Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH Swindled Zambia, He can’t be President and I’m Ready to Prove it in Court-Sean Tembo


Leader of the opposition PeP Sean Tembo has accused leading opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema (HH) of having swindled the Nation during the privatisation of Mosi-o-Tunya Hotels in Livingstone.

Tembo insists HH who is one of the front runners in Zambia’s next year presidential has credibility issues saying he is not better placed to be president.

“He also has credibility issues, having evidently swindled the country during the privatization of Mosi-o-Tunya Hotel in Livingstone,” Tembo explained. “We did our research on that transaction and there is no doubt in our minds that the gentleman swindled the nation in that transaction.”

Mr Tembo further said that he is sure HH swindled the country on the Mosi-o-Tunya Hotels and that he is ready to prove it in court.

“We are not sure about other allegations but on that Livingstone hotel matter, we are sure and are willing to back it up in court,” said Tembo, adding that there is need for any Citizen to serve the country with honour when called upon to do so even in a small capacity.

“Now, as a citizen of this Republic, the State will often call upon you to serve it every now and then. It might be in a small capacity and it might be in a big capacity, but whatever the case, when the State calls upon you to serve it, you need to serve it with distinction and honor,” he says.

Tembo cited US as one country where one cannot run for the presidency if not served in Government before.

“That is why in other countries such as the US, it is often considered a custom that anyone who aspires to be President must have served in the security or defense wings. For example, seven of America’s Presidents after 1945 actually fought in the Second World War. George W Bush was Director of the CIA before he became President. The point here is that you need to have served the State in one capacity or the other to show your suitability for the main job,” he explains.

Tembo said that it is unfortunate when HH was given an opportunity to serve the country he allegedly abused the opportunity.

“When Mr. Hichilema was given an opportunity to serve the country by managing part of our privatization, he instead decided to serve his pockets and put his personal interests above those of the State. And now, he is asking to be President. He abused the State once when he was given an opportunity to serve it, surely what are the chances that he will not abuse the State again if given the opportunity to serve as President?”


  1. The problem with the so called politicians in this country is that they talk too much out of frustrations. “Politicians” who want to be relevant by not offering solutions but through attacking others should not be taken seriously. Sean has failed to organize his party but has become a Pf member masquerading as PEP president.

  2. The problem with the so called politicians in this country is that they talk too much out of frustrations. “Politicians” who want to be relevant by not offering solutions but through attacking others should not be taken seriously. Sean has failed to organize his party but has become a Pf member masquerading as PEP president.

  3. Pf seems convinced that this Hichilema is likely to win next year’s elections hence have adopted the outdated and failed MMD tactics of smear campaign. It failed to work against Sata. You cannot make a popularly weak party like Pf strong by weakening the popularly strong opponents.

  4. Pf seems convinced that this Hichilema is likely to win next year’s elections hence have adopted the outdated and failed MMD tactics of smear campaign. It failed to work against Sata. You cannot make a popularly weak party like Pf strong by weakening the popularly strong opponents.

  5. We must bring sanity in our politics, the way this man talks nowadays one would think he is a hired gun. Mr Sean Tembo you are a mature man and behave like one instead of making noise all the time!

  6. We must bring sanity in our politics, the way this man talks nowadays one would think he is a hired gun. Mr Sean Tembo you are a mature man and behave like one instead of making noise all the time!

  7. Of all the things Sean Tembo, you just choose to be foolish and naive. Have time to reflect and pray. There are so maby issues to discuss and offer solutions to like load shedding, debt payment default, breakdown of the Rule of Law, unemployment, high cost of living, corruption, political violence, bad governance etc. What do you take Zambians for.

  8. Of all the things Sean Tembo, you just choose to be foolish and naive. Have time to reflect and pray. There are so maby issues to discuss and offer solutions to like load shedding, debt payment default, breakdown of the Rule of Law, unemployment, high cost of living, corruption, political violence, bad governance etc. What do you take Zambians for?

  9. Why is there a fear for HH kanshi? I am very disappointed with the level at which zambians are looking at things…tribal lines?? Many of us zambians are products of mixed marriages….so I cant fathom how tribal people have become.

  10. If indeed he swindled the nation and you have evidence where were you all this long Sean? Envy and jealous that’s what you have towards hh. You have failed to provide evidence for fire trucks because you were bitten day light now your focus is on hh Mwanya my family and friends will vote for him come next year.

