Saturday, July 27, 2024

Only common thieves will defend privatization, time to account is now-Chilangwa


Luapula Minister Nickson Chilangwa has charged that only common thieves or criminals will defend the ugly legacy of privatisation in Zambia.

Mr. Chilangwa said there is nothing good that privatisation has left especially in Luapula Province apart from a trail of destruction on all the companies that were sold.

He was speaking on Friday when former Mansa Batteries workers met at the defunct company premises to push for their benefits.

Mr. Chilangwa said some of the economic woes that the country was going through can be attributed to privatisation which was carried out by selfish individuals.

“For us in Luapula we know what privatisation did to us. Our people here know very well that criminals who sold their companies have regrouped to want to take over the governance of their country but that will not be tolerated. If Kawambwa Tea and Mununshi Banana Companies were not sold, government would not have spent millions of Kwacha to revive them today” complained Mr. Chilangwa.

He said it was unacceptable for some people to blame some of the economic woes that the country was going through on President Edgar Lungu.

The Minister said President Lungu has revived Mununshi Banana Estates in Mwense District and Kawambwa Tea Company in Kawambwa District.

And an ex- worker of the defunct Mansa Batteries Frighton Musukwa has said it was impossible to trust those who carried out the privatisation process in the country with the governance of the country.

Mr. Musukwa said he and his colleagues have suffered since they were sent on forced leave in 1994.

Infrastructure abandoned after privatization
Infrastructure abandoned after privatization


  1. Mansa Batteries failed as a company. It was not sold or privatised as a going concern. There’s this misguided belief that companies are forever. The bitter truth is that they are not. Companies are human creations and cannot be forever whn humans themselves who create them aren’t forever.

  2. Why end there even the public booth phones went out of business too because of privatization. We can even go back to 1964 and audit how the forefathers negotiated the country’s independence. Blame never ends

    • You are right, if an inquiry on privatization is instituted, we should also push for an inquiry on how the independence of Zambia was negotiated and the major beneficiaries are, what role each individual played.

  3. And then this f0ol Nickson is trying to tell people that hh privatised Mununshi. You will cry you ignorant b4astards have finished the peoples money with no ideas how to make money for a country. Mu Za Nya

  4. If your government has failed to run Zesco which is a cash cow
    What about these loss making entities you want to revive
    Are you not draining the National treasury of much needed revenue…

  5. Cursed from the womb, this one legged overzealous PF hyena’s brains do not function. Him and his PF are good for nothing but stealing. What good has this kamweendo brought to politics. He is example of living disabled thief!! Matuvi yaka Tribalist half baked politician/thief.
    Everyone knows the crook waz supporting Guy Scott and is just trying to please Lungu. Lazo.

  6. Anyone going to Zambia, please please do not use The Zambian Safari Company (zamsaf) and in particular stay away from doing business with Nickson Chilangwa. He will take your money and then not honour what you have paid for.

    Source: TripAdvisor posting.

  7. Did Mansa batteries sold by HH too? Can Katele and Nawakwi tell us what happened to Mansa Batteries ‘ Sparks Hotel now belonging to Chitalu Chulufya? What does HH know about Kawambwa tea Estate, how did he benefit from it?

    • I think privatization issue has lost taste to the Zambian majority. This Piyefool don’t understand the word privatization.

      Zamtel was sold to lap green of Libya until Sata reversed, ZNBC sold or co-owned by Topstar a Chinese company and no one says anything. ZAFFFICO which is almost or gone to Chinese companies.

      There are many public institutions which have been sold but you’re dwelling on things which happened 30 years ago.

      PF must go!

  8. These people won’t admit or tell the bitter truth about Kaunda’s Zambianization plan that led to hunger, mulnutrition as everything was in short supply. These companies could not make a profit as they were infested with cadres. You were forced to sell those companies by the IMF and debtors who wanted their money so you cannot blame individuals.

  9. Ask Dr Katele Kalumba your Luapula son , Dr Chiluba from Luapula was the top man .Chungu Luapula. Just to name a few

  10. The PF you have depleted the US$4 billion dollars Rupiah Banda and MMD left in the treasury now blaming privatization. Gentlemen wake up and think twice before you open your mouth. The PF have messed up the economy. Dollar to Kwacha in 2011 was $1 to K6.00.
    Today $1 is K20 and want to blame privatization. You have over borrowed and have inflated infrastructure prices to pocket the difference thereby faytening your pockets.
    We have the most expensive substandard roads in central and southern Africa.
    For now be assured change is coming as you have failed the people of Zambia

  11. This is very true ba minister. I keep telling these upnd dullards and diasporan failures that the reason they are suffering and were forced into becoming asylum seekers abroad is because mismanagement of privatisation and corrupt deals by the likes of HH and his crooked friends . These idlots were unpatriotic and today ka HH is asking you to make him president?. It hurts me a lot what they did to economy such that I would beat the stupldlty out of hh

  12. I think privatization issue has lost taste to the Zambian majority. This Piyefool don’t understand the word privatization.

