Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kawambwa chiefs endorse President Lungu 2021 candidature


Traditional leaders in Kawambwa district have endorsed President Edgar Lungu’s candidature in next’s year’s 2021 general elections. The traditional leaders announced their support for President Lungu when he meet them in Pambashe constituency yesterday.

The three chiefs who throw their weight behind President Lungu’s leadership and government included Senior Chief Mushota, Chief Chama and Sub-Chief Kabanda.

Senior Chief Mushota commended the government for the many developmental projects taking place in Kawambwa district. The traditional leader expressed gratitude on behalf of his subjects for transforming the economic outlook of the district.

He disclosed that under the PF government Kawambwa has enjoyed unprecedented development.

He cited the Green 2000, revived Kawambwa tea and Sunbird project as some the developmental projects that have impacted positively the livelihood of the people.

However, Senior Chief Mushota requested President Lungu to intervene and ensure that Sunbird and Green 2000 farms are connected to electricity.

He complained that the lack of electricity is hampering the named farms from operating at full capacity.

The traditional leader emphasised that once connected to power farming activities will be enhanced in the luena farming block.

“We are thankful for the development you are bringing here in Kawambwa district. As PF you have brought a lot of development in the district.

“The Green 2000 and Sunbird farms have made huge investment but they need electricity to operate at full capacity. They need power to run their mechanised machines.

As chiefs in Kawambwa we are promising to support you and your government in 2021, so that you continue with your leadership,” Senior Chief Mushota said.

He also appealed to the Head of State to consider working on the remaining roads so as to improve the road network in the district.

And Chief Chama reiterated his support for President Lungu’s leadership.

He assured the Head of State support of getting hundred percent support from the people.

“Mr President come 2021 we are voting for you “Lungu” so that you continue with his leadership which is development oriented,” he assured.

He also thanked government for the ongoing works on the Kawambwa/Mporokoso road.

The traditional leader informed President Lungu that the royal establishment is working closely with the area member of parliament for Pambashe Ronald Chitotela.

Meanwhile President Lungu says he is impressed that the traditional leadership is working closely with the members of parliament in fostering development.

President Lungu says it good that the royal highness are working with elected members of parliament adding this will enhance development.

“I have seen that you are working together which is good, this well enhance development in the district,” he said.

He also implored traditional leaders to encourage their subjects to register in the on going voter registration exercise.

President Lungu said it is the right of the people to choose leaders of their choice.

And commenting on power, President Lungu promised the traditional leaders to engage the Ministers of Finance, Energy and Luapula province Minister to discuss the way forward on connecting the named facilities in Kawambwa district.

He stressed that government is ready to work with any in spearheading national development.

“ This coming week am going to meet the Ministers of Finance, Energy and Luapula province Minister to discuss the issue of power and see how we can bring power here. Let’s continue to work together and those that want to work with us.”


  1. Are these tuma chiefs members of PF? How can they endorse someone if they are not members?
    That means even street thieves can endorse him as one of them!! What kind of desperation is this sure? He must be packing now, it is time up – there is no third term!!

  2. See what ignorance can do. No idea that the constitution says if somebody has been elected twice, he is not eligible. I think our constitution needs to be interested in local languages

  3. Not elligible but also the easiest candidate to beat due to clear incompetence, a currency depreciating by over 50% in a single year. Who does that?

  4. ECL seems to be more concerned about winning the election next year than fixing the economy, unemployment levels and other important issues, which will ultimately make him leave office regardless of who endorses him, you are a President as at now, try to fix all the things u can b4 2021.

  5. This issue of politicizing traditional leaders is very primitive.
    It has no moral ground.

    Traditional leaders are NOT suppose to be politically inclined.
    It’s a receipt for tribal divisions.

  6. @Jairo, you are reading the clauses of the constitution in isolation. Take time to read all the articles and clauses, you will find the term and holding office twice correctly interpreted. The Dan Pule case aptly addresses this issue. Come 2021 you will be caught napping.

  7. Consequences of poverty, some corrupt traditional leaders once given brown envelopes can do anything…ECL is indeed corrupt and is taking advantage of the poverty and hunger he has created in Zambia…

  8. How can you endorse someone who is not eligible? If Chiefs started endorsing leaders for 2021 other than himself he will be the first one to cry about chiefs being non partisan

  9. Those chiefs has got one vote each like mine so it holds no water. It is an exercise in futility. We don’t rule Zambia based on chiefs endorsements or party endorsements but by the constitution.

  10. These development what, what working visit are really working for Lungu this guys is seriously campaign for himself he is all over the country believe brown envelopes are being passed left, right and center see how calm all the chiefs are, if you dont believe pay visits at the chiefs Palace and if you dont find anything new then am lying

  11. It is shocking how our leaders just worry about pple sucking up to them day in day out, but it takes Tito Mboweni to point out that we are a failed state because our leaders turn a blind eye to reality.

  12. The same chiefs did it to FTJ’s days. It was the same luapulans busy receiving big vehicles championing FTJ’s third term. Respect the constitution not above a brown envelope blesser

  13. So if these *****s called head Men indose so what…no impact. This idiocy of indosing some one started in UNIP days. Then mmd and now pf…..its people who vote not these useless village headmen…..

  14. A corrupt leader is leading you only because there are more corrupted people to vote for him.

  15. Its not a Constitutional requirement that a Presidential Candidate be endorsed by Traditional Chiefs. Its only the Nomination Court which vets the Eligibility of a Presidential Candidates. In the end Concourt Zambia will have to Rule whether or not ECL has been elected and sworn in twice and therefore Eligible to stand as a Presidential Candidate in 2021 Elections. Concourt will have to prove to the Nation and entire World that they can make an objective and Professional Ruling on this crucial issue. Concourt’s decision will have an everlasting impact on Zambia’s Constitutional Democracy. The writing is on the wall.

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