  11. You can’t work with HH and come out smiling after a split, his sins are too dirty to ignore.

    HH sit down and apologize to Zambians, Mwanawasa forgave HH becasue of Bantu Botatwe, they were brothers.

  12. We have seen these mocky tricks before trying to disadvantage other politicians But just know that if it’s his time be to president nothing will stop him. Get Examples from all our presidents, I end here.

  13. We have seen these mocky tricks before trying to disadvantage other politicians But just know that if it’s his time be to president nothing will stop him. Get Examples from all our presidents, I end here.

  14. We have seen these mocky tricks before trying to disadvantage other politicians But just know that if it’s his time be to president nothing will stop him. Get Examples from all our presidents, I end here.

  15. We have seen these mocky tricks before trying to disadvantage other politicians But just know that if it’s his time be to president nothing will stop him. Get Examples from all our presidents, I end here.

  16. Just wondering why HH supporters don’t want to hear the evidence. Don’t you think it will give all of you some relief in knowing that your leader’s hands are clean? We all want the same thing which is a better Zambia and so for once we can support the cleansing process.

  17. Just wondering why HH supporters don’t want to hear the evidence. Don’t you think it will give all of you some relief in knowing that your leader’s hands are clean? We all want the same thing which is a better Zambia and so for once we can support the cleansing process.

  18. Just wondering why HH supporters don’t want to hear the evidence. Don’t you think it will give all of you some relief in knowing that your leader’s hands are clean? We all want the same thing which is a better Zambia and so for once we can support the cleansing process.

  19. Just wondering why HH supporters don’t want to hear the evidence. Don’t you think it will give all of you some relief in knowing that your leader’s hands are clean? We all want the same thing which is a better Zambia and so for once we can support the cleansing process.

  20. The Great Mweene Mutapa Cayman Islands conman is a thief par excellent! He can steal and still keep a straight face. Go for him Sean, seize him by the balls! They don’t mention petty thieves in Panama Papers

  21. After dumping Jezebel and tayali, now this guy is next to be used and dumped, if only these chaps can think that funding to political parties doesn’t only come from ruling party but from foreign funders who sponsor those with principles

  22. After dumping Jezebel and tayali, now this guy is next to be used and dumped, if only these chaps can think that funding to political parties doesn’t only come from ruling party but from foreign funders who sponsor those with principles

  23. After dumping Jezebel and tayali, now this guy is next to be used and dumped, if only these chaps can think that funding to political parties doesn’t only come from ruling party but from foreign funders who sponsor those with principles

  24. After dumping Jezebel and tayali, now this guy is next to be used and dumped, if only these chaps can think that funding to political parties doesn’t only come from ruling party but from foreign funders who sponsor those with principles

  25. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  26. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  27. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  28. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  29. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  30. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  31. Some people just like unnecessary publicity and being sued.if you have evidence that he swindled Zambia just go and report him to the relevant authorities. Infact there is a 3 bedroom offer for anyone with evidence.

  32. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  33. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  34. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  35. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  36. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  37. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  38. Does it mean that HH’s fellow opposition Leaders have realised that he’s the next President of Zambia hence this smear campaign?. Sean Tembo has now come out clean that he too is a PF hired gun but anyway it’s fine coz time wasters are slowly eliminating themselves. If Mr. Sean Tembo has evidence that HH swindled the country why not just proceed to court and present your evidence than behaving like Edith Nawakwi and Chilufya Tayali. I feel that this is a clear sign of HH being President of Zambia next year because even Sean Tembo himself is saying he’s one of the front-runners

  39. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  40. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  41. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  42. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  43. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  44. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  45. As though HH is the issues facing Zambia. Dont u know this shit is boring now. It has out played its usefulness at this point. Suck it up and talk issues relevant to the people now. Start talking about creating jobs.

  46. Remember I told you guys that shon Tembo is also a PF bandit,,,,,remember when he was pretending to work with HH,,,,,wako ni wako Politicians he will always be on Lungu’s payroll

  47. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  48. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  49. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  50. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  51. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  52. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  53. This privatisation thing has become music to most of these useless, one man parties who think if they manage to destroy the main opposition leader they will have it an easy way…its like a man who blows off another man’s candle in order to have theirs shine brighter, it always never works like that.