    Zamtel was sold to lap green of Libya until Sata reversed, ZNBC sold or co-owned by Topstar a Chinese company and no one says anything. ZAFFFICO which is almost or gone to Chinese companies.

    There are many public institutions which have been sold but you’re dwelling on things which happened 30 years ago.

    PF must go

  13. Utter RUBBISH,hanging on the last straw! If you believe privatization is your campaign theme to disadvantange HH mwanyaa.It will hit back bcoz you are using dirty surrogates who actually carried it out!! Instead repairing roads which are falling apart in Luapula you are busy talking untruths!!

  14. Some comments above are sickening.
    1. Zambia today imports batteries; organizations should be allowed to evolve, today we could have been making rechargeable and deep cycle batteries; we only needed capacity to be consistently built. It is sad to note that some Zambians still don’t believe in themselves.
    2. We don’t make bicycles any more. We were doing fine. We were told we couldn’t do it and we shut down the facility.
    3. We were convinced to do away with dunlop by selling it. Today we have Tyres imported all the time.
    4. Kawambwa Tea closed. You know the result.
    5. ZAMEFA no longer make cables for Zambia.
    6. etc.
    All these dull activities shut the manufacturing industry down and made you an import based economy. They make in their country and you import. What’s even more…

  15. D1ot, focus on reviving the economy which u have collapsed. Don’t hide in the name of privatization. You’re the most corrupt govt we’ve ever had. 2021 kuya bebele mukwayi.

  16. You i.d.oits its called privatization for a reason…….other people or firms bought off those companies, why don’t you blame the buyers, who have not kept those factories running? Who was responsible for ensuring that contracts for selling off those companies included clauses/penalties for failure to ensure the development of those companies? DO NOT CHEAT yourselves that what happened in Zambia Privatization is a kind of its own. If you guys are open minded, you will notice what went on in Russia… you recall the Russian Oligarch? There was massive privatization in Eastern Block..countries like Poland, East Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia….., there were people who took advantage as well, and they are well off, companies that were privatized and were…

  17. There was massive privatization in Eastern Block..countries like Poland, East Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia….., there were people who took advantage as well, and they are well off, companies that were privatized and were not competitive, they got shutdown. And those were massive compared to Zambia. I dont hear similar discussion from these countries, they have moved on. You are digging holes. This article seems to insinuate that HH sold off Mansa Batteries…loosers!!!

  18. Privatization, inspite of the fire storm of contraversies that are emerging today, was a national decision. Invariably, the best brains then were assigned to play various roles. It is undeniable that her goodness, the minister of finance and her technocrats played a pivotal role. It’s fine to pour scorn on the whole exercise as we come to terms with it’s disadvantages. However it’s sheer bigotry to single out one individual and try to smear him with dirty.

  19. There is nothing wrong with privatisation. It’s the manner in which it was done. a lot of crooks where involved. First we where told that only companies that. are doing bad will be sold but the opposite happened. Others where very poor but become rich after privatisation. Penza, HH, sata, mushota, become so rich to mentioned but a few. Yes we want to know

  20. It is time to follow up all those who did wrong in privatization , you can not swipe evil under the carpet and start complaining when you know where rot is, those thieves who are now grouping up to rule this nation must be excluded from any form of leading this country.
    It is illegal to allow crooks to continue with thuggery mentality it will take the country no where , the government must act as quickly as possible to get the culprits to book failing to do that is criminality on the part of those who hold the power.


  22. I do not get it, someone else did the dirt but you want to smear amafi on an innocent person how ridiculous and shamelessly can this be.

  23. These creatures are amazing, when they fail they have to find somebody to blame. The economy has been in steady decline ever since Edgar and PF took power. My worry is the lack of shame or remorse, they think if they blame HH and covid people will hear them, and yet people both in rural and urban areas know that this PF thing is a proper failed project.

