Saturday, July 27, 2024

Politicians urged to sign peace treaty ahead of 2021 elections


The Trust Emergency Response Organization (TERO) has hailed President Edgar Lungu for preaching peace and national unity ahead of the 2021 general elections.

TERO Organization Coordinator Chipasha Chisha has called on all political leaders to emulate President Lungu by signing a special peace accord ahead of the elections.

“We are in support of the agenda of our Republican President who is always preaching peace and unity,” said Mr. Chisha.

“Because without peace we cannot enjoy the freedom we are enjoying in this mother Zambia,” he said.

He, however, said it is important for political leaders in Zambia to come up with a peace agreement that must be signed by all Presidents ahead of the 2021 general elections.

“Am here to encourage the political parties or political players to come up with a peace agreement as one way of imparting confidence in the Zambian people or electorates who will participate in the 2021 general elections,” he added.

Mr. Chisha added that issues of political violence will not arise if there is a peace accord signed by all political party leaders.

He noted that the peace accord will instill confidence in the country’s electoral process.


  1. What peace accord are you talking about? We are not at war . We all just fighting for politicakl space in parliament and state house. in the process we will argue and shout at each other. In some cases even exchange a few blows. It is normal as long as we do not kill each other. That is why it is called politics.

  2. peace treat for what? why make it look like we another congo, afghanistan, come on we have been voting since 1964, this will not be the first time.

  3. From 2016 till date, we never witnessed the President using bad language or spread hate speech about oppositions despite receiving criticisms from them.

  4. Why the need for a peace treaty ? We are not at war. An opponent is not an enemy. Because someone disagrees with me that does not make him/her my enemy. Let’s embrace differences and diversity.

  5. Even if they signed a peace treaty. We cannot trust UPND youths and leader Hichilema. In the past, they had conducted violence and blame it on the government.

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