  54. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

    • Kakenenwa Sitondo listen to PeP president, he doesnt speak any how. Im the previous article he explained reasons why HH and ECL shud not be voted into office. The good thing is he says he can prove it in court and on that one even u know that HH has been defiant about that question. Nawakwi raised it and HH has never countered it. The issue of he was not in government, he did not steal alone does not count. The question is, is he clean?

    • Kakenenwa Sitondo listen to PeP president, he doesnt speak any how. Im the previous article he explained reasons why HH and ECL shud not be voted into office. The good thing is he says he can prove it in court and on that one even u know that HH has been defiant about that question. Nawakwi raised it and HH has never countered it. The issue of he was not in government, he did not steal alone does not count. The question is, is he clean?

    • Cephus Muleya if he has evidence let him report the matter to anti corruption commission.that is what is expected of a citizen.theres no obligation to rant on social media has no prosecutional authority under Zambian law

    • Cephus Muleya if he has evidence let him report the matter to anti corruption commission.that is what is expected of a citizen.theres no obligation to rant on social media has no prosecutional authority under Zambian law

    • Well said. But why not report to the relevant authority? Why going to the media? Is the media the ACC or Police? Why now and not earlier? Why is it that its the political leaders championing this? Dont you think they have a hidden agenda…people let us not be cheated by these political leaders. My question is how is this ranting going to fix our economy?

    • Well said. But why not report to the relevant authority? Why going to the media? Is the media the ACC or Police? Why now and not earlier? Why is it that its the political leaders championing this? Dont you think they have a hidden agenda…people let us not be cheated by these political leaders. My question is how is this ranting going to fix our economy?

  55. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

  56. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

  57. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

  58. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

  59. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

    • Kakenenwa Sitondo listen to PeP president, he doesnt speak any how. Im the previous article he explained reasons why HH and ECL shud not be voted into office. The good thing is he says he can prove it in court and on that one even u know that HH has been defiant about that question. Nawakwi raised it and HH has never countered it. The issue of he was not in government, he did not steal alone does not count. The question is, is he clean?

    • Cephus Muleya if he has evidence let him report the matter to anti corruption commission.that is what is expected of a citizen.theres no obligation to rant on social media has no prosecutional authority under Zambian law

    • Well said. But why not report to the relevant authority? Why going to the media? Is the media the ACC or Police? Why now and not earlier? Why is it that its the political leaders championing this? Dont you think they have a hidden agenda…people let us not be cheated by these political leaders. My question is how is this ranting going to fix our economy?

  60. For the first time I think I am believing that HH must be a big political force to reckon with! Come to think about it, he is being fought by the PF (ruling party), EEP (Tayali opposition party), FDD (Nawakwi opposition party), and Sean Tembo opposition party. He has managed to make other opposition parties forget the primary objective of their existence, that is to offer checks and balances on the ruling party and work towards forming the next government, but they have instead ganged up to suffocate him out of the race! Wow!!!!

  61. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  62. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  63. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  64. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  65. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  66. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  67. It’s always darkest before dawn! The temptations, betrayals, envy, jealous, and all manner of evil things will be thrown at you just before you succeed. Stay focused and eyes on the ball. HH has competed in the past five elections and no one brought out any such issue because his chances of winning were very low but now he has a very realistic chance. Unfortunately this is how zambian bring their friends down. HH eyes on the ball ignore the distractors.

  68. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  69. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  70. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  71. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  72. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  73. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  74. The real question should be WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVATION MR TEMBO??


    Right now the battle ia between PF and UPND, the harsh reality is PF have no calibre to govern,

    The reasons we need an urgent change in government is:

    1. Restore order and balance to the correct authorities (Judiciary, Security wings and law enforcement)

    2. Restore balance to expenditure and national wealth.

    3. Restore confidence both from local sectors and the international community.

    Right now there’s soo much chaos – not even PF supporters are aware – this chaos has reached such a cancerous state that if left unchecked – they won’t be any Zambia to talk about in the next 10 years – our downfall being our ignorance!!

  75. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  76. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  77. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  78. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  79. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  80. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  81. Hey you *****s but why today bapompwe imwe? Ninshi elo mwabuuka nangu shani? Where were you all these years Ba Mwankole imwe finshi amilila HH kanshi ba kolwe imwe? This time around you will have to arrest all of us who support HH and UPND, If it means ukuchenana tukachenana pantu mwaya saana. You know that many Zambians want the real change, now you want to make sure HH is booted out of the ballot paper. If you love Zambia and the peace we have enjoyed for so many years to continue, Hands off HH. Tell your pay masters that if they want to arrest HH or try to stop him in any way to stand as president , Tachakawame.

