SHIWAN’GANDU Constituency Member of Parliament Hon Stephen Kampyongo has insisted that opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Leader Hakainde Hichilema is in urgent need of mental health attention.
Speaking in interview in Shiwan’gandu yesterday, Hon Kampyongo who’s is also Minister of Home Affairs said that the lunacy the UPND leader has been exhibiting whenever he addresses a fraction of Zambians requires proper mental health scrutiny.
He said that it is very unfortunate for an entire Presidential aspirant to be conducting himself in the manner Hichilema has been lately of insulting Zambians.
“Clearly the man has lost his mental sanity because no sane political leader can use the kind of foul language he has been using every time he gets a chance to address a section of Zambians “Hon Kampyongo said.
He wondered why the womenfolk and all their pressure groups and movements are mute after Hichilema showered insulted them at a rally in Pemba recently.
Hon Kampyongo said that Hichilema needs to learn to tame his colonized mind and mouth and begin to put some respect on Zambian women as opposed to going round demeaning them.
“ So those who claimed he did not understand the language he used when he insulted Bembas in Kasama not long ago, what are they saying now that he has chosen to insult Zambians in his on language” Hon Kampyongo wondered.
Hon Kampyongo said that it is possible for Hichilema to undergo a mental health break down because loosing elections five times in a role is no easy cross to carry.
What insult is Stephen Kampyongo specifically citing?
Look who is talking. Kapyongo of all people to lecture us on who requires mental attention. Ekupwa kwa chalo uku
Is this the kind of leadership we deserve? Leadership like Dora, Kampyongo, people who think politics is only about character assassination? Politics should be about delivery. We have too many unemployed in a country of 18 million and full of natural resources. Our leadership is not creative. They only know how to insult each other
Kampyongo as for you, you deserve not only mental check up but jail. You’re a criminal involved in a number of high profile criminal activities such as gassing of innocent Zambians, grand corruption and looting of national monies by abnormally inflating the cost of fire trucks, police armoured vehicles, trying to bring down an helicopter carrying UPND officials, burning of city market etc. What crime did HH commit? If I were you, I would start identifying a country of exile. Because Zambia will be hell for you after August 2021.
Honestly is that not bad and uncouth language? Let Dora issue a statement instead of condemning good old Tonga language as insulting.
It’s you sir who needs a mental check up!! A sane leader would not speak ill of another leader nor propagate hate!!
HH should sue Kampyongo.
Innocent Kalimanshi, come and get your man????
To go and do what with? ??
David M Mwanangombe for treatment
Nah Sindila, kindly prescribe please, Over The Counter generic treatment might not be effective.
Kampyongo we will cite you for abuse of our noble men in uniform
CSOs, church groups are quiet because they are part of the group that support upnd and want an hh presidency for their benefit. Their role is to undermine the PF GRZ so as to effect regime change as proposed by the same sponsors who want a puppet upnd GRZ that will hand over the newly discovered gold and other minerals and parastatals like ZESCO to western companies.
Short Kapyongo even the brains are as short as his height. He can’t stand the heat because he too short to stand
Bakaamba,it’s actually you who needs psychological evaluation. You need international mental doctors that should check everything in you,from the brain to the spine!
Kalimanshi your boy kuno
Your level is Innocent Kalimanshi not HH…… Know your correct opponent.
Brighton S. B. Banda I second and agree with this observation 100%
Brighton S. B. Banda very true.
He has the same background as that kalimanshi guy. By the way, what was Kampyongo doing before joining PF?
Kunda Bowa he was a Kama dollar at town centre katondo area.
Brighton S. B. Banda ,totally agree with you on this one.
Let us all register to vote. As we go to vote. Lets not vote on emotions. Let’s ask those standing to share their manifesto so that we vote or not vote for them based on the ideas/policies they have that affect all of us.
1. What’s their policy on pay as you earn?
2. What is their policy on excise tax/ duty?
3. What’s their policy on corporate taxes?
4. Whats their policy on Pensions ?
5.Whats their land ownership policy ?
6. Whats the policy on education, health?.
7. What is their policy on agriculture and promotion of local products?
What’s the policy on easing regulation?
