply looking away thinking they are normal . Take for instance the forty eight houses without owners .Who in their right mind would even think that such a thing would happen? We have an anti corruption commission that is not fit for purpose and a waste of tax payer money .An organisation that is controlled by politicians and not evidence…

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