  82. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  83. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  84. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  85. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  86. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  87. Who should tell us who should become president. Why don’t people talk about Lungu’s swindling of a woman’s money as a lawyer? Awe bane this is now worrying me. But be rest assured that HH is becoming president you like it or not.

  88. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

    • Mapesho Blessings Lupemba I think tayali is more than a joker,try to take him serious on other things,the day he proved that kambwili forged,till kambwili jailed is the day I started taking his joke with a pinch of salt.Ignore him at your own peril.

  89. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  90. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  91. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  92. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  93. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  94. I like the stance that the ACC has taken on this matter after Chilufya Tayali reported HH. These guys are just mediocres. Instead of focusing on having the government provide checks and balances as well as forming new government, they are busy witch-hunting.

  95. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  96. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  97. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  98. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  99. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  100. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  101. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  102. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  103. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  104. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  105. Ama jealous. And why didn’t you provide the proof all this while? The extent that we want to see change in this country, some people will vote for the man even when he is in behind bars. You are fighting a losing battle Ba Tembo.

  106. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  107. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  108. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  109. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  110. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  111. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  112. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  113. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  114. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  115. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  116. All these political parties claimed they have manifestos kanshi their manifestos is HH this HH that. The same people who have been claiming HH is not a factor are the ones having sleepless nights because him. 2021 ni forward with HH mu state house

  117. Lusaka times check your settings looks like only one makaka commenting with different names on this topic,, Shon Tembo is the one commenting

  118. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  119. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  120. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  121. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  122. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  123. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  124. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  125. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  126. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  127. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

  128. This guy is a conman.whwn he went into the alliance he thoght he will be swimming in HH’s billions after finding that the guy is ‘frugal’ he doesnt throw money like confetti aba ba guy got frustrated and upon seeing guys insulting him getting oiled with cash all the time nabo thats how he changed gear.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

    • Keegan Mudenda Him, Tayali, Nawakwi, Pule, Cozmo and others are doing politics of the belly. They know where money is. Out of desperation by the ruling party, anyone who fights HH appeals to them. They will fund.So these guys are just opportunists taking advantage of the desperation. They know their tuntemba parties have no chances of winning but they have to eat. So they do mushanina bwali and stuff.

  129. When HH was contesting for presidency in the previous elections, where were you with these useless allegations, soon your fooliness will be exposed like that of Tayali and Nawakwi. Useless creature

  130. Ati you can’t run for presidency in US if you have not served in government. Which office did Trump serve in before he became president?

  131. I can see a personal problem here, otherwise Sean Tembo would have stuck to Mosi oa tunya issues but he has gone to not servining in government and other relevant issues. Well if you have evidence the civilized thing is to go to court and not go to social media

  132. The beatings from Monga was too much for this man, from the time of those beatings I can see a lot of sabailaling, too much bwetu bwetu, I have never heard him talk about his party and mobilization, he is just issuing statements from Ngwerere

  133. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  134. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  135. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  136. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  137. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  138. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  139. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  140. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  141. Sean Tembo like Chilufya Tayali want to remain relevant in the political arena by being used as attack dogs on HH. I used to think highly of Sean Tembo but it looks like he is just like the others who are able to sell their souls to the devil. The privatization issue has been exhaustively dealt with. Sata couldn’t have left HH had there been evidence of impropriety on HH’s part. Sean Tembo even lies about American politics. Donald Trump never served in government before becoming president

  142. You pick someone from the tavern and you make her your wife. In due course are you going to be surprised if she starts going back to the taverns? Lazo ni Lazo full stop.

  143. Zambia has embarked on an anticorruption crusade and each political leader has embraced it. The UPND is always naming the ruling party as CORRUPT and keeps saying will fight corruption to the core. Some of us are wondering why it is so difficult for the LEADER of this prestigious party to fail to be accountable whenever he is questioned on how he acquired his wealth. What assurance do we have that he is TRUTHFUL when he is saying he is going to stamp out corruption while he is failing to sort out his own problem? Are we really safe? why is he intimidating everyone who talks about his dealings? Can such a leader ever be questioned once he becomes a president? We have serious MORAL Issues here!

