Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government is not abusing NAPSA, let anyone with evidence come forward-Simukoko


Minister of Labour and Social Security Joyce Simukoko has dismissed claims alleging that government is abusing the National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) by getting from it colossal sums of money.

Ms. Simukoko said she was not aware of government abusing NAPSA funds and appealed to anyone with evidence to bring it forward for further consideration.

The Minister was speaking in Parliament this morning when responding to Katombola Member of Parliament, Derrick Livune who alleged that government was abusing NAPSA funds and called on her to intervene.

“The issue of government abusing lump sum funds from NAPSA, I’m not aware of government abusing NAPSA funds but if the person speaking has evidence I would rather have it so that we see the way forward. I mean I’m in government as well. We will look at it but otherwise I’m not aware of it,” she said.

And Ms. Simukoko added that Napsa is well protected by clauses and of which one of them is clause 4 that it makes it almost impossible for anyone to abuse its funds.

“So unless the person who is saying it has proof they can come to my office and we can look at it,” The Minister echoed.

Meanwhile, Ms Simukoko has urged all Zambian workers to be proactive and report all injustices from their work places.

Ms. Simukoko stated that the Ministry conducts surprise visits to institutions to check on compliance levels by the employers but emphasised that workers themselves must also be reporting any injustices.

The Minister made these remarks in response to Kafue Member of Parliament Mirriam Chonya who appealed to her to look into the wellbeing of workers by addressing the many challenges they are faced with.

“The issue of visiting institutions, we do make surprise visits just to see compliance and know what is going on but I would like to appeal to the workers in this that they have an obligation to report any injustice where there are no unions but where they are trade unions that’s their responsibility because that is why unions where formed, to protect workers interests,” Ms. Simukoko noted.

“We even have a tool line now where people can call in and tell us what institution or whatever injustices are there. We normally go there and bring employers together and counsel them. So the obligation to report, lies in the workers as well,”

The Minister further stated that despite not having adequate officers, government has made efforts to ensure that there is an inspector in almost each district.

“I’m number one inspector. Definitely we don’t have enough officers in that category but government has done a lot in that area. I think in almost every district we now have an inspector,” she said.

“And as a Ministry we have also gone ahead to bring on board NAPSA and Workers Compensation. We have made a group of people not only from the Ministry of Labour to go round and make abrupt inspections,”

Ms. Simukoko further indicated that the Ministry of Labour does not make laws for workers alone but that it is a collective responsibility with trade unions and employers.

“All the laws that are made for workers are not done by the Ministry of Labour alone, but it is a tripartite arrangement, a composition of trade unions, employers and government come together to make laws for the workers so it is highly participatory,” the Minister said.


  1. Here is the evidence u idio.t Hul.e Minister….
    1. Society Business Park – Final Project Cost $200 million . Overpriced by 100% .Money for cement was stolen and ended up with a building supported by substandard support columns with very little cement KIKIKIKI.. . estimate is that 90% of cement was stolen resulting in an a final product too embarrassing to engineers. Who Stole??? Zambian Engineers. – Names known.
    2. New Hotel in Livingstone ….overprized by 200% – Beneficiaries are the same known thieves just like Society Business Park.
    3. Chingola -Solwezi road – over priced
    4. Hilton Hotel – white elephant ..employed a thieving smooth talking .Zimbabwean GM.
    5. Housing Projects in new Districts – Chitambo, Chinsali etc 500% over priced.
    Bakuba bwino bamambala

  2. Here is the evidence Hon. Minister….
    1. Society Business Park – Final Project Cost $200 million . Overpriced by 100% .Money for cement was stolen and ended up with a building supported by substandard support columns with very little cement KIKIKIKI.. . estimate is that 90% of cement was stolen resulting in a final product too embarrassing to engineers. Who Stole??? Zambian Engineers. – Names known.
    2. New Hotel in Livingstone ….overprized by 200% – Beneficiaries are the same known thie.ves just like Society Business Park.
    3. Chingola -Solwezi road – over priced
    4. Hilton Hotel – white elephant ..employed a thi.eving smooth talking .Zimbabwean GM.
    5. Housing Projects in new Districts – Chitambo, Chinsali etc 500% over priced.
    Bakuba bwino ba mambala

  3. Ooh my God. This what happened to ZESCO . They will always refuse until this Company starts failing to pay Pension beneficiaries. By the time they leave Government this country will be a shell of its own. Wake up Zambia…………

  4. Somebody said he was as clean as KK’s handkerchief but he was convicted. Don’t ask us for evidence, just behave yourselves.

  5. MusuIa obe Joyce. Since when have you guys considered evidence against PF thieves. With cadres like judge MusuIasamba our country is lost. We need a new team of leaders to give it a try

  6. They will drag all culprirts to court and have them acquitted! Then any more talk of abuse of NAPSA will result in police call outs and confiscation of educational papers. That’s the process…

  7. They will drag all culprits to court and have them acquitted! Then any more talk of abuse of NAPSA will result in police call outs and confiscation of educational papers. That’s the process…

  8. The country has been abused, the cadres are in all institutions stealing. All these monies being donated is going straight into their pockets.

    As much as we can not do anything to you but God’s wrath shall follow you and families. Never ever forget that. You are stealing from the poor, you will not go far. Your lies will haunt you forever.

    Enjoy the spoils.

  9. In the election period, plenty of false news against PF is published. I think no media publication should allow publishing any sort of news without proof.

  10. Yes from the last few months news of PF trying to kill HH by giving poison and threatening him was published continuously. And now, another fake news is making rounds that police are behind HH!

  11. Strict law should be there to deal with spreading wrong information in society as this can lead to violating the atmosphere. Certain fear should be there among those media publications whose news is paid and fake.

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