  24. By virtue of her appointment as minister of finance during the privatization era her good self madam Nawakwi had a major supervisory role. If anything consultants, negotiators and other players were operating under her watch. In other words they were operating under her delegated authority. It is a trite supervisory principle that much as you can delegate authority you CANNOT delegate responsibility. So whatever happened those decades ago may be assumed as having happened with madam Nawakwis blessings, especially that she is not on any record of having raised a red flag

  25. These are Mugabe tactics lungu learned….

    Blame the whites for your mismangment problems, grab farms from them , blame the whites again for worsening economic collapse…

    That is how clueless dictators work.
    Now we are seeing this pattern with lungu.

    Blame privertisation 30 years ago for the economic collapse they have caused…..

  26. I underestimated the high number of *****s in Zambia. For some reason or another fools seem to gravitate towards PF. Perhaps they feel at home… birds of a feather. PF Pvt Ltd has given us an insight on what a country governed by uneducated people would look like. ECL was a lousy lawyer and has performed (failed) the same as president… LOUSY. A small poor man who has failed to make the transition from party president to President of Zambia. Koswe ni koswe.

  27. Zambia cannot develop because it is suffering from an outbreak of $tupid !diots! At least KK kept them in check. Now there is no control. It’s now free for all.
    If someone who was convicted for stealing from a widow and orphans was allowed to become president of Zambia, then everyone qualifies!
    We are only interested in investigating and imprisoning those who chewed $750,000 on each Fire Or wheelbarrow!

  28. We would like a serious inquiry on Privatisation and many irregularities that has happened under PF governance. UPND cadres should just keep quiet for the investgation to be carried out whether their man is involved or not. Equally, PF cadres should keep away from this issue because their time to account for 48 houses without the owner, astronomical ambulances and fire trucks, will surely come even if it comes 40 years from now. Zambia is bigger than UPND and PF.

  29. Privatization was necessary but was not properly conducted by Fredrick Chiluba.
    You can see that Luapula was destroyed by a man from Luapula.
    We need all those who were involved to come with documents and account. Not ukubwatabwata without any documents. Bring documents like Hakainde.
    This is a generation of youths who are so computer literate and you need to bring facts.
    We as youths who were not there want evidence through authentic documents.
    Hichilema so far has done very well. Musa Mwenye is ready to account. We need to hear many more.
    We will not believe any one who just opens a chi mouth wide without any documents. We are educated youths who cannot just be told unwritten stories.

  30. Zambia cannot develop because it is suffering from an outbreak of $tupid !diots! At least KK kept them in check. Now there is no control. It’s now free for all.
    If someone who was convicted for stealing from a widow and orphans was allowed to become president of Zambia, then everyone qualifies!
    We are only interested in investigating and imprisoning those who chewed $750,000 on each Fire Or wheelbarrow!!!

  31. Kikikikikiki…KZ and this Minister are forgetting that some Financial heavy weights behind PF also benefited from privatization. Thats the problem of YAPPING without FACTS… Because his eyes are on HH , HE GETS BLIND (TEMPORARY BLINDNESS)

  32. OK, let me understand the issue clearly. You investigate privatization, then what?
    you reposes the companies if there is an abnormally, you reposses and sell to foreign investor leaving your own. Some of these companies are vibrant and profitable. This is a political move…. Bane.

    Most of the mines were sold, abandoned, some placed under care and maintenance. Why can’t GRZ reposes them and sell to other investors.
    Nawakwi as finance minister was sent during the time of Chiluba to search for investors abroad who can buy the mines.
    Do we want to get to those levels again.

  33. HH indeed is guilty but he is playing tribal politics.If I was born in other parts no one whould have asked.What kind of a leader who plays such tribal remarks.That man can divide the country.He is thief who wants to hide in tribe.Coz i was born that earlier that’s why they don’t want me to be a presdeint.The man is pure tribalists.Those youths who want to follow him careful<he has no interest for the country but for himself.he will never even help the tongas.Ni lazo indeed

  34. Moscow how can someone who was hired by governemt be a thief, can you define a thief. Let someone educate you about the privatization issue not the convicts of Katele, Nawakwi and Sean Tembo who scammed the Botswana government. Have you heard HH tell his people not to vote for a non tonga like they way PF is doing it. We are sick and tired of divisive PF. 2021 is time to get rid of tribalist PF before we become the laughing stock of the region.

  35. @ChinaPF-PF is going nowhere. Their agenda of reviving local industries is what Zambia needs, not the destructive agenda of the IMF that had impoverished us. Look at how Edgar Lungu has stood up to the mines?? Levy sold KCM for $25m and signed contracts that allowed disputes to be sorted out in international courts. Now when the copper price is low, they want to put the mines on care & maintenance. Hh will definitely continue his privatisation agenda and sell off ZESCO, ZAFFICO, IDC, ZCCM Gold etc.-PF for 2021!!!!

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