  144. It is better to have no tooth than having a dirty and rotten one. We need clean leaders not just anything. Let him exculpate himself. It is not easy to become a president. People will always remind you of who you are.

  145. Please tell us by how much he swindled so that we can believe you otherwise you are just distracting us from concentrating on real issues. Tell us the amount by which he swindled so that he (HH) can use it to sue you by a similar measure in claiming damages!!

  146. May I suggest to HH’ legal team that any individuals making further accusations pertaining to HH’s involvement in privatisation should no longer. be sued individually, but joined to Nawakwi and Tayali’s cases. This will prevent having a chain of individual litigations but only two.

  147. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  148. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  149. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  150. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  151. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  152. I think there should be a clause in electoral act against this type of behavior by opposition political parties. Parties in opposition which oppose other opposition political parties should be de-registered. because why do they exist? They serve no purpose.

  153. Yesterday you were dining and merrying with him, today ati he swindled Zambians.

    Why didn’t you say anything before you were axed on your head?!

    Get your head straight before you think about your priorities baba!

  154. Yesterday you were dining and merrying with him, today ati he swindled Zambians.

    Why didn’t you say anything before you were axed on your head?!

    Get your head straight before you think about your priorities baba!

  155. Yesterday you were dining and merrying with him, today ati he swindled Zambians.

    Why didn’t you say anything before you were axed on your head?!

    Get your head straight before you think about your priorities baba!

  156. Yesterday you were dining and merrying with him, today ati he swindled Zambians.

    Why didn’t you say anything before you were axed on your head?!

    Get your head straight before you think about your priorities baba!

  157. From saying ati hh was a tribalist, satanist, greedy, now is now called sold the mines but sold hotels politicians of Zambia are so stupid MWE

  158. This is why Zambia lags behind in many aspects, we have so many people trying to outsmart each other instead of focusing their energies on real issues that matter. While credibility is an important aspect from those who aspire for political office, we all understand that politician are never close to being referred to as credible. They strive on lies and fake promises. What we should be hearing from those especially in the opposition is how they intend to improve the economy and the lives of the citizens. If indeed Sean Tembo has evidence on HH swindling the nation, he should simply go to court or indeed the ACC or is he wanting some summons from HH’s lawyers?

  159. _Welcome to the noble role of the Illuminati, where charisma and elites are defended with goals and objectives achieved by their members_. In creating this online destination, we strive to bring order to a troubled world with chaos and lack, lighting a candle for all who walk the path as the night reaches its darkest point. The illuminatiam promises to transform it and make it famous and rich by expelling the hardships of poverty that undermine the unprivileged society by offering each new member a reward of $ USD,* Five new stylish cars monthly benefit of $ $ USD,* Free passport to any country of your choice *A well equipped house in any country you choose and a golden ring which guides you from enemies as an official member of the Illuminati organization. Each step brings you closer to the joy of Abundance if interested in living your dreams and putting an end to poverty whatsapp +16469213648 or Telegram +15203719864

  160. _Welcome to the noble role of the Illuminati, where charisma and elites are defended with goals and objectives achieved by their members_. In creating this online destination, we strive to bring order to a troubled world with chaos and lack, lighting a candle for all who walk the path as the night reaches its darkest point. The illuminatiam promises to transform it and make it famous and rich by expelling the hardships of poverty that undermine the unprivileged society by offering each new member a reward of $ USD,* Five new stylish cars monthly benefit of $ $ USD,* Free passport to any country of your choice *A well equipped house in any country you choose and a golden ring which guides you from enemies as an official member of the Illuminati organization. Each step brings you closer to the joy of Abundance if interested in living your dreams and putting an end to poverty whatsapp +16469213648 or Telegram +15203719864

  161. LT why are you allowing a lunatic to flood your site with an endless chain of posts? Very annoying. You should have blocked him from the 3rd or 4th comment.

  162. Ba sean Tembo, insala inganaiminyokola ikalenifye.You just showing your ignorance muchintu bwingi.Ama politics yansala will not take you anywhere.Is HH the only opposition party leader? You are behaving like a spoilt ? toddler.

  163. Right on Mr. Tembo, this crook/tribalist should not be allowed to enter state house. He contributed immensely to the suffering Zambians are going through now! A known thief/crook should not enter State House!