8. What is the strategy to ending smuggling,???? corruption etc
9. What is their policy on the rule of law and ending the pathetic cardalism within their parties etc?
I can go on.
You can not swim to the shore with rocks double your weight tied to your legs.
We need transparent leaders..
Kampyongo u dont know any word in Tonga as before u comment anything against HH come 2021 PF will b in oppositon
The headline and content
Bwana dont wonder why the womenfolk and all their pressure groups and movements are mute after the alleged insults its because some people just deserve it and there is nothing they can do about it. The best is for you who are sane to keep quiet over such socalled insults so that people can see the difference. Otherwise you will be judged to be worse than HH.
By the way chi..kala is not an insult in Bemba its just a name of a man’s organ or asset!!!!
No bwana Kampyongo. You, the PF government are the ones in need of medical attention. Just look at where your economic policies have gotten us. We have defaulted the repayment of Eurobonds. This is what you need to focus on right now, not HH’s so called unpalatable language
You where a Katondo man and the language used pa Katondo is nyanja and bemba, just like the other bus driver from kabushi,
HH was holding a rally in pemba, southern province he’s strong hold, if he insulted it’s up to the Tonga’s from that side to tell the nation which insults where used.
You are not a linguistic teacher, but a product of Katondo who’s now home affairs minister na Muzungu anga fye kuseka?????Africa.
I was just wondering if HH would need what you are suggesting, what would be best for a person like yourself and your masters?
Please specify the insults… May be the Women cant see any insults in what HH said.
Money changer and Katondo street graduate.
This means whoever speaks Tonga language need mental health attention. What an insult to the Tonga speaking people.
Kampyongo you are a foolish man. You have no manners.
Chif Sunday ,correct
Boss kampyongo my best advice ! Just focus on how to govern this nation and tell the labour to carry their duties people ar suffering in industrial areas
Instead of talking about the exchange rate which is out of the roof He is busy talking about an individual. This man does not realise that as Minister of Home Affairs, he has a lot of work to do. At immigration at Mokambo and Chembe, his ministry just needs to design a form which will have all the answers that DRC immigration can pick from and enter into their books, an individual Zambian has to go in 6 different offices in Congolese offices at the borders and answer more than 25 questions which if our ministry was a sharp, a simple form could have been designed and the Congolese could pick answers from there instead of wasting time answering the long unnecessary repetitive questions, but he is busy focusing on HH
I agree with Kampyongo 100%. This was discussed with at some forum a week ago. HH needs mental assessment especially now that his sponsors hands are growing shorter.
HH is trying hard to convince his sponsors to continue with financing him now that they surreptitiously striking deals with his nemesis and allowed explorations in Sesheke and surrounding areas.
And the high crime in our compounds, and the abuse of the public order act, and the lawlessness from PF caders running bus stops instead of councils, and the beating of opposition members who were their political regalia in the markets, and the assembling of PF caders without ‘permits” and the caders stoning opposition helicopters in Shiwangandu every election time. To him that is not important, what is important is the focus on an individual who is threatening the loss of his job. RB after losing elections said that I cried because I looked at my many friends who were going to loose their jobs. There is an unemployment in this country, that is why you hear people saying I am a boot licker in order to keep their jobs.
Dora raised the middle finger in parliament an open insult actually As if that was not enough she went to issue very tribal and divisive comments in Eastern province recently and it appears her party is very pleased with the comments as there has been no retraction. Even insulting the owner of the party, that Sata knew nothing about maize and was killing agriculture. Edgar called Zambians utupuba. I am sure Kampyongo did not all hear this, he must have been in the bush in Shiwangandu.
(HH) has gone mad after losing 6 elections as opposition leader for 16 years.
He is carrying a heavy cross of defeat after defeat. Mukuni is disappointed with (HH)
Who said we want normal people..look at how our economy is performing with so called normal people..
HH is not your level..just continue fighting with kalimanshi…your boss recently said utupuba said nothing…you need mental health attention more Kampyongo.
Although Hichilema might be insane and deserves to go to Chainama at least his insanity didn’t cause him to gas the people so he isn’t that bad. So tell us who gassed the people? If you can’t then go to Chainama before you ask Hichilema to join you
The arguments of current government official are equal to those of a primary school pupil, how unfortunate!! Your own boss calls us utupuba elo mu ndwiii
Register and vote! That’s the only action that matters right now. Let these chaps bicker amongst themselves, just be ready to vote ?
Chikala. Why didn’t you reply to your level kalimanshi. Iwe tombanoko
Of course he does. You can’t be normal to lose elections over 4 times but continue to contest. Nichofunta icho. I will volunteer to pay for his mental health checks
Hahahaha it gets more interesting as elections get closer. Enjoying the drama!!
He needs mental health attention himself for him and the rest of his colleagues for them not to be able to see that this country’s economy is in a mess
The only insanity zambians should worry about is when you see cadres putting on military attire and calling each other “commander” this insanity is deadly as compared to satire. is BWAYA an insult, BWAYA is just a tonga word for the bums, its common among zambians especially women to always refer to how their bums have shrikened during hard times.
Someone here requires brain scan
I agree, a thorough brain scan. But on second thought, even without a scan one can confirm that there is a problem here. Remember in a drunken state at their ubomba mwibala alya mwibala fund raising event in Ndola. The man confessed that he pushes police to terrorize opposition leaders
How is the list of the truth commission looking? I am sure it contains plunderers, human rights abusers, violent cadres. In shiwangandu, they are some violent cadres permanently placed there, they specialize in opposition helicopter stoning. Will the commission also look for who killed Mapenzi Chibulo, Vespers Shimuzhila and Frank Ng’ambi. There was also some men who died in Kaoma and Roan bye elections, the killers have not been brought to book. No vengeance please, just justice. Appears these issues require abnormal people to come and sort out as the seemingly mentally okay ones have failed both the governance and economic management test.
Mwenya Musenge’s argument in the mast newspaper today makes a lot of sense. He says Edgar Lungu misled his ministers to stay in office illegally after 2016 dissolution of parliament and he is asking what will stop him misieading himself in interpreting the constitutional court ruling that he is eligible to stand this time. Does Musenge also require a mental check, of course not
It is clear to us who is sick……no one needs to tell us.
Kalimanshi his looking for you one on one not hh
HH has no control over his mind I guess, he is speaking nonsense nowadays.
Kapyonga it appears the position of Home Affairs minister came by accident.How come you are incharge of a ministry which was suppose to deal with you while you used to be at Katondo street changing currency illegally?The drug enforcement commision should have locked you up that time.People like Steven kapyonga have made Zambia look like a piece of a circus show.
This happens when you are overconfident. HH always used to say that people love him and he is going to be the President of Zambia. And now, when he realized that President Lungu is going to win again in the 2021 election, he became crazy.
HH is a businessman he can never be a good politician. He didn’t come into power ever, not even for once.
Why police are not taking action against HH, Tayali exposed him with evidence related to corruption and privatization scandal. Please throw HH in jail!
Since when did Kampyonyo acquire qualifications in medicine, psychiatrics to be specific to start diagonising HH with insanity? From my position, it actually looks like its Kampyonyo himself whose head is infected with lots of masalamusi mu kalukobo!
Diarrhea mukanwa can not win elections anymore. Speak issues please. To do an IQ evaluation today. Results in the report can be shocking. U are the first person in Zambia to have arrested a a whistle blower
The fact is entire Zambians know that Hichilema does not have a single quality of leadership. He is in politics to earn money.
HH must teach this rabid baboon a Nawakwi lesson, sue!
This Criminal Kampyongo will soon be in prison garb.
Mwankoles, we know you.
Kampyongo tell us who gassed n killed 50 innocent Zambians.We need to bring the culprits to book as we don’t want a reoccurrence of this. Don’t tell us it’s now a cold case.
How many wars has Trump started and How many has he won? Hh should learn from Trump…..Like Trump hh has been fighting everyone,,he insulted Con court Judges, High court Judges, he has insulted the IG, insulted the President, insulted Bembas and Easterners…..just bekoz PF was started by a Bisa Bemba and now ECL is President…..Hakainde is a know it all…..and he is feared by all his disciples…….Now thats hh for you. he has brainwashed his tribe and their tribal cousins to rise against Bembas and easterners…..This guy can be a dictator….and his nonsense must be stopped if nothing is done this cult called UPND is getting stronger in bitterness everyday