  164. The Opposition Political parties are suppossed 2 offer checks and balances 2 the ruling party.PEP leader Sean Tembo has also proved 2 be a mushanina bwali.PF failure 2 heal the zambia’s economy and fight corruption within their ranks should not be blanketed by cheap propaganda from sean tembo who only wants 2 fatten his belly from the crumbs dropping from the pf corrupt tables.

  165. Don’t take this man serious,he is a dreamer no and a hungry man whose trying to seek audience from up there.Why don’t just go to court if u have evidence instead of making noise.We are tired of this baseless lie.

  166. Intercontinental Livingstone was adveterised with Intercontinental Lusaka. Show what each bidder put for both hotels or only one hotel. Let people judge of swindling

  167. Intercontinental Livingstone was advertised together with Intercontinental Lusaka. Some bid for both hotels others for only one. Show this information so that peopel judge of swindling

  168. My question to you Mr. Sean E. Tembo – PeP President is, all these years before HH got in to politics you didn’t say anything or hint you had any query about privatization issue involving hh because this privatization issue is over 19 yrs old, now that you can see the man gaining political mileage is when you all of a sudden have evidence??? ?, I’m calling bullshit on this one (lies) . If you have proof, take the man to court, not this nonsense on social media, if you can’t just shut up.

    Concentrate on building your party instead of confusing people and a situation that is already confused. If you don’t have anything constructive to say just keep quiet, we know that you have been sent… ?

  169. Dont worry bro hes just a stupid cadre who is seeking sympathy from P.F instead of fighting togther you are siding with them how are you going to convince voters to vote for you your friend is busy you you are talking about something which happened 20 years ago kuwayawaya fye bally for 2021

  170. I can simply say this HH they r trying to paint BLACK has become first ever to be CRITICIZED in the HISTORY of the OPPOSITION if we are to compare to MR SATA.this MAN is a BAD news and his popularity has grown to the level where some THIEVES r not SLEEPING ANY MORE .LETS WATCH WE SEE HOW THEY R BIZY PANICKING

  171. Does it mean that there was not governme at that particular time when HH was selling all those companies I am very supprised with these accusations from the people who can not use their brains

  172. Not a Tonga president , Tongas are best thieves/crooks have ever worked with in my life. Try HH and you will regret. Tongas are bad news, they only recognize Tonga, no other tribal. When they meet a stranger, their thought is, “nkambo muli ba Tonga, baku . . . . . ! HH has promised to fire all Bemba , Easterner PSs, Directors! Replace them with Tongas! Does he realize how big the Bemba -speaking empire is, to be side-lined? Mr. Tembo you are right HH is not clean enough to enter state house! A known thief!

  173. When one exposes self to be stupid while pretending to be intelligent! Tembo uses the USA as an example when in his young life he has got Donald Trump sitting in the White House! Can Tembo share his “informed” self when Trump served in government or even participated in any government program let alone serve in any of the security institutions? It is not written anywhere in the Zambian Constitution that it is a prerequisite to serve in some position in governance structures for one to be eligible for presidency! That every political non entity will invoke an unwritten policy or requirement and try to force it on the people is utter nonsense! If legislators had felt it is consequential by now a law would have been enacted! Let politics be for giants and not minions who will go all out to…

  174. contd….. fish for reasons that give relevance to their existence and participation! Zambia would be better ridding itself of bloated number of political parties! Advice to Tembo is he volunteers to be of service to Tayali if with the evidence he claims to have he has not chosen to engage with the investigative institutions but go dance with the media!

  175. Another educated but ignorant politician … you don’t take a case in which you are not the aggrieved to court, and you don’t rush to media outlets about it if you actually have evidence. You take the case to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Zambians should be careful about who to support for the presidency in 2021.

  176. Nigga klepto h² will end up suing thewhole Zambia demanding umuzulu.
    Yak! Kikikikikikijukija. Alitemwa umuzulu nigga h².

  177. The solution for HH is to face these accusations in court with a sober mind and apologise to the nations for his dark past. Umulandu taubola. It may take years but still that case will keep on haunting HH even in the years to come. Intimidation by sueing for money those with evidence won’t help even if you sue them for trillions of dollars. That tactic is not working. Take them to court and clear your name if you are clean. Nawakwi has evidence, Tayali has and now Tembo has. The next will be Kabimba, Kalaba, CK and Mulyokela. Clear these issues before elections in 2021, they may just stand in your way as one may pertition your candidature. Time is now

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